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Community Crunch 384: Dreadnoughtus Concept Art!


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Been playing for a couple years now. Never really got on this page mostly watched youtubers covering the details. First time in a long while I've been excited for a game release. I could forgive the no trailer release if it wasn't stated that the trailer is already finished. This has been the only modern day game I could easily sink thousands of hours into and still enjoy. All that being said I made an account here after coming to the websites in hope of a trailer that has no business being delayed with no explanation. I've been around long enough to know not to trust the promises made by the wildcard studios. It seems I was foolish to think the expansion of the franchise meant we could expect a more prompt and professional demeanor from this studio. While the accolades of the devs and the franchise are something to be proud of the relationship with their community has been tarnished. No matter how good a game is if you cannot meet the expectations of your consumers/community it is doomed to fail. I for one have lost a considerable amount of enthusiasm and drive to play even ASE. (Recently started over to try to beat the game before the release of ASA) 

Edited by AngelusGrim
Phone is slow and posted repeatedly without saying it posted even one
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8 minutes ago, Dinoking50 said:

We should all go atleast a month with out buying the game after it releases. they will to stop doing this till we do somthing.

I've seen a couple of people mention this, but the game is coming out at a discount when it releases. If you wait a month after release, you'll likely end up paying WC more money for the game. I suppose it would take a special kind of spite to buy the game and then just not play it for a few months to avoid paying for servers and such.

(I'm personally quite hyped for the game and since I'm a singleplayer plebian, my playing the game on Day 1 doesn't really do much for WC, so I'm not sure I'd make that much of an impact on my end.)

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So hear me out they want to use ASA as a way of generating more revenue for ark 2 and hopefully revive the player base of the game. But they are kind of shooting themselves in the foot here with the lack of information. I imagine that the only people who will end up playing ark survival ascended are the die hard fans that are following it. While there will be no increase in new players like they hope because there is just no information or advertisement of it anywhere. I hope WC isn't o disappointed in the outcome of the ASA player base when they are actively shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to the game.

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40 minutes ago, Rhaya said:

I really don't think there's an ASA. 11 days till the 31st and they've given us nothing to show us that there is an actual game. Anyone can make a ss and give a bunch of words.
I think they're just keeping the "hype" up until they breach their contract and force Nitrado's hand.

poop, just digging a deeper hole at that point. I've been refraining from playing just to wait for ASA. If this happens, I'll probably take a long break from any updates or news about Ark (unless it's the show)

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So where's the big thing to look forward to regarding ASA this Friday aye? 

Idk, I guess take the discord with a grain of salt at this point. 

Millions of people are going to be very displeased if the trailer doesn't come out within the next 4 days. 

They'll have less than a week to find out PC specs if it doesn't. 

Another option is just blatantly saying "oh hey by the way if you actually want to play the game without fire hazards use this" so people would buy it. 

Lots of busy people need these dates early so they can plan to be there at launch. 

Maybe it's just the final certification being a day or so late but still the hourglass is running dry and hype is unbelievably unstable. 

You all got us very amped with your trailer praise, and the raptor, and the discord notes but advertising the wiki and the dreadnoughtus concept... while cool they really just slammed us with distrust, worry, and irritation. 

You've got less than 2 weeks before release and 4 days to release a trailer before the community kinda explodes in fury again. This whole project has been elusive and destructive to the community. 

Idk, I love the game but i wish i had more faith in what you people of the team publicly say. 

I'd love ASA to be successful but it can't be as good as it could if all of the PC players are delayed because they need parts. 

Plus that would hurt the community mentality even more. 

Again Idk I'm not as angry as others just disappointed and not sure what to think of the current situation.

Even a "hey its still in cert but on track or we are updating the trailer with dates because cert finished" would have avoided all the poor reactions in the comments for this crunch. 

I just hope post release you all could be a little more straightforward. Tell us what you want us to know and if you can't say anything, say that you can't say anything. Denial is better than radio silence. 

Whatever is happening behind these imaginary curtains, good luck and work hard you're almost there. I'm sure the team has probably reached a near breaking point trying to make this is what 7 months? 

- a survivor worried about his next journey's start and the people making it possible. 

Edited by DJ4275
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2 hours ago, OptimusOmnis said:

Why put up a trailer for ASA when you can just show off pointless skins for the wiki that change absolutely nothing. Why is time being wasted on stuff like this!?!

The wiki themes were not made by Wildcard, but by volunteers. Time isn't being wasted because those same people wouldn't be working on ASA trailers anyway.

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