Been playing for a couple years now. Never really got on this page mostly watched youtubers covering the details. First time in a long while I've been excited for a game release. I could forgive the no trailer release if it wasn't stated that the trailer is already finished. This has been the only modern day game I could easily sink thousands of hours into and still enjoy. All that being said I made an account here after coming to the websites in hope of a trailer that has no business being delayed with no explanation. I've been around long enough to know not to trust the promises made by the wildcard studios. It seems I was foolish to think the expansion of the franchise meant we could expect a more prompt and professional demeanor from this studio. While the accolades of the devs and the franchise are something to be proud of the relationship with their community has been tarnished. No matter how good a game is if you cannot meet the expectations of your consumers/community it is doomed to fail. I for one have lost a considerable amount of enthusiasm and drive to play even ASE. (Recently started over to try to beat the game before the release of ASA)