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Matteu last won the day on December 18 2023

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  1. more animals that are the biggest mongolonyx one of the largest mesonychids ankalagon another mesonychid of the same size josephoartigasia the largest rodent ever boipeba tayasuensis the largest known blind snake. blind snakes live underground and eat worms so maybe this could be a snake shoulder pet. it was over a meter long. or i guess it could be like a sand diplocaulus that you can hang onto living ones for the derpy face Stupendemys the biggest freshwater turtle ever. basically a giant pond slider pliosaurus funkei also known as predator x one of the largest predatory marine reptiles ever only really outclassed by mosasaurus Stomatosuchus a giant pelican like crocodilian without teeth. in real life pelicans can swallow a full pigeon so maybe this thing could suck up aquatic animals Dearc the largest jurassic pterosaur. Aust colossus This yet undescribed specimen of possibly predatory giant icthyosaur is possibly the largest thing to ever live as well euskelosaurus the biggest early sauropod shantungosaurus the biggest ornithopod ever... people keep submitting species like it wanting a new one that can fight while ignoring this behemoth pachystrutio the giant ostrich. its taller than the heaviest birds like the moa or elephant bird but lighter in build like modern ostriches enantiornis largest of a group of extinct birds pengornis the largest early cretaceous bird Chenonetta finschi the largest duck. some living duck species for inspiration Seirocrinus the largest known sea lily. their tentacles grew 26m long and they attached to logs. since i could never find an extinct man o,war this is probably the closest thing to it appearance wise, so maybe it could act like one with venomous tentacles helianthaster the giant starfish immensmaris the giant mite. living mites pebasiconcha the biggest land snail ever
  2. today im uploading some giants. every one of these is the largest out of all its closest relatives. except the cats they are just very diverse. part 2 to this is coming later hippopotamus gorgops the giant hippo. it also had much more raised eye sockets than modern hippos making their faces quite distinct from normal hippos Alierasaurus im pretty sure a lot of its relatives have been used in the creature votes.... but this is the biggest one Tappenosaurus you (moschops) vs the guy you shouldnt worry about Plesiorycteropus a aardvark like giant tenrec. living tenrecs have spikes like hedgehogs perucetus a whale possibly heavier than the blue whale (possibly the biggest animal ever. although it wasnt as long as one. maybe it could work like an underwater whoolly rhino just ramming things with its incredible mass, and being the size of a mosa. maybe instead of doing a lot of damage it could stun targets with the duration scaling with the attack stat and the speed it reached while charging. palaeoloxodon namadicus the largest elephant ever possibly reaching up to 20 tonnes in weight. it is also likely larger than paraceratherium meaning this is likely the largest land mammal to ever exist epicyon the largest dog ever bigger than dire wolves pseudocyon the largest bear dog ever bigger than the famous amphicyon for better pictures just look that one up because they would look similar anyway panthera tigris soloensis the giant tiger Panthera atrox the cave lion panthera gombaszoegensis the giant jaguar simbakubwa the largest hyaenadont not to be confused with hyenas the largest hyena is dinocrocuta which ive uploaded here before. they also dont even look close to the hyaenadon in ark
  3. vasuki indicus the newly discovered biggest snake probably bigger than titanoboa
  4. douglassarachne a recently discovered arachnid with spiked legs
  5. opalios splendens a newly discovered early platypus without a beak and with teeth
  6. some extinct dog breeds. maybe a dog could possibly give pack boosts to any other creatures that normally cant have it like an arthropleura, rex etc. and possibly it could hybridize with dire wolves giving you one of 4 options small non rideable wolf with dog abilities, bigger rideable dog with wolf abilities, bigger rideable dog with the dog abilites, or a direwolf with dog abilities. alpine mastiff Argentine polar dog braque dupuy Dalbo dog Grand Fauve de Bretagne Sakhalin husky
  7. coronacollina sarlac pit? Choia typhloesus yorkicystis
  8. Anthropornis protodontopteryx gallus karabachensis the giant junglefowl or chicken thats all i could find though that it is a bigger chicken. some real chicken breeds for inspiration
  9. manoblatta Manipulator a predatory cockroach grinnellia ventis an extinct springtail. these guys can jump using the mechanism that looks like a tail
  10. macrocheira yabei an extinct species of giant spider crab some living ones Remopleurides maybe this could be something like a venomous stonefish that you can burry as a KO trap panancanthocaris alalcomenaeus
  11. Sinemys this is the only TRUE turtle in this post the others are sauropterygians. EDIT maybe you could strap a literal speedboat motor to its back... pappochelys a possible turtle ancestor megapterygius keichousaurus Glyphoderma placochelys henodus palatodonta pachyrhachisae adamantinasuchus
  12. lessiniabatis sibyrhynchus alienacanthus materpiscis parexus gyracanthus bananogmius xenacanthus metopacanthus this thing looks like it has two mouths delphyodontos paraetmopterus maghriboselache rolfodon
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