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Demerus last won the day on June 17 2020

Demerus had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Demerus

  • Birthday April 21

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Flak Armor

Flak Armor (4/5)



  1. next week stats should be "amount of bases destroyed and items stolen by corrupted kiting on PVE" The numbers would be ridiculous
  2. just lost my anky 100 element worth of shards and all my gear. Farming crab/anky with tribemate, I blinked and suddenly i was floating beneath the mesh. PC PVE Genesis EU 646 lots of mesh holes in the lunar caves. Beware.
  3. are the turkey bones used to make the cosmetics going to be a PITA to get like Fear event?
  4. Thanks for the notice guys! When are Dedicated Storage boxes going to be properly locked?
  5. Can't wait to have up to 8x breeding on tame capped servers. Time to grind metal until my face falls off.
  6. Reality overdose in this topic. i feel you guys, I really do. My tribe is in the same boat. No motivation of progress further on our legacy server because we want to start fresh on launch. we are refreshing base and feeding our Dino's to keep them as a backup in case the new servers end up like ragnarok' release. We all know the nightmares that map has brought to players and continues to do. we are keeping our options open and at the same time like mentioned above scouting out new locations and practising for being naked and afraid again on the new clusters.
  7. Will all official servers be wiped? What will be done about the mass lagg accross servers and errors in transfering characters between them? Will thylas and other dinos finally stop going invisible and glitching through my floor every time i leave render distance?
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