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Everything posted by Hellopandazac

  1. When server transfer is available will I be able to transfer my character to and from a non modded official pve server to a modded one
  2. On my server some people are able to write in the in game chat in different colors any idea how I would be able to do this aswell as the people doing it won’t divulge how it’s done lol any help is greatly appreciated
  3. When you hatch an egg that baby counts to the tame cap if it didn’t you would be able to hatch eggs. but you can’t because of tame cap so the baby must count towards cap before it’s claimed so must the wild baby dino also count before they are claimed. if not explain how the server is capped but no tribe has maxed out the tribe tame limit?
  4. So I can’t hatch or breed dinos because of the server tame cap but I can go and claim wild baby dinos still that must mean that they count towards tame cap as you wouldn’t be able to claim them as you can’t claim hatched dinos or breed any other dinos you own
  5. Because the wild babies are claimable like if you hatch an egg. So if eggs that I hatch count towards the server tame cap surely the wild claimable babies count aswell. Can’t see the devs making a new mechanic for wild babies. It’s like someone hatched hundreds of eggs and scattered the babies across the map or am I wrong ?
  6. Do the wild baby dinos count towards server tame cap?
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