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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes

Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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Can't see anyone DDOSing a PvE server, there is no purpose to it, because no one can play while it's down and there is no PvP to speak of unless it's the consensual kind. If that server is down most likely it's a power outage (we have been getting more thunderstorms of late this time of year), but it could also be HD failure (no server farm uses SSD except maybe for the OS, and likely not then either due to the expense), or simply the usual failure of a server after it's been running for too long. They do need to be brought down and systems updated like any other PC, and this can cause the underlying software for ARK to fail to restart and require manual intervention.

If official servers don't seem to be getting much love, maybe WC/Snail Games aren't getting the money they expected from sales of the current DLC, so that would mean they need to cut costs. If they lay off programmers that starts a spiral you can't recover from since less and less people would mean longer downtime or coding solutions eventually leading to a systems logjam of work and burnout. Until they can get machines to accurately code, people simply can't be pushed that hard so they break down more often when someone attempts to treat them like a machine. Turning off a machine permanently though is money directly in your pocket that is no longer being spent supporting a server.

And WC will never be fully honest about the state of the game, their main goal is to make money so honesty would be counterproductive to that goal. They'll spin the facts as hard as they have to, or remain silent. But honestly, those official servers won't remain active forever, there is no money in that for them. At some point they will stop coding this game, the money will dry up and they'll pull the plug on all official servers. So really if you want to play this game long term you should be looking for an unofficial server, either one you own or rent, or one you can rely on or share expenses with friends.

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ye right. i have raptoring babys outside. but ofcourse they wont reroll or poop so that we can get them back when they should die. because why should they, right? 
Because u are not the only one playing on that server and rolling it back can affect others. What if their chars get deleted because they were transferring? It not hard to see why they would risk losing players' chars for some babies.
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1 hour ago, deedoubleu said:

@Probitas mostly agree, but where does info about less programmers coming from? Last I've heard they were hiring more.

Putting up adverts for programmers does not mean they are hiring, some places just like to keep resumes on file in case they need to hire, or they want to keep the current crop on edge worrying about job security - it's a sick demented game some employers play to control the workforce - if you are worried about your job, you are less likely to ask for more money, promotion, time off, etc. Human psychology 101. Most employers these days have no respect for employees feeling they are a dime a dozen, and zero loyalty, though they do expect that from employees no matter how shyte the treatment. Keeping want ads up just fuels that fire.

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alot of people have been having issues with the servers crashing left and right, 4 people asked me if i could see their server from my friends list,  all 4 were down, noted that the 3 extinction server I play on sometimes for gettting gacha, who's pings are normally low were also down, as well as a abberation server and my main server.    My main servers crashed multiple times daily for the past several days.

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8 hours ago, GrumpyBear said:

46 is either being attacked by players from a certain country to make it all their own or the server resides on hardware that is failing.


I'm preparing to move off the server ,  if WC can’t figure it out ,  who will.... no one that’s who.


ive had to resort to reporting the outage every time now cus if I don’t the server will be down for hours,,  like last night I was going to bed when I saw it down for an hr ,  I would have reported but I was sleepy and thought I’d get to it in the morning.   I sort of figured it would be out until the morning....

We ARE moving off of 46 because it's been months and months of so much lost time, dead dinos, sitting around doing nothing. I hate it. Such good people there. Freaken WC! Please start fixing your stuff! Please!

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5 hours ago, Probitas said:

Putting up adverts for programmers does not mean they are hiring, some places just like to keep resumes on file in case they need to hire, or they want to keep the current crop on edge worrying about job security - it's a sick demented game some employers play to control the workforce - if you are worried about your job, you are less likely to ask for more money, promotion, time off, etc. Human psychology 101. Most employers these days have no respect for employees feeling they are a dime a dozen, and zero loyalty, though they do expect that from employees no matter how shyte the treatment. Keeping want ads up just fuels that fire.

That is very true. Good point. I think they just need to get their Management team together and read what people are saying. I mean people are bashing these crashes and horrible servers left and right. Don't they see this? I mean I know I would if I was a Dev of what should be a successful fun game!

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Val525 is crashing up to 5 times per day too. For luck it's always up again after 30 mins.

Let's face it: In times of Corona Wildcard will have more and more problems to keep all 1000 official servers up. If no miracle happens we have to expect one server after the other go offline (ill workers, sceleton crew, financial trouble, lockdown, whatever) and not come back.

Maybe you have luck and your server will die as one of the last, maybe you are unlucky and will lose all your stuff next week, because your server will no longer be administrated.

I hope I'm wrong but this could be last days of our bases on official. Enjoy as long as you can.

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11 hours ago, Mavrick88 said:

Is WC / Ark the new Apple of gaming? Force moving to new servers by crashing old

I can't believe this. Island 46 PVE Official PC was down 9 hours the other day! Now it's been almost 12 hours since the last crash. What in the world is going on WC? I mean this game isn't even playable and fun anymore. I know, I know. My choice to play it right? Over a years worth of playing, raising dinos, we have TONS of stuff. Hard to give all that up when you think of the time put into the game and honestly Ark is fun! But it's getting so horrible right now. Crazy!!!

All severs seem to be worse since Genesis. Is that on purpose to force people to move to Genesis? Is WC the new Apple of gaming??? Forcing people to play Genesis because their servers are "accidentally" getting worse and WC is saying nothing about why that's happening? What gives? I see so many more complaints about how horrible servers are. And really, some going down 5+ hours, 10+ hours. What's going on?? There are no answers at all from WC! 

Its no use really coming here for answers about the state of the game, considering wildcard has moved pretty exclusively to twitter in order to talk about the game, as opposed to their own website. As stated by an 'admin', the forum is just here for players to communicate with each other...


...and by communicate, I mean having people complain about issues, and then other types of the same people come in to just post up memes/gifs - many of them similar - mocking and trolling while adding nothing constructive of their own, before leaving.


Thats about it, from what I'm constantly noticing. The trend.


I've hopped on after reading this to check and see if any of the servers listed are high pinged and/or dropping out right now.

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