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PVE vs. PVP Which do you play?


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Pvp might be fun if its like a fresh server with everyone starting from the root battling and doing all they can to survive and do the thing but sadly its almost impossible to achieve since all pvp servers got an alpha (owner) of the server that would destroy any new player or growing tribe. So somehow feels masochistic to build stuff let them raid and get the loot and start allover and over and over...

For pve side i would enjoy this method the most. People getting along helping each other growing and raising together (exclude some trolls and glitchers indeed) its fun and cool but got some major flaws as well. Not being able to find a nice spot due to pillar spammers or how cruel the game treats pve (aka huge frame rate drops and overwhelming lag that i really hope to get fixed)

In general i would indeed enjoy pve ^_^ 

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22 hours ago, inajar24 said:

Pillar spamming on PvE servers is one of my main concerns. Being able to place pillars near someones base forcing them to be unable to continue building is a real bummer for people. 

Not really if you bear what you said in mind and claim space around ur Base for where you want to maybe expand to in future and you're sorted. I have a base that I need for my dinos and had no issues


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PVE for me as I love the community spirit that you get and the trading that brings aswell. I enjoy  seeing what I have accomplished with my time grinding. I also love the Beeding side trying to get the best stats and mutations.

I enjoyed my time on PVP aswell but after you have done a bit of raiding etc I find it gets stale and unless you have loads of time spare u will lose your hours grinding and have to redo it. Also find the community on PVP to be pretty rubbish but I'm sure they is one or two good ones out there.


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Lazy PVP on a calm PVP server... most of the time it's just PVE as people are not agressive/expert in PVP, but it is good to have an option to blow up something if it is in the way (like newbie people putting foundations on the best metal spots) or release some steam when someone offends someone in any way (like luring rexes to someone's base, dropping wild animals into it or simply calling him retard on th global chat :) etc)


As far as I heard griefing like the above is pretty common on PVE servers anyway, and the non griefers suffer. On PVP server the griefers dont have such advantage...

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I started with official PvP once, because I had much more time those days. But it was later too much time consuming to maintain and defend everything, that I changed to PvE as I wanted to play, what imho is not really possible with limited time on PvP as you have to start every day all over again, if you have not the time for building a real defensive base.

And now I play on my own server as I like to have the server settings to my and my friends bidding.

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Official PVP for me.

I adore the early game pvp when new servers arrive,gettimlng to the best spots,all the fighting that goes with it.

Now i just love the planning and preparations to cross server raid,the rush you get as your pulling all your stuff out the ob,not knowing if your gonna get clubbed from behind etc.

Thats what does it for me,and smashing up hours amd hours of work lol. It will happen to us all one day on pvp.

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I played PVP with my wife on official servers for the first 6 months of playing. Even as a two person tribe we had a lot of success with not being raided. I think it was because we heavily fortified our base and also made a lot of in game friends. Once that became to much work we quit and moved to PVE to give it a try. That is what we have been playing ever since. Depending on the community and health of the server is which is better. There are a lot of PVE servers that need to have PVP rules applied because of all the kiting and drama. Either mode can be a lot of fun or just stupid. 

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  • 5 months later...

Tbh I started playing ark not too long ago and I didn’t know what was pvp or pve so I started playing pvp but for some reason either the environment  or the players kept on destroying me till I joined a nice little tribe but even then we got wrecked it’s amolst imposible to grow in pvp either the players raid you or kill your hard earned tames or the wild eats you alive I believe it’s too much for a beginner never been to a pve but that’s where I’m going for since all the tribe member gave up on the game 

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I've played both. I prefer PvE. I prefer to spend my time hunting wild's and growing my lineage. I don't want a bullet day and I do like to mine/grind but at a leisurely pace as I actually find it relaxing just going around obsidian mountain or obsidian island on Rag crushing metal nodes with an Anky. Hopping off to check levels of a dino if I don't have a spy glass. Buck naked (nice little fast travel point) and not have to worry about getting sniped.

I don't worry about a specific build given me more time to interact with the dino's, the whole reason I was drawn to this game. 

I like raising something so amazing that people covet it and trade me hours of their work to own it and vice versa. 

I like to explore every nook and cranny on a map, roaming freely and only worrying about Wild Dino's. Able to enjoy the scenery that was put into a map.

I have enough anxiety in my normal life so I prefer the peaceful side of PvE.

If I want to run and gun, I'll stick with Battlefield, or R6, or COD. Timed and simple battle with much better fighting mechanics that don't cost days of your time so a ticked off kid who got a D can come home and C4 the hatchery and 10 adolescent Boss Rex's that are at 93% because you had to run to the store or are on a 12 hour shift. 

I like to look at people's cool sandcastles not kick them over. 

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On 4/14/2017 at 1:00 AM, Ungabunga said:

PvP. PvE is good for little babies and carebears who want to build things that look pretty.

I have read all the comments here, but yours struck me as the most profound. I have logged over 2.4k hours in PVP alone. I have been a scrub on the beach worked my way through the stage of constant wipes and eventually to the point of alliances and long standing structures. We were then able get to the point where we took over our legacy server(pre cross-ark days).

I have also assisted in raids involving mega tribes and have played on all of the maps as well. More recently I have begun to play PVE (roughly 600hr across two platforms) and I really enjoy the different style of play. A lot of the heavy grinding is no longer a daily chore, as it takes on much less importance. Metal you find, its for tools and lots, I mean lots of ammo for guns. The 5 hour bullet grind each day, nah you don't need it. double layering the base and all those vaults, "fahhget about it". And i can tell you this knowing it is the truth. The best game mode, PVP or PVE, isn't determined by personal preference. The best option is the one that fits your needs best.

The list goes far beyond that, the point is, PVE does offer a lot of healthy benefits, especially for players that either don't have the time to dedicate to extended PVP play, or just choose and prefer a slower style of game play. So try not to be bias next time.


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2 minutes ago, Ranger1 said:

Halloween is over, so why are we bringing long dead threads back to life.  It's like wearing white after labor day.  :P

Blame Johnny. lol. I didn't check first date, rookie mistake but I think this is a topic that can go on for awhile as mind sets change plus there is a whole new client base to tell their stories after a few months of Arking. I think there is a relevance in that. 

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1 minute ago, yekrucifixion187 said:

Blame Johnny. lol. I didn't check first date, rookie mistake but I think this is a topic that can go on for awhile as mind sets change plus there is a whole new client base to tell their stories after a few months of Arking. I think there is a relevance in that. 

LOL, no worries.  As long as the thread doesn't turn into a PVE vs PVP mud slinging event (as sometimes happens) it's all good.

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1 minute ago, Ranger1 said:

LOL, no worries.  As long as the thread doesn't turn into a PVE vs PVP mud slinging event (as sometimes happens) it's all good.

This thread is so old @Ulta still played official. lol. 

have your lock button ready. the PvPer/PvEr mud slinging will commence this afternoon when people get off work. 

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I play PVE for many reasons, including the fact I work full time and have a life outside of work that isn't all about video games. Don't get me wrong, Ark sucks me in, like the rest of you.  Luckily my fiance and I play together with a real life friend so we aren't just totally isolated when we do play, and we have taken several LONG breaks from Ark since we began playing in January of 2016 on Xbox, whenever we get bored or ticked off at the game. I'm also a huge nerd when it comes to animal genetics, have been since a small child, so I really enjoy the breeding component of Ark and I like the trading aspect as well. 

Dabbled in PVP briefly and thought it sucked. For me, this game is plenty challenging enough without adding in jagoffs that just want to kill you for no reason. The grind is already bad enough just to build and tame without adding in Alpha tribes with superiority complexes (it's a game, folks).  

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I played about 4k hours official PvP before launch, then switched to PvE.


My Reasons for doing so:

  • Ark is not ready for PvP, the amount of exploits/bugs/cheats is too high, support not good / fast enough to cope with it.
  • Being owner of a huge tribe i spent too much time negotiating and talking, only 50% of my Ark time was actually playing the game.
  • I dont want to sink too much time into this game (again=) and in PvE i can stay offline for a few days without any issues
  • I really enjoy that i no longer need to farm so much metal =)
  • I love building and PvE allows for cooler buildings


PvP is nice but on official it requires a lot of your time, also for just managing your tribe and alliances.

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