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  1. DISCLAIMER: Now before we begin I don't want anyone to think I am Complaining about the current vote (Extinction at the time I'm writing this), I'm not asking to impliment the rules I suggest immediately, I'm not gonna ask that despite my personal feelings and frustrations, nor do I think it would be the right decision to disqualify a certain creature or two in the 11th hour of the Extinction Vote's Round 1, I will not name names but it will be pretty obvious that I will be talking about certain creature submissions and their authors, I ask you not to send hate towards them or harass them as I do not want that, I have also spoken with many other Submission Authors/Artists about these topics and for the most part they agree with or partly agree with some of the problems I'm going to split this into 3 parts 1. The Problems 2. Potential Solutions 3. Notes and Messages to Devs/Community The Problems 1. Content Creators - While Content Creators (CC for short) are part of the community and Fully Deserve to participate in the votes, whether they are Streamers, YouTubers, Mod Creators, etc. they do present an issue of Influence on their followings when they submit their own creatures for the vote, many tend to vote for the person over the creature, even when the CC asks their following not to do just that 2. Multiple Submissions from the same Author in a single vote - Now I don't bash on the ideas of the creatures submitted any new creature for the game is good for everyone, however multiple submissions from the same person presents an issue, say if one author submits 3-4 ideas and they're all popular enough to make it into the top 10 then that leaves 3-4 others who have worked hard on their only submitted creature left out, and makes things unfair 3. Timing of Creature Submissions - Community Crunches usually come in around 8pm EST and that's when Creature Submission Voting usually starts, this presents problems for other who are in different time zones making them late to submit their ideas by an hour to a whole day later, for the most part many who submit their ideas late end up getting left behind because most voters will concentrate on the top 10-15 creatures 4. Comment Downvoting - Downvoting is a problem that many abuse whenever someone makes a comment either good or bad about the creature, sometimes an author is just trying to make an announcement to help out those confused on how to vote and it will get downvoted by people who hate the creature, downvoting just further plays into the Hate and Toxicity that the votes bring 5. Disadvantaged Creatures - By Disadvantaged creatures I'm talking about Spiders, Snakes, Roaches, Worms, Creatures in the same classification as previous winners, ETC. these ideas tend to be looked down upon by the most vocal part community and these creatures recieve hatred and toxicity to try and bring them down 6. Repeat Submissions - A lot of talk has been going around about seeing repeat submissions always in the top 10 and it seems to be very split down the middle with the community and no one can decide on a solution to the issue Potential Solutions 1. Content Creators - CCs should be allowed to make an alternative account and register it with Wildcard so they know who they are and don't ban them, this would allow them to post their own submissions and remain Anonymous to the Community so there is no Influence on their supporters, I'd like to think CCs would also have the Courtesy of using alternative accounts to advertise their creature on the social media platforms of their choice that way the can remain completely Anonymous this way they give Submission Authors with little to no following a fair chance 2. Multiple Submissions from the same Author in a single vote - Now I don't believe you should be limited to just 1 creature to submit, I do believe to give everyone a fair chance only the more popular creature (if more than 1 is in top 10) should be allowed to advance to the 2nd round, any creatures below the creature(s) that is disqualified to advance shoulde be bumped up a ranking to give others a chance to participate in the 2nd round 3. Timing of Creature Submissions - Creature submissions should have a 3 day grace period to be submitted before round 1 voting begins that way every who has submitted has a decent shot at making it up to the top 10, during this grace period voters will not be able to see the submissions, and the Authors will be able to only see their own submission(s) for editting reasons 4. Comment Downvoting - Downvotes should just be removed entirely that way it can't be abused or further promote toxicity 5. Disadvantage Creatures - Now this is a tricky solution but I have a few ideas and not all of them are entirely mine either but some come from other Creature Submission Authors, the 1st idea is to give the most popular creatures that consistantly come in 2nd or 3rd across multiple votes should get the Carchar Treatment as that particular pandora's box was opened when the devs brought in the Carchar, however I know not everyone would be a fan of this idea so the 2nd idea is for the Devs at the end of the votes of all the ASA maps will announce a Developer's Choice from every top 10, that way a 2nd creature from every top 10 can be brought into each map, these 2nd set of creatures do not have to be introduced immediatley as the maps launch they can be introduced later when the devs have the time to do so, and the third idea is to announce a series of votes further down the line that are themed around certain Classifications of creatures such as Arachnids/Snakes/Mammals/Dinosaurs/Fantasy/Science Fiction/Communtiy Custom Creatures, this can also be extended to a shoulder pet/water/flyer/land/non-tamable/non-ridable vote 6. Repeat Submissions - this is not the perfect solution as both sides of the conversation have points to their arguments, but here is my take a certain creature should skip a vote only if it makes it into the top 10 in the previous vote, this can shake up the top 10 every vote and make Submission Authors be more strategic about what votes they enter Notes and Messages to Devs/Community - Time Between the Votes is too short for Authors/Artists to really prepare their Submission(s) for the next one even when a vote is skipped this makes them unprepared and at a disadvantaged and the downtime between votes should be extended, Devs also need to Communicate when and what map the vote will be at the same time they announce the winner of a vote - While I don't expect this to change voters need to remind themselves that each creature submission had a lot of time and effort spent by real people, so hating on an Author or Creature just because you don't like it is not an excuse to call them horrible things and drag down their submission(s) - There is a difference between constructuve and pointless critism, before commenting things that many submission Authors hear a lot like "I don't think it fits the Map", "This is basically just another >Insert existing creature here<", or "this is not a very good concept" these comments do not help the Submisson Author at all as their is no reasons behind why people say this and it gets the author like myself discouraged or defensive and then the author becomes the bad guy, there needs to be reasons behind your comments to be constructive and help the author improve upon their submission(s), now granted their are some people who say these things just because they don't like the creature, and some authors may take actual constructive critism as insults or get defensive, but for the most part this needs to improve That is all I have to say and I hope everyone who reads this will share it around, I also hope the Devs will see this and actually use some of these solutions to make the voting system more fair and less toxic, I wrote this up on behalf myself of several other submission authors who feel these changes can help improve the system, I will not name them for their protection from hate, please have a good day and treat others fairly.
    4 points
  2. This really and truly needs to be listened to by the staff at wildcard.
    4 points
  3. I think in terms of disadvantaged creatures, a possible solution could be to create Creature Submissions that focus on a certain group or theme. For example, a vote solely for invertebrates, or insects, or snakes, or in general creepy crawlies. Not only would it help these particular creatures shine, but also help reduce the number of submissions to feature the ones meant for that Creature Submission alone. Here are a few ideas I had in mind for themed submissions: -Invertebrates -Creepy Crawlies (Halloween themed!) -Flyers -Shoulder Pets -Aquatics -Fish -Birds -Mammals -Marsupials -Sauropods -Theropods -Raptors -Ceratopsians -Synapsids -Amphibians -Reptiles -Fantasy -Future Speculative Creatures The list could go on and on! What do you all think?
    4 points
  4. Honestly I think the biggest issue of the votes is the complete lack of "easy access" information on the finalists in round 2. Put it simply, it seems no one can be bothered to read for like 15 minutes which hurts the chances of pretty much every submission because people love to just assume "Oh it's just exactly like this existing creature from what I briefly looked at for 2 seconds". Including pictures of the finalists, or links that actually work, or just a brief description of how the creature would actually be implemented in game (to avoid the "oh it doesn't share mechanics though" argument) would improve things soooo much Also, only point I don't particularly agree on is the multiple submissions. To a point, it makes sense, but with how hit or miss the voting process is to getting into the top 10, if someone is lucky enough to get things into the top 10, I say that's just how it goes. At the end of the day, it's a competition about creature design, and if creature designs are being voted into the top 10 (without outside influences) there's nothing wrong with that
    3 points
  5. Introducing Edmontonia ignitus, the Powder keg Anky! SUMMARY: Edmontonia ignitus can be found meandering around the Sulfur fields of Extinction. Seemingly ignorant of the abundant elemental corruption, these Stego-sized Nodosaurs' have evolved a frighteningly effective strategy for dealing with the many aggressive threats of corrupted Earth: FIRE! The numerous scutes and spines of the Edmontonia's thick plating is covered in large amounts of volatile flint powder. While they don't sport the tail club of their relatives, they make effective use of their tail as incredibly powerful whips! So effective in fact, that they have adapted to creating powerful explosions and flaming trails with these incredible whip flurries! Edmontonia are also quite capable of utilizing their massive shoulder spikes to not only puncture the hides of attackers, but cover them in this combustible powder! GAMEPLAY: -- Edmontonia is a stego-sized herbivorous dino roaming the sulfur fields of Extinction. They are passive creatures, but can put up quite the fight. When tamed, the main gimmick of the Edmontonia is it's flint powdering effect. -- Edmontonia will have two stances: A forward facing stance that utilizes its flint-covered shoulder spikes and heavily armored back, and a backward facing stance that utilizes it's fast whip-like tail with powerful knockback and igniting capabilities. -- Edmontonia has a new stacking debuff which applies stacks of powdered flint to creatures it attacks with its' shoulder spikes or recoil damage while in forward facing stance. This debuff does not do damage on its' own, but instead acts as a damage multiplier for fire. This multiplier is directly tied to Edmontonia's melee damage. The more stacks of flint powder a creature has, in addition to a high melee stat, will make the enflamed debuff VERY dangerous. -- When tamed, survivors will be able to harvest bits of armored plating from their Edmontonia. While parts of these plates regrow, the damage reduction will be reduced. These harvested plates can be used to rapidly create barricade-like wall structures. While these structures themselves can be damaged by most types of enemies, they have very high health and also inflict the powdered flint debuff to attackers. -- Being an Ankylosaur (Nodosaur if you want to be picky 🤓), Edmontonia are super effective at gathering Metal along with a natural weight reduction. In addition to this, Edmontonia will also gather sparkpowder when they gather from stone nodes, similar to Beelzebufo gathering Cementing Paste. TAMING: Edmontonia are naturalborn pyromaniacs. While normally quite ignorant of other creatures, it's very intrigued by fire. If a nearby survivor uses fire in some way, be it a flamethrower or even a measly torch, you may garner the interest of an Edmontonia. At this point, a defense type sequence will trigger (you trigger it by interacting with the intrigued Edmontonia.) Aggressive creatures of a similar level to the Edmontonia will spawn nearby, and set their aggression on the tanky anky. While your new friend will apply powdered flint to it's enemies, you will have to burn these powdered threats. Burning enemies that have the powdered flint debuff will add taming affinity to the Edmontonia! CONTROLS/ATTACKS: -- Omnidirectional Movement/Turn in Place. There is NO reason to not have this on a creature. It only benefits a player to control a creature with movement QoL like this. This would also be very helpful when making use of the forward/backward facing stances and their attacks. -- Forward Facing Stance: This is the default state of Edmontonia. They are more heavily armored on their front, receiving damage reductions from frontal attacks. Attacks received from the front will also cause recoil damage which inflict the powdered flint debuff. -- Left Click makes use of the Edmontonia's shoulder spikes. This attack is moderately hard hitting with a decent attack speed, and applies stacks of the powdered flint debuff. -- Spacebar changes stances between Forward facing and Backward facing, turning the creature in a 180 on the spot. When backward facing, forward movement input causes the creature to walk backwards, treating their tail as their forward direction. Only spacebar allows you to switch the facing direction. It is NOT like Tuso where the camera can fight with you. -- Right Click is the rapid tail whipping attacks. These attacks don't hit hard, but they are fast with decent knockback. If the enemy has the powdered flint debuff, these whip attacks will cause the enflamed debuff. -- C Key triggers a unique state for Edmontonia. Grinding the plates together on its back in a unique motion, Edmontonia releases large trailing clouds of powdered flint, which apply the powdered flint debuff to enemies that wander through. This state requires sparkpowder in its' inventory and will actively consume the resource during this state. TL;DR (WITH PICTURES! 🤓) RANDOM IDEAS: These are ideas that could maybe be on the creature and i've just tossed around, but I don't know if they're necessarily needed. -- Gunpowder in inventory causes explosion type damage with tail whip attacks. -- Whipping attacks on barricades causes them to ignite, dealing enflamed to attackers. -- Barricades when destroyed create a slowing, defense reduction effect AoE. Leave feedback below for more combat/utility ideas or things like taming, if I get more ideas i'll update this post with them. Appreciate you all ❤️
    2 points
  6. We discussed issue 2 at length and ultimately had to ask ourselves : is our creature submission event supposed to focus on the creature or the person who submits the creature, to which the answer echoes what a few users in this thread have already stated. If a user's submissions prove popular enough with the community that multiples of them manage to make it into the top 10, then that just means that by their merit they provided multiple creatures that the community would like to see. In regards to disabling downvotes, it is unfortunately tied to how posts gain upvotes. The system in place only asks our end on what user groups can rank topics/answers, and does not distinguish between ranking them up or down.
    2 points
  7. Oh yea no, courtesy of wildcard and snail holding console player saves behind a paywall those are forsaken. Really scummy in my opinion considering they already have an avenue for revenue through unofficial. Letting people just have their saves for free wouldnt impact them in the slightest.
    2 points
  8. Quick upate. I think we finally got there!! Between myself, Alex and Cadei who help with the ASB team it appears we can now finally read in Island892. I'll re-test all the other maps mentioned and a couple of older ones I have just to make sure but if no issues are found after work with them I'll put together a release this evening. Over 110k tames in cryo.. total of 117,259 tames!! No wonder it was still going after I left it 5 hours this morning. Thankfully I got a fix.. this backup now loads on my machine in approx. 15 minutes. ... edit .. Tested and working with: The Island 892 Aberration 266 Ragnarok 210 The Island 763 Still working on fixes to read in Valguero 544 - the stored creatures appear to be split between two portions of the file with it being more than 4GB in size.
    2 points
  9. This looks like Yingi to me, I was shown a picture of it in amber and it has all the same traits, spider? check. Huge strange tail? check. If this looked more accurate to the real life Yingi that was in amber, not only would it be hideous, but it also wouldn't fit remotely as well as this one does for its seriously incredible abilities as well as the map that it's been entered into. I've spoken to some of those who disliked it for not being Paleo enough, a few of them turned around and defended a creature for being more fantasy-looking in appearance. At the end of the day this is a game that has a large amount of fantasy mixed with dinosaurs, it has NOTHING to do with accuracy whatsoever, aside from just trying to bring cool creatures from the past to life. If there wasn't a Yingi so well preserved in amber and we just found a leg or two on a fossil, these same people would suddenly be all for something like this.
    2 points
  10. I certainly think there needs to be tweaks to the system, but perhaps disagree on why / how. Regarding specific points: 1. I agree there's an issue here, as it potentially results in designs getting through on name rather than actual strength. The issue I have though is that I don't think there's any way to solve this, for starters how is it decided who's an influencer/creator? If the cut off is say, 5000 YT subscribers, then does 4999 creep under, does 4750 etc, but also at this stage a lot of submitters have their own (albeit smaller) followings too so any additional design from them is more likely to gain traction. As far as a solution, I do think anonymity on the posts would help... but only if comments and/or editing were disabled, because all it takes is a single "Good idea I'll change it" and the cat's out of the bag. There's also of course external social promotion, and while I wish an honour system would be enough, it wouldn't, and there's no effective way to police it. 2. This is my strongest disagreement I think, similar to the above, if someone submits two designs that are strong and upvoted, and one gets removed, then it means another is getting through not on it's own merits, but by default. If the rules were changed I wouldn't be outraged at all of course, I just don't feel it's a big issue. An additional point though is that many of these are made via groups of people, and there's nothing to stop different member submitting them to bypass it anyway. 3. I strongly agree here. While no timezone is going to be perfect for everyone, the issue can be minimised, currently the submissions begin when the Crunch is posted, and that's 2am European time or in some cases even later. Timing has probably one of the largest impacts on success rate, with top10 rarely featuring creatures posted after the first 30minutes, and this can cut a lot of people out of the running before it's even begun. 4. Sad as it makes me... this just seems to be an internet comment section thing in general 5. I understand where you're coming from, but I'm not sure what can be done. While the 'disadvantage' is certainly higher for buggish creatures than others, there's a lot of other subgroups that receive dismissive treatment - Theropods, anything resembling a modern animal, water creatures for examples. RaephClark's response to this has merit but I'll respond to that a bit further down. Developers choice to solve THIS particular aspect doesn't feel right, the implication being they'd have to use it to save creatures with a phobia or alternative perceived dislike. 6. This is another issue I think is hard to solve. A limitation would force a bit more thought into it than trying to wedge a creature in anywhere, it's admirable people want a creature in the game to the extent they don't really care where or what form, but a well thought out design is better for everyone. The problem I have is what if you decide to skip a map, and someone else submits it, are you now blocked for future? If different designs count then it's easy to bypass, or again, group submissions. A repeat top 3 placement in second round getting added would be nice, but is extra work. Perhaps announce "We will also be adding this at a later date" without a timeframe, or use the developers choice idea for this. Overall I think no single change would have any effect, but a collective adjustment could. If possible (I have no idea the limitations of the forum or any other system potentially used) I would go with... a) A more limited submissions period, say ~3 days, during which NOTHING is visible. Designs are submitted, edited etc as normal, and then at the end of the period all appear at the same time and no more can be added. Do it at a more well rounded time so that no one demographic has such impacting effect. b) As this would produce an overwhelming number of submissions to look at, present it as a thumbnail gallery rather than list of titles. We are in theory voting for a creature over a design anyway, and paleolontological names are going to be meaningless for many posters. c) Hide submitter names. It's a minimal effect, because external socials exist, but it will reduce it. A completely different alternative, would be remove designs altogether and simply suggest a single piece of art, and extremely short ~20 word description of the creature, e.g "Large ceratopsian with 5 horns" or "Biggest Hadrosaur known to exist". Why? Because we are in theory voting for the creature, and Wildcard frequently change both the visual design AND the functional one, so this boils it down to the most important part. I like the idea of more focused submissions, but I don't think creature groups is the way. I think creature niche, and/or location are better options. e.g, "Caves need more variety, please submit something to fill them out" or "A new late game resource is coming, please submit something you think would appropriately gather this". Although it would likely be completely ignored and we'd get a Tarbosaurus trying to wedge into a cave, or Cockroach gathering metal Finally, I absolutely agree that a single image should be included on the final voting page, so that at minimum everyone can see WHAT the creature is. It's 2023 and attention spans are an all-time low, so linking to threads with long-winded paleo names is unlikely to have much hope.
    2 points
  11. This is definitely something we need. Visualization and information are key for submissions since not everyone knows what a Maevia or Gorgonops or the scientific name for a creature is. Unless people actually take the time to research what’s being voted on, voters will either just go with whoever asked them to vote and completely landslide the others, and/or voters will target specific creatures and put them at the bottom constantly, making it significantly harder for them to receive a higher vote. I wish there was a better system they could use, but ultimately I don’t know any other online voting systems that could be better.
    2 points
  12. This is very cool art work! ARK has never been a game about Paleo Accurate, so I don't understand the quibbles about appearance. Rhiniogranata is also a small insect, and does not at all resemble the creature from the game, however, this is a cool creature
    2 points
  13. Hey! Artist here, I understand the paleo accuracy concerns, and unfortunately i never got to finish the design as I ran out of time. But I want to say that this design is meant to be a speculative evolution specifically for the map, and one that would fit the world of ARK. With the main proposed ability (hypnosis) also working with the design. I understand this isn't everyone's cup of tea but getting comments claiming this is some sort of OC with a prehistoric name slapped onto it is just not true.
    2 points
  14. I really hope this wonderful fluffy lil guy wins! If they don't I really hope someone *cough cough* (AA mod creator...) will implement this lil fluffbutt into their mod, they do such great work and I think many would be very pleased 😀 P.S. I hope the creator of this creature is doing okay, I know I'm a stranger but if you need something you can always reach out if you feel comfortable 😊
    2 points
  15. Sooo, they're both on UE5, ARK 2 has been delayed multiple times. The concept art for ASA is high quality and matches the vibe and detail of the concept art for ARK 2. ASA doesn't even have a discussion page on these forums, just ARK 2. ASA doesn't have a Steam page yet either, despite an October release, just ARK 2. What truly differentiates ASA from ARK 2? Is it the campaign, vaulting, swinging and other parkour? Detailed creatures? ASA is said to have an 'evergreen' foundation, it's also adding a ton of new features and customization, and it wouldn't make sense to throw the low-textured creatures that didn't get a TLC into ASA, so why wouldn't it also get more detailed creatures? I'm just curious, why develop two similar games concurrently? There was also mention during the ASA announcement and details of a canon DLC for ASA releasing this year. Wouldn't that be ARK 2 anyways? At this point what's really going on here? I expect a big announcement or something soon as it's all very confusing, the community is in the dark and "ASA" is next month. IMO, ASA is ARK 2, but early access. It just doesn't make any sense what they're doing. I'm also not saying I wouldn't support ASA being ARK 2. We need clarity.
    1 point
  16. Good job, psycho murder derp! Good luck in round 2. To the moon with you! I want all the psycho murder derp babies. I want an army of psycho murder derps.
    1 point
  17. Considering neither game has been proven to exist yet, nothing differentiates them. Then again, WC didn't sign a contract worth over $4M committing to publish ARK2, so I guess that's a difference. ASA will get published no matter how much of a pile of garbage it is. But no one can say for sure that ARK2 will ever exist, so that's the main difference. They're not. no one should enable their marketing lies by supporting the idea that ASA is truly 'developing a game'. They're reskinning their existing game in a desperate cash grab, hoping that enough people will be suckers and give them money a second time to keep playing the same game. If you believe WildCard's previous announcements, ARK2 will have significantly different gameplay from ASE/ASA. Setting aside about WC for a minute, it's pretty clear that their original intentions for ARK2 were to truly be a different game from ASE/ASA. ARK2 wasn't supposed to look like DLC for ASE/ASA, it was supposed to be a sequel in the true sense. Whether ARK2 will ever be published, and what it will eventually look like if it does get published, is anyone's guess. There's no reason to be confused, there are plenty of youtubers and articles in the game press describing exactly what's happening with ASA, you can watch or read them if you want to understand things in more detail. The short description is, "ASA is really still just ASE, but ported to UE5, with a couple of minor changes that aren't important". ASA is not a new game, it's not a sequel, it's not the preparation for ARK2 being released, it's nothing more than a naked cash grab to keep WC alive because their owners/managers have been mismanaging the company. It's not, ASA is nothing like what ARK2 is supposed to be. It's really just porting ASE to UE5 and reskinning some graphical assets. There is the possibility that WC will make more improvements in the future, there's the possibility that they will release more DLC's for ASE, but if you buy ASA at the time they put it in Early Access it will be nothing more than ASE with a different name. ASA will be 95% the exact same game as ASE. When (if) ARK2 gets released it will be significantly different from ASE/ASA. It does. They're pretending ASA is a new game in a desperate cash grab to keep the company alive. I'm not going to list names here on the forums, but there are plenty of youtubers who have been covering this for months, including a number of well established ARK content creators. Go check them out and you'll get the answers you're looking for. WildCard is never going to give you clarity, because lack-of-clarity is part of their plan.
    1 point
  18. I think that one cheetah would be better for valguero. Dont forget that extinction also has an abberation cave
    1 point
  19. I'm still not convinced of this reasoning, I am highly against it, as I think it sets a dangerous and extremely unfair precedent for future votes, if the idea of allowing multiple submissions to be submitted but only one can move on to round 2 is too iffy for you guys then I suggest limiting author's to one creature per vote to avoid it all together, I can in no way stand by that reasoning, however I feel issue 1 screwed over 11th place more than anything, while issue 2 screwed over 12th place
    1 point
  20. Just download them, open them, there should be instal button which brings them directly to Microsoft Word
    1 point
  21. We'll Be Back for Genesis Part 2 as our Final Run with Chimerarachne Yingi Updated Submission 9/4/2023 We've Decided to update the Chimerarachne Yingi's Extinction Submission, Notably you'll find the dossier text to be a little different, Abilities have undergone some changes/improvements while some have been removed due to too many abilities, and the Extra Info section has also been overhauled The Hypnotic Nightmare is Back for it's Second Go this Time For Extinction I would encourage everyone to read our entire submission before making Assumptions and judging the creature, My team and I put a lot of time and work on bringing The Chimerarachne Yingi Submission to Extinction Especially our Artist (It was honestly a race to the finish), the least you can do is hear us out, we also have heard the Broken Record Comments "It doesn't Fit on this Map", "The Design isn't Accurate to the Original Creature", "It's Rhyniognatha all over again", "Just TLC the Araneo instead" ETC. trust me we've heard it all before and we're at the point of not caring and having to repeat our defense over and over, so save your breath and speak with your vote and not your comments, if you have something actually constructive to say, criticism or not then go ahead ALSO BY POPULAR DEMAND CHIMERARACHNE CAN WEAR A HAT, YOU'RE WELCOME GUYS I am aware that not everyone likes the Alien Looking Design of the Yingi but again there is nothing in the rules about making creature designs accurate, honestly if we went with an accurate design it would be rather boring, so while it's based off the real world creature we stand by making it a more fantastical design especially since the maps are more geared towards fantasy as they progress, the short version is we don't care about paleo accuracy in a video game that doesn't have a lot of it in the 1st place Read Dossier Text Below the Picture as the Dossier Art has not been updated Yet! Artwork Credit to Gemixxy Read Dossier Text Below as the Dossier Art as not been updated Yet! Dossier: Common Name: Chimerarachne Yingi Species: Chimerarachne Time: Cretaceous Period Temperament: Tricky Wild: While Chimerarachne Yingi (Chimera or Yingi for short) was much smaller than this spider with a tail, that is exactly what I’m looking at. I suspect that the species has been around for a very long time and has had the chance to adapt to the hostile environment that Earth is now. It looks like the species has evolved exponentially due to the growing hostile environment, going from the 2.5 millimeter itsy bitsy spider to something much bigger, and much more equipped to survive such an environment. The few survivors who managed to escape their hypnotic grasp say they make their nests in the forbidden zone, a fitting place for such a beast. While they're extremely fast and can easily chase down any prey, they prefer to use a pair hypnotic fake eyes on their back to lure prey, making them excellent ambush hunters. Yingi is well adapted to be the survive the corrupted monsters that plague the planet with it's Hypnotic Abilities seeming to have a greater affect on their minds than Normal Creatures. Yingi also utilizes a Hypnotic Illusion ability that allows it to camoflauge itself as another species making it even more deadly to an ususpecting Victim. Domesticated: Taming a Chimerarachne Yingi by normal means is impossible, you're better off obtaining an egg which is a difficult task in itself. Yingi is a devoted and protective parent, but once you have a Yingi of your own, you'll find a versatile mount capable of helping to Control the flow of a battle or help with the taming of other creatures with it's Webs and Hypnottic Abilities. Their Fast Speeds and Ability to Scale Walls and Cielings make an excellent Choice to Traverse the Harsh Enviroment, and they are a formidable combatant capable of holding it's own against even the largest of creatures. In adittion, Females produce “spider milk” used in nurturing their young. Full of proteins and fats, this natural resource can be used to heal carnivores, just as veggie cakes heal herbivores. Rumor has it that giving the milk to a Snow Owl or Daeodon makes their healing abilities more effective, making the milk a highly coveted resource amongst tribes. Abilties DISCLAIMER! Be Aware we don't expect all Abilities to make it in, as that is ultimately up to the Devs but here is how we envision our Abilities Bite – Tap Left Click, RT, R2 A standard bite attack that is on par with the bite attack of a Rex, also deals small amounts of Torpor Damage. Stinger – Hold Left Click, RT, R2 A Stinger attack that applies a venom that Rapidly Drains Stamina and Inflicts a Large Amount of Torpor, Attack has a 20s cooldown after use Hypnosis (Lure) – Hold Right Click, LT, L2 (Tap Left Click, RT, R2 to Unleash a Stunning Hypnotic Flare) Hypnosis Lure concentrates on a single target and lures it to Yingi, Applies new Headache Status Effect to Players/Creatures, Using the Hypnotic Flare Stuns the Target for 5s, Survivors/smaller creatures than Yingi get knocked back Hypnosis (Illusion) – Tap Right Click, LT, L2 Hypnosis Illusion makes Yingi dissappear and replaces it with the illusion of a targeted survivor/creature, players/creatures in render distance will see this illusion Hypnosis Abilities Side Notes - Players affected by the lure must try to look away from with dramatically reduce looking sensitivity - Lure causes a status effect called “Headache” this makes the target slower and doubles any source of torpor damage the target receives, status effect lasts 10s after lure ends - “Willpower Stat” (Speed Stat Replacer) Determines by drag weight how a creature is affected by Hypnosis Abilities, 100% = 200 Drag Weight, 200 or less = affected, 201 or more = resistant, a point put into stat = 10+ Drag Weight, Stat is Mutatable, better willpower = bigger creatures that can be lured/illusioned - Mounted Players cannot be Target by Lure Directly, but the mounts they ride can be - Mechanical Creatures/Players using Tek Helmets are Immune to both Hypnosis Abilities While Corrupted Creatures are more Susceptible allowing for Multiple Targets - Dealing Damage to a Yingi using Hypnosis breaks their concentration, freeing the target survivor/creature - After a survivor/creature breaks free of lure, they get a 30s cooldown before they can be affected again - Yingi uses Stamina at a slow rate when using Hypnosis Abilities Web Shooters – Press C or Gamepad Right Sticks to Enter/Exit – Right Click, LT, L2, to Change Web Shooter Type - Left Click, RT, R2 to Fire 1. Web Net – Shoots a Net that Traps a Target, Narcotics in the Inventory adds a Torpor Effect to The Net, Fire/Sharp Weapon destroys net, Net lasts 60s, 60s cooldown Web Net Side Note - Yingi can pick up netted creatures/survivors by Holding C or Gamepad Right Sticks when looking at Net (This will Exit Web Shooter Mode Tap C/Gamepad Right Sticks again to Drop Net), Picking up Pauses timers for Allied/Wild Creatures but timer is Halved for Enemies Survivors/Tames 2. Web Zipline – Shoot Twice to create a Zipline that yingi/zipline capable creatures can cross, last 5m, Apply Fiber to Zipline to make it permanent 3. Web Barricade – Spins a Web that can slow down creatures/survivors, corrupted nodules in inventory adds a toxic effect to web that deals damage, lasts 2m, fire destroys web Web Barricade Side Note – Survivors/Creatures can still passthrough Barricade Wall Climbing – Tap Space, A, X to Toggle ON/OFF Allows Chimerarachne Yingi to Climb Any Surface, aiming at a wall/ceiling while wall climbing is toggled on and pressing Left Click/RT/L2 will shoot a web and slingshot yourself at the wall Females Produce Spider Milk Spider Milk is Needed for Rasing Chimeralings, also acts as a Carnivore Equivalent of Veggie Cakes and when Fed a Snow Owl or Daeodon will increase their healing effectiveness for 5m, has the same stack size as Veggie Cakes Males Incubate Chimera Eggs (Only Chimera Eggs) Males can Incubate Up to 6 Chimera Eggs at a time, this will show the stats and mutations of the Chimera Eggs, Eggs will Incubate 20% Faster than an Air Conditioner or Egg Incubator Extra Info: Chimera Queen Info - Chimera Queen is twice the Size of a Normal Yingi - Hypnosis Abilities are replaced by a Screech for Chimera Queens - Web Shooters are replace by a Grab Attack - Chimera Queen is not Tamable - Chimera Queen is like a Mini World Boss - Chimera Queen has 50k Health - Chimera Queens are Sluggish making their attacks and movement speed slow allowing players to get out of the way of her dealdly melee attacks Spawn Locations - Wild Chimerarachne Yingi will Spawn on the Notrthern part of the Map all around the Forbidden Zone and Wastelands sourrounding the sunken forest - Female Eggs Spawns will be suspended from Cliffs and Over Hangs Across the Northern Part of the Map, there will only be 5-6 Eggs Spawned Randomly on the Map at any given time and will have a 30 minute respawn timer to respawn at a new random location Wild Chimerarachne Yingi Behaviors - Yingi Females are agressive to eachother and will fight for mating rights, even to the death (This Behavior doesn't happen to Tamed Females) - Yingi will stalk their prey using their illusion when hunting rather than charging in, they will play mind games with their target before using their Hypnosis Lure - Yingi Males with eggs are more defensive in nature and would rather avoid larger creatures unlike those without - Chimera Queens do not Spawn Naturally, they will only spawn specifically for the fight over the Female Chimera Egg Taming Method - There are Two Methods for the Males and Females, both are Egg Stealing but with a Twist (Both Genders Need Spider Milk to raise) Male Method – You Must Locate an Adult Male holding a Chimera Male Egg (which are Cyan Colored), once you get it's Attention wait for it to rear up it's back to use it's Lure on you, when this Happens you need to Hold up a Metal Shield to Reflect the Hypnosis Back at the Yingi, this will frustrate the Adult Male into using it's Hypnotic Flare which will cause it to Stun itself allowing you to Run up and use a Sword to Cut the Egg Free from it's Tail, then be prepared to fight cause it will chase you down wanting it's Egg Back Female Method – Female Eggs (which are Purple Colored) are located throughout the Forbidden Zone Hanging off cliffs and overhangs, interacting with the egg causes a Chimera Queen to Spawn to defend the Egg. She will let out a ear peircing screech if any tamed/wild creatures are present inside of the arena, this will force them to run out of the marked boundry, you will find you find that no creature will dare reenter the arena so it'll be just you and the Chimera Queen. To end the fight either kill her or all survivors must leave the arena boundaries, killing her allows you to cut the egg down with a sharp weapon, you can also loot her for 50 spider milk, Leaving the Arena will make the Chimera Queen to Disappear but interacting with the egg again will make her respawn with full health Female Method Side Notes - Ending the fight will allow you to command and ride your tames again - Creatures cannot enter the arena during the fight - You cannot damage the Chimera Queen while outside the arena - Cryopods are disabled inside the arena - Players must be present inside the arena at the Start of the fight to be a participant , if a participant leaves the arena they are no longer a participant even if they reenter the arena, if all participants die or leave the arena the fight ends, player that enter mid fight aren't counted as participants either Both Methods Side Note - You're going to need to steal spider milk from a female to raise a chimeraling, Yingi cannot be knocked out but much like in the male taming Method you can use a Metal shield to reflect a Female's Lure/Flare Attack to stun it long enough to take Spider Milk from it, You will Recieve 5 Spider Milk Breeding and Raising - Chimeralings will require Spider Milk to make it to Adulthood - Males Incubate Chimera Eggs Faster than Air Conditioners or Egg Incubators - Females will Convert Raw Meat into Spider Milk over time - Chimeralings might ask for a Dodo or Lystrosaurus Body as one of their Imprints Roadmap for Yingi if it doesn't make it into Extinction After long and careful diliberation with the team We've decided Genesis Part 2 will Be our Last and Only Vote we'll enter with Yingi after Extinction, we'll be placing it in the Rockwell's Innards or all over Rockwell's Garden Ring areas of the Map, we barely got the Extinction Submission out the door and a few days later we had to rewrite it because we just didn't have the time to carefully think about how to present the Extinction Yingi, so by skipping Valguero and Genesis Part 1 that we originally planned to enter we'll have plenty of time to rethink and smooth everything out to Make Yingi the best we can make it, if it doesn't make it into Genesis Part 2 then we'll be looking Towards Modding the Yingi for everyone to Use Real World Information and Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimerarachne Chimerarachne is a genus of extinct arachnids, containing a single species Chimerarachne yingi. Fossils of Chimerarachne were discovered in Burmese amber from Myanmar which dates to the mid-Cretaceous, about 100 million years ago. It is thought to be closely related to spiders, but outside any living spider clade.[1] The earliest spider fossils are from the Carboniferous, requiring at least a 170 myr ghost lineage with no fossil record. The size of the animal is quite small, being only 2.5 millimetres (0.098 in) in body length, with the tail being about 3 millimetres (0.12 in) in length. These fossils resemble spiders in having two of their key defining features: spinnerets for spinning silk, and a modified male organ on the pedipalp for transferring sperm. At the same time they retain a whip-like tail, rather like that of a whip scorpion and uraraneids. Chimerarachne is not ancestral to spiders, being much younger than the oldest spiders which are known from the Carboniferous, but it appears to be a late survivor of an extinct group which was probably very close to the origins of spiders. It suggests that there used to be spider-like animals with tails which lived alongside true spiders for at least 200 million years. Shoutouts and Fanart Reddit User BlackendFacade for suggesting something Similiar to the Web Barricade Ability Fanart Made by Ranzhan Fanart Made By Drawolf Old Aberration Dossier
    1 point
  22. 🦁Feral Sovereign: Presenting the Panthera Spelaea🦁 ⛰️The Panthera Spelaea is an extinct species of carnivorous mammal belonging to the family Felidae, which lived in what is now Spain and the British Isles in the west up to Alaska⛰️ 🤖 🙀."Witness the Feral Sovereign, the Panthera Spelaea. With its Roar of Dominion, it commands the battlefield, weakening foes' resolve. The Bite of Energy Drain saps their vitality, a true conqueror's strike. As the Cave Shadow, it prowls the depths with unmatched prowess. Clad in its Guardian Pelt, it defies the elements, a protector in every sense. A true Hunter of Horizons, its vision spans day and night, tracking all with precision. Bow before the Feral Sovereign, the embodiment of primal supremacy."🙀 👉READ THIS BEFORE YOU START👈 It gives us a lot to present this project in which we have been working to try to give the best proposal. First of all, I would like to clarify that the reason why we chose a big cat is because we see that Ark only exists today, the saber-toothed cat, the Shadowmane is a fictional animal, and the Thylacoleo is a marsupial, so we treat to obtain the best attributes of the Panthera Spelaea to have a strong suggestion and a chance to expand the niche it would work in. Being more a type of predator that can attack its prey in a fast and forceful way, rather than opting for a long and repetitive fight in the aspect that it is not a battle for "mashing the buttons" 👾First mammal with Tek Mount👾 🤖Considering that this big cat is a killing machine, we assume that after the ascension you will be able to equip it with a tek mount. This mount is capable of deploying small drones that will project a holographic shield that will protect you from the front. It has a series of propellers that will help you make longer jumps and be able to run through the water, even for short distances, they will be enough to reach a destination point.🤖 👀Size👀 Respecting the large size it had in ancient times, we take into account that Panthera Spelaea is larger than a thylacoleo but smaller than a shadowmane, being a midpoint 💥Wild💥 Panthera Spelaea is a ferocious animal found in the northern part of the icy mountains, being more specific in the rocky areas where their dens are located where they rest. For the most part, being in herds made up of females and males, due to their thick fur, they are able to withstand the low temperatures that few are willing to endure. It is possible to see that the temperament of the Panthera Spelaea changes depending on the gender it has, with the females being the most aggressive, hunting small creatures in groups and the males having a temperamental attitude, being close to their den tending the young of the herd. During the night is when the Panthera Spelaea becomes more dangerous since in this case the whole herd together with the alpha male hunting large prey due to the leadership of the Alpha which seems to make the females more lethal than during the day. 💥Domesticated💥 The survivors of the ark have realized that it is impossible to subdue an adult Panthera Spelaea and teach it commands, it simply ignores anyone other than its alpha male and when the alpha is captured they go into a state of crisis and disperse. separating the herd and killing their young by starvation. Seeing that the only viable way to try to have this mount is to wait until nightfall so that the herd leaves its lair and thus can take its young. Panthera Spelaea young, due to their young age, it is easier to teach them correct training until they reach adulthood, resulting in a powerful, strong, agile and fast hunting animal that by itself shines a lot but when in a pack it becomes becomes one of the deadliest animals in these lands. 💪SKILLS💪 1. Mighty Roar: 🙀it is a powerful roar that allows him to remove the states in which he can be found by his enemies (poison, bleed, stun, etc). This ability must be used carefully as it takes a long time to activate again.🙀 2. POWERFUL CLAWS: ☠️His claws, even if you don't do much damage, can make several fast attacks, working as his most used and versatile attack.☠️ 3. Cave Predator: ⛰️The Panthera spelaca has developed exceptional agility and strength in confined spaces, such as the caves on the map. She can move easily and quickly in tight terrain, making her a formidable threat in those environments.⛰️ ⛰️In addition, his visual acuity allows him to track prey and enemies in environments underground, following clues and tracks to locate their prey with ease.⛰️ 4. Lethal Dart: 💥The Panthera spelaea attacks with a quick and precise movement, dealing lethal damage. Activate tactical retreat to escape before enemies can counterattack, leaving only a fleeting flash💥 5. Nocturnal Guardian Fur: 🥶 Its fur is thick and with color variations. Making it harder to spot at night, while providing warmth for your rider and nearby companions..🥶 6. A good companion: 🦴 Keep your Panthera happy with food and petting, and it will purr, giving you and nearby animals a small experience buff.🦴 🦴It would work almost the same as that of the lystrosaurus🦴. 7. Improved vision: 👀Its excellent vision allows it to easily identify other predators compared to the human eye, during the day being able to detect carnivorous animals and improving its vision considerably during the night detecting both carnivores and herbivores, having a very broad perception of the animals around it.👀 Taming 🐈‍⬛To have a Panthera at your disposal without being attacked you have to look for a herd made up of males and females: the male specimens will be closer to the cubs taking care of them and having a temperamental attitude while the females will be around them being aggressive. You must be skillful enough to capture one of the cubs from the pack in your arms and escape from the parents as quickly as possible before they realize your presence, if they do so the cub may get scared and lose taming efficiency once in your hands raise it and bond by teaching it to hunt, keeping it clean, healthy and well fed, keep a close eye on them, they are known for short attention spans and arrogance..🐈‍⬛ 👉Basic statistics👈 Health: 850 Stamina: 450 Oxygen: 250 Food: 1750 Weight: 500 Melee damage: 100% Movement speed: 100% Torpor: 850 🦁Sexual dimorphism🦁 Pantheras spelaea can be identified between males and females since the males are equipped with a small melanna that surrounds their necks while the females lack it, this causes the machops specimens to have a bonus of 5% of resistance while females have 5% more melee damage 🟣Variants by zones🟣 Specifically in the underground areas, the snow and the area affected by the corruption we can find these three variants of colors and patterns Specifically in the underground areas, the snow and the area affected by the corruption we can find these three variants of colors and patterns. 1.Snow area: they are characterized by having smooth hair without any type of spots and with very pronounced eye marks that help them see through the snow 2. Corrupt area: This PANTHERA has been affected by the element, developing the typical markings of animals in the area. 3.Underground Zone: It has darker colors in addition to some speckled spots and dark legs that allow it to be more slippery in its environment. (¡¡THESE VARIANTS ARE ONLY AESTHETIC!!) Agradecimientos a AngelGamez,Angel Strange,Neto,DaiRei,Boryini y Cetcat por ayudarme con las imagenes y habilidades 😃
    1 point
  23. it will be fixed before official release (good old early access joke)
    1 point
  24. I think you quoted the wrong post from me there Even so, I appreciate you answering LadyVicious' question, that's interesting to know.
    1 point
  25. Not gonna vote for this until it actually looks like a spider there's adding stuff to the design and there's making a completely different creature and slapping the same name onto it.
    1 point
  26. The design of the creature is not my favorite but the ability you give to it are way too cool however the amount of buff it get is insane, 100 % buff, the game gonna be easy. You should nerf all the buff it has because it don't seems to be a fighter and if it's too powerful it may ruin the other ability.
    1 point
  27. I don't know about the worst tame, but the worst creature in ARK is the CEO of Snail Games.
    1 point
  28. At this rate, why would anyone buy ASA? They clearly do not have any effort or care to hype ASA or ark2. All promises and no preview of actual content or progress. Failure community crunch one after another. Thanks for buying and killing our game. We wont be buying your lies. If you release ASA as "early access ", you are just telling EVERYONE you're wanting to milk money and pull out without Microsoft liabilities to your buyers. Imagine still selling atk survival evolved at FULL COST without any advertising of game shutdown. Nasty nasty NASTY way to do business and treat your customers. (Imagine paying full cost then less than a month, be asked to pay full cost......again to play with others lol! Do NOT buy ASA. Do not support this final milk as they take advantage of so many people.
    1 point
  29. They won't and I hope they don't. Carchar almost won 2 votes back to back within an insanely small margin both times. Spider hasn't even been top 2 more than once, and the only time it was top 2 was when there were like 3 other bug suggestions and it still lost. It should not get the carchar treatment because then any sort of dino that develops a large enough fanbase can essentially bully the devs into making it a thing by demanding carchar treatment because the idea is popular.
    1 point
  30. all the new artwork is looking great! 😄 and you guys coloured in the cub and pup photo its so precious! i adore it! 🥰
    1 point
  31. Ok I just want to say one more thing. It terrifying how this is all going down right now. For Pc players and console players a like. For the next Version of ark “ark accended” we all hate how the server a being taken down and forced to pay for a server or nine. to continue our games. Here’s what WE can all do! We can not play the next version of ark or even not buy or play it. We can all NOT play on official servers anymore so this may not happen to us again. My opinion Wildcard is making poor business decision. Heres why! An most of you don’t want to hear this. For games to last and continue to have revenue. “Making money” . They need to have micro transactions. This keeps employees working. Pays for server cost. Pays for equipment. Keeps stock holders happy. Games are a business. Healthy business will make happy players. Keep server up and running and more money can get dumped into bug fixing. Like I said no one wants to hear this. You know I am right. If they do, do micro transactions please keep the cost low and affordable. Ark and wildcard needs to evolve to continue running.
    1 point
  32. Excellent ankylosaurid rep with an interesting and fun sounding attacking style! I think a taming method that involves causing its powder-y body to explode, dealing torpor, would be appropriate. Something like using fire damage or explosive damage to deal torpor! Could be quite cute if its favourite food is focal chili rather than kibble as well (this fellow has some firey abilities, why wouldn't he love spicy food)
    1 point
  33. It would depend on which comments you're specifically referring to. On one end of the spectrum you have the usual broken record take of, "it doesn't fit on this map" which I've seen mindlessly droned on and on by countless people, which is also factually incorrect, or those who just needlessly hate on the submission without adding anything of value merely because they dislike it. Or the delusional people who think because it's placed high a few times without winning it should then not continue to be submitted in other votes merely because they personally dislike it. On the other end you have the anti-Maevia mob downvoting anything remotely positive about it because that's what they've done since the very beginning of these votes.
    1 point
  34. Very nice creature suggestion. Having something that counters fliers is a nice way to go, and im definitely a fan of creatures that are more terrestrial in nature than just pure flying. Flying is too safe to me personally, so this satisfies my desire to explore without making it completely safe. Also makes flying less safe with this fella around anyway!
    1 point
  35. Again ..zero mention of Snail's corruption and WHAT you are going to do to win back the loyalty of your 7 year player base. I laugh and laugh and laugh as I hear Snail say...."You have no power here, Wildcard the Gray"...
    1 point
  36. I hope that the Shastasaurus is immune to the Cnidaria shock effect, like the Basilo is!
    1 point
  37. Another 10/10 Shockai creation! One of these really gotta win. Actually, Shockai if u see this I think it'd be a great idea to collaborate either some modders (maybe Garuga and Upfromthedepths) and together make a mod adding in all of your fantastic submissions. The Sauroposiedon, Ornimegalonyx, Miracinonyx, Armadillosuchus, Cotoylorynhcus, and more!
    1 point
  38. Spider Unity! I truly believe if Both Spider Communities Band together we can get one of them in, break the Arachniphobia Curse
    1 point
  39. Spider gang family sticks together. You have my vote with your fellow spooder!
    1 point
  40. Doesn't fit the map. This is getting as old as the beetle, albeit not as bloated.
    1 point
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