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Server Tame Cap


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Because the wild babies are claimable like if you hatch an egg. So if eggs that I hatch count towards the server tame cap surely the wild claimable babies count aswell. Can’t see the devs making a new mechanic for wild babies. It’s like someone hatched hundreds of eggs and scattered the babies across the map or am I wrong ?

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9 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:

I'm not sure why a wild dino would have anything to do with the tame cap.


8 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:

I bet they count only after being claimed (tamed). Just like any other dino.

I think OP meant the limit of wild Dinos in the Server, not only tamed (in tribes).

EDIT: sorry, I think I misunderstood...

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On 12/4/2023 at 4:35 PM, Hellopandazac said:

Because the wild babies are claimable like if you hatch an egg. So if eggs that I hatch count towards the server tame cap surely the wild claimable babies count aswell. Can’t see the devs making a new mechanic for wild babies. It’s like someone hatched hundreds of eggs and scattered the babies across the map or am I wrong ?

Wild baby dinos are the same as wild adult dinos. They count against the maximum number of wild dinos, but they do not count against the maximum number of tamed dinos. Only tamed dinos count against the tame cap.

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When you hatch an egg that baby counts to the tame cap if it didn’t you would be able to hatch eggs. but you can’t because of tame cap so the baby must count towards cap before it’s claimed so must the wild baby dino also count before they are claimed. if not explain how the server is capped but no tribe has maxed out the tribe tame limit?

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  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Server Tame Cap
4 hours ago, Zapha said:

That's the message I just got while trying to tame a Carno: "Too much tamed creatures on this ARK".
Taming bar simply does not progress. But I haven't seen any bases full of dinos like in the past.

And now?

If the tame cap on the server has been reached, no new dinos can be tamed (or hatched). As you discovered, it will not make any progress as long as the server is capped.

If you were sitting there with a dino, keeping it knocked out by continuing to feed it narcotics, you could eventually tame it if another tamed dino on the server happened to get killed. What I'm not sure about is whether there is a queue for this. For example, if other people had eggs that were maturing while the server was capped, would their babies hatch before you would be allowed to continue taming? I don't know how the server decides who gets the next tame slot if only one becomes available.

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3 hours ago, Hellopandazac said:

So I can’t hatch or breed dinos because of the server tame cap but I can go and claim wild baby dinos still that must mean that they count towards tame cap as you wouldn’t be able to claim them as you can’t claim hatched dinos or breed any other dinos you own 

You can't hatch, breed or tame while the server is tame capped. Both activities are locked until an existing tamed dino dies. It doesn't matter whether you're taming a wild adult or a wild baby, they both get treated the same by the taming cap.

A wild baby does not count against the tame cap while it's still wild, but the moment you try to tame that baby and convert it to a tamed dino then it would count against the tame cap.

Any method of creating a new tamed dino (breeding, hatching, taming) is affected by the tame cap.

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Honestly, the timing of Cryopods and this event have been launched the wrong way round. So many servers at server tame limits, our server (EU-5201) tried killing off a ton of tames, only to hit the limit a few hours later because everyone begins breeding/hatching again. New players are coming on, only to realise they can't actually play the game with no utility tames, and day-one players have stopped playing altogether. 

I guess long-term it starts with sorting out tribe limits (and bring Cryopods in ASAP), so large tribes can stop having 30+ of every dino sat around (mostly unnecessary too, but that's another debate). Right now, the servers aren't capable of handling raising the cap clearly, so there needs to be a fast solution to this by at least introducing Cryopods so large tribes can store them. Whilst the server performance issues are a completely different subject with structures, Cryopods would help with some of the latency. 

Can we get an exhaustive list of servers here that are at server limit? 

  • EU-PvE-TheIsland-5201
  • EU-PvE-TheIsland-5182
  • EU-PvE-TheIsland-5163


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Our server just hit it today. Dozens of them reporting it on Facebook. You would think over the years having observed player bases and caps on officials, WC would have been prepared. They touted how much better the new Unreal engine is, can handle drawing things in better, and all that BS. Why not raise the dino cap then? Raise the cap and release cryos now so folks can attempt to enjoy things.

These WC jokes and the buffoonery that sounds them are ridiculous.


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