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Delran last won the day on July 25 2023

Delran had the most liked content!


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Naked (1/5)



  1. Maevia fated to always be the runner up it would seem. Sad times. :')
  2. Yeah, where is the Abby creature vote? Delay, told next to no info as always (no surprise), and they keep deflecting from showing anything gameplay-related. It doesn't matter if it's rough/incomplete/early stages, just show us something so we can have an idea of what's happening behind the scenes. All this "we'll show you right before ASA" and "more concept arts incoming" gives off the feeling that they're super behind schedule and have barely done anything, since that's what I've seen from other companies who pulled the same stuff over and over. If you have gameplay stuff to show, even if the release is delayed, just show your playerbase. Keep them hyped or make them even more hyped than they already were. Why all this secrecy? :')
  3. Hackers will always find a way, sadly. It's up to Wildcard to create a better anti-hack system for the next game.
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