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    Ledumahadi are generally seen grazing and occasionally sharpening their claws by attacking rocks or trees. Ledumahadi are aggressively territorial against the carnivorous dinosaurs of the ARK. They become especially aggressive when their herd has babies, attacking anything that comes within their striking distance.
    Ledumahadi are sought after for their aggressive nature. These prosauropods are loyal to their survivors. While they may not be the biggest dino in the Ark, they are mighty, able to rear up and swipe at targets causing them to bleed. Ledu has a generic saddle that provides the dino some armour. They may also be fitted with a dual platform saddle to carry large amount of stuff from one location to another. Especially resources such as wood and stone. On it's own, Ledumahadi has a damage intake decrease similarly to Stegosaurus. They take less damage from dino attacks and some explosives. Ledumahadi are also somewhat omnivorous, able to eat meat if there is no other option. Because of this, meat and hide can be collected rather efficiently.
▸Taming Method
To tame one you must gain it’s respect. When you approach the Ledumahadi will square up, you will be challenged by the dino to a on-foot melee fight. Once your duel starts you and the Ledu will take turns attacking, but be wary of the Thunderclap. It will stun you for 15 seconds giving the Ledu the advantage. You are able to deflect the stun attack by timing yours correctly. If you successfully deflect the Thunderclap you will gain taming affinity. At the end of the spar you will be able to feed the Ledu and finish taming it.

►Armour: Ledumahadi's hide is imbedded with tough osteoderms, these can be harvested from a Ledu's corpse and used in crafting recipes. A unique crafting recipe is "Osteoderm Armour". Unlike flak and Chitin armour, the Osteoderm Armour is more durable, lightweight and does not get too hot or cold. The armour pieces can only be crafted on the Ledu's platform saddle. Blueprints can never be found anywhere, so the only way to get better armour is to upgrade it via the platform saddle. Upgrading the armour, however, is resource heavy.(There is a cap to the upgrading)

► Weapon: Along with the armour, Ledu's claws can be harvested to make a unique weapon. "Ledu's Rake". While the name makes it sound like a garden tool, the rake is actually a rather powerful melee weapon with multiple uses. You will be able to harvest large amounts of wood and stone. By hitting the rocks and trees you are also sharpening the weapon, allowing it to deal more damage. Unlike other weapons, you must level the rake up to get higher durability. To level it up, similarly to chibis, you must kill alpha dinos with the rake. Once it levels up, it's durability and damage will increase and you will need to repair it. You can only repair Ledu's Rake on the platform saddle.(Repair is expensive and the level caps at 5)

Sharpen Claws[Keybind: C]:
Sharpen claws is an attack keybinded to C that will only damage Rocks and Trees. After attacking x amount of rocks you will gain a damage increase for 30 seconds.

Swipe Attack [Keybind: LMB]: The swipe attack can only be used in the bipedal stance. This attack can be clicked and held to constantly swipe at the expense of turn radius and speed. [CTRL for bipedal stance]

Thunderclap [Keybind X]: Thunderclap is a stun attack with a small radius. It lasts for 15 seconds. It will completely stop anything smaller than it and only slow down anything bigger than it. 

Bleed: Ledumadahi has the ability to bleed dinosaurs, however this is not a normal bleed attack. Ledu’s gnash is percentage based, and increases stamina drain. Once stamina is drained the target will begin to take 5% health over 10 seconds. (TLDR; Will only take bleed damage if you have no stamina).

►Tail Attack [Keybind: RMB]: A generic attack that causes moderate damage.

(Art Made By Me)

Ledumahadi_acuti_Creature_Submission (1).pngdfu09nx-79bb5ea0-28d4-45b8-854d-ff8a91d1

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Ledumahadi mafube
Or a giant Thunderclap at dawn

this dinosaur would be perfect for ASE scorched earth Since it was discovered in South Africa

It for the most part walked on 4 feet
But can rear onto its hind legs
Is a little  over half the size of a brontosaurus 
Had bent arms with huge clawed hands at the end
They We're herbivores and quadrapedal suropodomorphs

Distant cousin of the brontosaurus
And predecessor to the diploticus

It appears  to been an evolutionary in-between from dinosaurs that walked on 2 legs with arms up in front  and the ones that walk on all 4 Colombular legs.

It will rear onto its hind legs spread its arms out and slam them back togeather so hard  it creates a shock wave so powerful even Gigantasaurus are thrown back quite far it causes a 5 second stun affect / debuff on all tames caught in Shockwave  Anything close enough to be hit with its claws during said clap also gets 5 sec of bleed damage
It can soak bullets and protects its rider from turrets only when reared
There seems to be  some time in between
Before it can do it again I counted about 20 seconds

It can also rear onto its hind legs and charge forward in any direction  while slashing with both its arms 5 consecutive times and then must come back down on all 4 legs. Each consecutive stacks 5 seconds of bleed damage ( like the deinonicus)

This creature is a beautiful balance
between offense and defense
In pvp

It can gather large amounts  of berry's by slashing from right or left arm this dosent create a bleed affect if it hits another animal

With is dino if your enemies bring the lightning you can bring the thunder and  really clap back! 👏

Reverse tank

To tame   you must ko  this dino to tame it
But be warned it is more aggressive than its relatives the brontosaurus And the diploticus  during taming it will attack with its front claws it will use everything in Its arsenal  to keep from knocking out as its torper rises it will fight more fearsly every minute until it finally falls




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  • Jade317 changed the title to Ledumahadi acuti - Sharp Clawed Prosauropod
10 hours ago, UpFromTheDepths said:

Hoping this gets into the top 10. ARK has ZERO prosauropods and I really think they need some representation. You barely see them in dino themed videogames to begin with! 

Same here, early sauropodomorphs are top tier dinosaurs and would be awesome to have in game. Extremely underrated dinosaur group as a whole.

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  • Jade317 changed the title to Ledumahadi acuti - The Claw Sharpening Beast of Scorched Earth!

Really hope this can make its way into the top ten, the concept art is amazing, it's a great idea, and it's something we've never seen in Ark. This, the moa, gigantoraptor, sivatherium, and giant cheetah have made this vote so interesting, we're seeing way more creatures tailored on the idea of uniqueness and creativity rather than another generic large killing machine. Best of luck with your suggestion and I hope it gets more attention.

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  • Jade317 changed the title to Ledumahadi acuti - The Brutal Brawler of Scorched Earth!

Ignoring the extra unique features like the armor and such, this is still a really cool creature. Take my vote, this thing looks amazing, I don’t care if this becomes a resource gaverer or something the battle creature (actually the devs tend to stick to the theme of the creature, so it’s probably still gonna be a strong boi) I think platform saddles are under appreciated. And need to be added or just more creative. I’m just rambling I really like this guy, if it makes it to the top 10, it’s gonna be very high on my list of creatures

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Fantastic submission! Honestly Ledu is pretty well rounded it's claw attacks while comparable to the therizinosaurus are unique enough to make it stand out as a pvp mount, another platform saddle creature is nice to see especially one with some combative capabilities there's honestly not one other platform saddle creature I can think of that is more utility useful than this one, there's not too much to note on this one a short and simple submission that is unique and looks fun to use, furthering on that note I do have some questions and ideas, is this going to be a soaker? You had stated that it would be durable similarly to the stegosaurus, if you're going through with that route maybe don't make it a full on one or less comparable to other soakers the combat soaking function, and agility while also being more over the lines of a rex tier would make for an overpowered mount, also here's an old idea I had originally from one of my submissions, maybe it can duck and weave attacks I'm not entirely sure how it will work but it'll be pretty fitting 


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  • Jade317 changed the title to Ledumahadi acuti - The Brutal Brawler of Scorched Earth! [New Features]


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