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Separate PvE and PvP balances



There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP.

Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better.

Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight

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On 8/2/2019 at 3:10 PM, MagUruk said:

there's also the problem with placing the Tek Generator and the long range it needs to be away from others foundations. I guess it has this long range for PvP reasons (long range of Tek Turret and all that) but on PvE you build your base and just after it is finished and you want to place a Tek Generator you realize that your neighbours are too close and you aren't allowed to place it anywhere inside your own base and there is nothing you can do about it

make aliance  with yout neighbors :-).  


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On 4/23/2019 at 11:22 PM, Oieru said:

As the title says, we need SEPARATE buffs/nerfs/balance tweaks for PVE and PVP. 2 completely different game modes with completely different strategies, objectives and player types need different tweaks to the game.

This has become especially evident in the cases of the extreme and repeated nerfs of the Managarmr, a new and versatile creature that quickly became as useful as throwing small feces at a wild Giga... All because of the outcry of a portion of PVP players, while completely ignoring, disregarding the PVE community. While PVP was focused on griefing fellow players with Manas, PVE players needed that versatility to focus on boss taming/killing. You can see the frustration on both sides. PVP is still and will be forever complaining about Manas, while PVE clings to being able to still play with that creature. This is only one example.

For two game modes you need two game settings. It is only logical, as a famous saying goes.

So please, for the sake of the PVE and PVP communities, revert those extreme tweaks and focus on implementing them completely different in PVE and PVP game modes. This might be the most urgent game balance.


PS: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make this a discussion over PVE/PVP supremacy. If you want to know, they both suck equally bad for different reasons!




exactly, I believe that separating them would provide more enriching experiences in both game modes

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On 8/9/2019 at 8:41 AM, Aushegun said:

Stats seem to indicate that the majority of players are PvE .... so maybe they should focus on making sure the game favors those players instead. ?


On 8/9/2019 at 11:01 AM, Joebl0w13 said:

Ced acknowledged that most people play PvE.

I question how accurate those stats and statements are from Ced. Considering most players play Unofficial how could they possibly know. I think Ced's statements were that more players play PvE on official network vs the much larger unofficial network.

In addition battlemetrics data delve suggests that it is very close to 50% to 50%

Edited by johnm81
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Still waiting about disabling FF in PVE. Lost 90 babies into cryo. Almost lost all dinos of a 10yo tribermate that play with us (I just logge in time by chance). Looks like ark support doesn't know about this, since they told me it was my fault! (yeah, admin tribe can precent anyone to get magmasaur to FF bombing! And blue prokies fly in the sky, there is pece all over the world and the moon is a piece of sugar)

Edited by Alessio89
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2 minutes ago, divisd1 said:

It would not be easy at all. Have you ever looked at the dev kit to see how stuff actually works? Easy to give suggestions and say they are easy to implement if you haven't the slightest idea of how any of it actually works.

There is already a. Giant server file setting as far as in aware with every Dino and every stat base value and gain per wild and gain per tamed level and affinity and imprint bonus.

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I didn't read the whole thread, so i dunno if its been suggested, but for us who play SP, why not give us an option to turn off nerfs for EVERYTHING? I mean, if i wanna go around one shotting everything with a Giga, or traveling the across the map in 30 seconds with a Wyvern or Mana, that should be for me to decide, since im only playing by myself. 

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On 4/23/2019 at 11:11 PM, DauntedVenus said:

There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP.

Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better.

Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight

Oh please leave the flyers and manas as they are. I remember the flyers on full speed and I hope you are not still talking about that because it was all pretty next level crazy. They are fine as thay are now. The only thing I dont like is that in PVE you cant drag or take wild ko's to a more suitable area, as you can in pvp. That right, right? Long time since i really played pvp. You are stuck to tame your dino on other peoples turfground and are forced to stay there many times because everything is pillared. many of those pvp "advantages" are really anoying pve gameplay, since Ark's "wildlife" already has little to offer anymore, these disadvantages really keep me from doing anything with Ark's "Wildlife" :) anymore...

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Always someone complaining about PvP on every forum... 

OP, I find that making suggestions works better than complaining. Do you have any reasonable suggestions as to how this can be resolved? Because it sure as hell takes more than just fiddling with a couple of numbers, especially if the game is to be semi-consistent.

Unfortunately citing things like the flier nerf are only going to hurt your case. You know as much as everyone that was a generally needed balance pass, not that nasty PvP harming your PvE gameplay. Much like the original nerf to tame stats, sometimes people forget that the devs simply have the desire (and right) for the game to hold challenge or be engaging. If you want Quetzals that cross the island in 0.5 seconds and one-shots gigas, go develop a mod for it, but it's not the game the devs want...PvE or PvP

I suspect that motivation for challenge is a large part of what you are clashing heads with, not that nasty PvP

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27 minutes ago, AleXtreme1 said:

Oieru is right!!! At first , extinction creatures were the best in the game (managarmr ,velonosaur , gacha , etc) . After several updates the abilities of those creatures were reduced at half or eaven lower. When managarmr appeared on ark for the very beginning i killed a giga from high range with no problem. Now , i have to move close to a dino just to freeze it a little. Same thing with gacha : when extinction map was released , a gacha fed with proper food dropped crystals with mastercraft or ascendant items very easy. Now , i have to open a lot of crystals to get maximum a mastercraft item at it's lowest quality. I think no-one cares on PvE if you kill a wild dino with a primitive pick or an ascendant rifle. 20190304174504_1.thumb.jpg.f39609ebca95b2e207436790cc6d7a72.jpg 

In pve they should just enable creative mode and God mode. People should not even have to farm just spawn in creatures and bases. And instant kill anything by right clicking on it. It's pve balance don't matter.

Edited by covenantgrunt
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