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  1. my submission is boverisuchus, I have 2 main ideas for what this creature could do ingame, but want to start with basic facts. Sciencey stuff I want to have a bunch of background info on boverisuchus cuz I feel thats important for understanding the creature. It lived not long after the asteroid hit and killed almost everything, Boverisuchus was one of those that lived through the chaos that waws post apocalyptic earth, and I think a story like that doesnt sound to far off from extinction. IRL it was 6-7 feet long or a little more than 2 meters. These bois heavily armoured skin, filled with osteoderms, but had none on its tail (the bone knobs u hind on the back of crocodiles, if u want an example look em up). A very large piece of its identity is the hoofes instead of claws. The claws were modified in a way to be hoofs allowing it to just get around better on land and is therefore a terrestrial croc. IT was also able to gallop. it was alot more dinosaur like than croc and many fossils have been mistaken for dinosaur fossils ( I want it to be a little more croc than its irl counterpart). thats basically everything important in the wiki but I have more info. I first learned this thing existed from a Trey The Explainer video on YT and he goes over the fact that theres a big debate over if this thing could stand on its hind legs. my guess is it could but only while runing (more on that later). My vision for just the model aparently this thing was alot more dinosaur than croc but I really want to lean into that croc bit. If u look at the image on the wiki the tail almost looks like it doesnt belong and is from a diff creature, my idea for the tail on the IG model is its alot more like a normal croc with those really big ridges. I also like the idea it has much longer legs than the dauchshund legged-fossil. and a much longer neck, I dont really have an ability in mid for the neck, I just like the idea. My idea for size is its a little taller than a gigantopithicus at its peak. and a little longer than a stego. Wouldnt mind these being tweaked to be larger (anything but the metric system) I have 2 ideas for the abilities. Ill start of with the base abilities and then the gimmick that puts it apart from the other creatures will be concept 1 and concept 2. concept 1 is the more reasistic one while concept 2 is an earlier idea. its basic abilities are: are a pretty normal walk, a good speed gallop, and a charge attack. Its attacks are a bite, a tail swipe similar to modern crocs. I would like to see some atleast a knockback maybe even a small stun. And then its charge attack. the charge attack is significantly faster than the gallop similar to a packy charge. Once it rams into something at the end of its charge it does a unique stun and maybe like a dinopithicus' bleed. I would really liketo see some unique animation sequence for that stun using the knockout and wake up animation, that would be really cool and really bring the creature to life. Yall did something similar in the rhynio give birth animation, one more animation plz : ) concept 1 the idea behind both concepts is that this is a creature built to be the creature u ride while doing OSDs or element veins. with concept 1 I really leaned into that and decided to have it work similar to the carch, with a meter at the bottom that fills up as you kill corrupted creatures. as it kills more and more its damage and maybe defense is buffed. The damage multiplier does more damage to normal creatures, but does its full strenth when attacking corrupteds doing insane damage when fully charged. One last minute idea is as it fills up is does a more and more powerful bleed when it charges a corrupted creature. This is a dossier example i created using concept 1. Crocs are known for surviving through all the eras and I think Boverisuchus is a perfact example of that, but these creatures are drasticly different from their not quite mezozoic cousins, these are modified creatures, with a behavioral augmentation to kill all corruption wild on the island i noticed many creatures were different from their pre-historic ancestors, these boverisuchus, are the link between us, and the machines. they are designed like cats, to kill all that they can find, these were created to rage at all corruption infested creatures they find. making swift work of the largest corrupteds, beating up creatures many times larger than itself. I guess either those that debated if it could run bipedal were correct, that or they made Boverisuchus do it, because it can run in a bipedal stance and chase down prey or knockover titans. I would hate to have any form of corruption on me, because these monsters will sniff you out and find you. No piece of corruption is safe from their cast-iron stomachs. Domesticated Boverisuchus is put in such a rage by corruption that having it while traversing the bad-lands would be invalueable, If it can catch up to a boverisuchus, it wont be able to go home and tell the tale. If one was to pasify it with the opposite of corruption, and was able to feed it and make friends to the point of taming it, these would be unstoppable in defending those sub-orbital supply drops. Fortunately, one such fellow at the camp managed to pull it off. and collecting resources to fend against everything this dying earth throws at us has been much easier. concept 2 While still focused at killing corrupteds, concept 2 was meant to do that while the doom soundtrack was going by having a turret that was capable of supporting any mountable turret, while being accesable from the rider's saddle. The turret could hold any firearm or turret (except autos). I also had this elaborate system where if its a hand held gun it does the normal damage, and if its a turret it uses the saddle armour. (25 armour = 25% damage, so primitive saddles are not good, 100 armour does 100% damage or normal damage) where if it had more than 100 armour it was capable of doing more damage than the turret would do when placed. Last part of concept 2 is it had a Tek saddle that came with a Tek cannon, capable of raw damage output way greater than that of a tek rifle, basicly a tek assault rifle. but the gun could not be switched out like on a normal saddle. concept 2 wasnt a very realistic idea of what the devs would do to boverisuchus and eventually concept 1 came to mind and thats alot more feasable than slightly different andrew. enjoy my bad drawing I posted this creature for abberation and didnt think it would do well ( it didnt). but hopefully this gets more votes, ive put alot of thought into this creature and hope he makes it. and aparently a bunch of the images i used are now top results on google images. TY for reading
  2. I know at one point there was a whole website dedicated to this and it was taken don or stopped working, but where do yall create your custom dossiers? alot of the submissions ahd their own custom dossiers that i really liked and would love to try to make my own
  3. I wanted the prosauropod dude (don’t remember what it’s called). But fasalo was second on my list. The spider was an oddity and I sorta see the appeal but like I feel like we can have something better than a raptor with a word taming method and a big jump. I just really want some more platform saddles, which is probably the only reason fasalo was so high on my list. I didn’t think of it like that, we haven’t had a new lizard since thre magmasaur. I personally wouldn’t say it’s a lizard but it is sorta, but the last one we got before magma being the megalania really puts that into perspective. I’ve been watching people play ark since before rag (that’s how far I can think) and finally got a ps4 a month or so after Val launched. Then built a pc last year with one game in mind. Now we look to a new game. As someone who hadn’t bought all the DLCs (on steam, can’t say the same for PS) I’m glad they are going to be free with ASA. Can’t wait to see new optimizations and everything. You know the maewing is actually unusable on ps4? It moves so fast it can’t render in new places. Gen2 was fun.. They’re only releasing ASA to next gen consoles but hopefully with ur5 optimizations they will be able go a little longer before saturating our consoles capabilities. As of now, ARK2 is coming out at the same time as next-next-gen pc hardware and I really hope that stuff won’t be necessary to run it. Looking forward to the future of ark and optimisations and hope profits *cough* snail *cough* don’t get in the way of making the best game the team at wildcard can make.
  4. i think banning them is gonna be a little too far, but i think encouraging us to go with herbivores is what would be more likely. I was betwenn fasalo and the prosauropod dude (not gonna try to remember its name). glad that one of them made it tho i did prefer the Maevia. all I want is the platform saddle because we need more of those. I think like you said people think of what we see in pop culture such as jw, where carnivores are the big monsters and herbivores kinda exist and be.. idk. I would lik eto see more herbivores. A while back someone said this and quoted helena, something along the lines of "In a normal ecosystem there are twice as much herbivores as there are predators, but here there are twice as many predatores [something along the lines of artificially maintained ecosystem]" but now I feel like we really do need more herbivores. I hope they do what theyve done in the past where I guess wildcard internally votes for a second creature and we get another one. Thats how we got the sino and the carchar, so I hope we get something like that where we get either the giganotiraptor (suprised how far it got) or the maevia
  5. I knew the carchar was going to be awesome since the first vote. this is farther than what I thought it would be. I didnt think it would be this big (insert joke about it being soo big). another creature thats basicly driven by blood is cool, tho getting repetitive. and all the spikes and stuff on it are really cool. tho seeing no immedeate place to put the saddle, and the checkmark and x by the collar icon is worrying. lastly, if anyones still saying giga tlc, plz stop. theres the giga, and the cooler giga, 2 different things. the true creature defeater was the sino doing everything the arche does but better. this actually has a strategy, which helena says "let it eat the smaller enemies first". over all, this is a really cool creature. cant wait
  6. Don’t bother, wait another month or two, than we’ll probably get some news, I’m expecting we’ll get it sometime in nov-dec
  7. on fyordur, anyone feel like theres twice as many drops at night? night is now my designated drop hunt time
  8. Dude, what will we get more of, the new map that’s gonna come out in… 2 months, or the sequel that they’ve probably got a quarter of the team working on in the background. They’re gonna hype the thing that’s coming first. Give it 2 or 3 months and we’ll get news on ark 2
  9. The Desmodus looks gorgeous! A shriek like that sounds awesome and the mood of this creature belongs in a cave. Love it but a few last minute ideas my gut be echo location (candied ring it has the ears for it) or something similar to the tapa, where it can cling to walls. Also is it confirmed if we can ride it?
  10. I think the monkey is the strongest of the 3. the sino is definatly the one that wins most useful, but the dinopithicus wins strongest. my main complaint about the monkey is on console (well atleast ps4) it refueses to load its texture fully (you know when u get the blocky texture) so far the dinopithicus looks like a monkey body with the face of somthing from starwars( not quite like jarjar binks but close enough to the point im using him as an axample of what im getting). like seriosly ive named it lip monkey. wildcard needs to fix this. actually just tamed my first amarag, i expected more from the fire tho. maybe i should be trying it on rexes but getting damage markers that say 0 on a turtle is kinda disapointing considering how easy it is to get a point blank shot on the amarag while its trying to kill a dimorph. also who decided this thing eats dimorphs? dimorphs are nuetral, the amarag is suposed to hunt agressive carnivores. (can confirm, innocent megatherium is carnivore, amarag tested and approved lol) overall, changes I would like are: optimise monkey. better fire spikes. faster working ice spikes the turtle dummy had to walk through like 3 ice spikes before it STARTED freezing. I was hoping on building in the jungle temple, I knew there was no way inthe pyramid so I decided on building in the main gate, who decided you cant build in the temple, was planning on building in there but I guess im going to the red woods castle
  11. Tbh it’s for the better. Actually what’s PVE about monkey disabling tek? Either way, I think we’ve had enough of managqrmrs and void wyrms and other stuff that’s the newest bestest ever pvp dino and somthing that everyone can use.
  12. Don’t worry if the people with too much time were coming for ark they already would have done so when they realized about 1000 pixel lives are ended each hour because mutations exist. If ur gonna get mad over this you might as well get mad over mutations “being offensive to people born missing limbs or were born with skin conditions” half the time, people who “are HoRrIbLy offended” don’t really care and make fun of this kind of stuff. Get over it.
  13. Ive been thinking about this: UpFromTheDepths suggested the dinopithicus could have a bandolier to hold grenades in, from there it could throw grenades. instead, it eats grenades, poops them out, then throws them. why is this? Ive realised, the bandolier would be a saddle, they never wanted to put a saddle on the dinopithicus because then, the saddle would determine the damage each grenade does. does this mean that, either 1. the dinopithicus's melee determines the grenades damage. 2. the grenades will always do a set amount of damage which just makes the... no wait then this would be an extra step making this redundant so... My guess is the dinopithicus is a way to get more damage out of your grenades with out having to make the worlds most expensive tropeo saddle.
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