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  1. This creature is the most fitting for abberration by far in the current top 10 and I'd hate to see it lose
  2. Pryoraptor is a utility tame that allows survivors to roam Abberration's surface zone freely while mounted, with the added ability to generate fire as a light source. As long as they have flint to generate fire. Dossier: Common name: Pyroraptor Species name: Pyroraptor Olympius Name meaning: Fire Thief Time: Late Cretaceous Diet: Carnivore Temperature: Aggressive Wild: These fire starting raptors can only be found in the surface area of Aberration where they seem to thrive off nothing but reaper flesh. Pyroraptors are solitary creatures that take pride in the hunt. One could easily spot a Pyroraptor Olympius by following the trail of it's prey. Domesticated: The Pyroraptor is a survivor's best possible option if they wish to clear Abberration's most dangerous zone. Just a simple tranq and tame process for these guys, the only problem being their favorite food source: reaper king barbs. The Pyroraptor can light itself on fire, boosting it's attack damage and debuffing reapers with it's light pet like power. Abilities: Left Click: A basic scratch using both claws. RIght Click: Holding right click will start a charge it's claws, setting them on fire. This creates a light pet radius debuffing all creatures allergic to light. It also adds a burning affect to the primary attack. The effect is not permanent and consumes flint to activate. C: A charged breath attack. After holding C for some time, your Pyroraptor will release a short-range flamethrower esque breath attack that will leave your enemies on fire. Passive: A Pryoraptor can survive the surface , during the day it's food gauge will rapidly deplete if on the surface level. Saddle: Pryoraptor shares the same saddle as the regular raptor. It can also be ridden saddleless.
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