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Character Lost - Mega Thread


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Hey! Could anybody share their experience about restoring lost due rollback character? Will I get my original character back with all the imprints, achievements, engrams or will they just give me a new one with the same lvl? I lost my 122 lvl character, which had 2 ascensions done, unlocked all the engrams and which I had for 4k hours... I had lots of good and rare creatures  imprinted on me and currently was raising an event reaper and event drakes, they were just born and I got to imprint them only once before I lost my char. It is very frustrating, I really hope it can be fixed. 

P.S.I play on official pve servers, PC, if that matters.

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I have lost my character twice but this was due to transferring between servers. The first time it happened I was pretty new to the game so I hardly gave the GMs any info but they were able to help regardless. I also lost the leadership of my clan since I joined the same server with a new character. At the time, I think there was a lot of demand for dino recoveries and other lost characters due to rollback issues. It took WildCard about 24 hrs to contact me about the issue but I was able to set up an appointment to solve the problem. The appointment though was not until 5 days later...

The second time around, I was more experienced and had a lot more hours played than when I initially started. So when I lost my character transferring to another server, I made sure to write down the server I was going to and avoided going back to my main server so there wouldn't be any issues with my clan. This time I was able to get a resolution within the next day. At that time, WildCard was not taking any issues regarding missing dinos so I guess that could be a reason why I my issue was resolved faster?

Just be patient, that's all you can do for now. Play some fortnite.

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I have lost a character and Dinosaurs before due to different reasons. A Server update accidentally made our server Hardcore mode and character was lost,.and a bug causing Giga to Rocket jump deep into the ocean.  I immediately attempted to schedule an appointment. For some reason no matter what the issue response was given within 24-48 hours, but appointments took 2-3 weeks to meet with a GM. My character levels were restored and I was given Tribe Ownership. The only reason I kept my items and dinosaurs was because I had another tribe member at that time to sign-in and feed and/or check land. Dinosaurs can be restored without imprints and capped at certain level no matter what it previously was provided you can provide screenshot and logs. Another option was to receive a baby to imprint again but I did not consider that option worth all the time I had already lost. Best of luck with everything, in my experience I have never been satisfied with the restore options due to losing valuable game time invested and decay timers put certain Dinosaurs and Structures at risk(ie... Otters, Gigantosaurus's, Green Houses, etc...).

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Here are some short answers:

-They can't give back ascensions, so, at most you will get 100. However, the case is handled by mods individually and does not have a strict guideline. I've heard of mods kind enough to cheat through ascension to give it back. But also mods refusing to give any level back. Though, I've never heard anything about tek engrams. You probably will have to get them back yourself, but it doesn't hurt to try and ask kindly. 

-Achievement are stored locally, all achievement stay unless you change computer.

-Imprints are lost. They can't do anything about it. But they sometimes (depends on the mod) offer replacements for lost dinos, but with random stats. But I guess you can raise a new batch. 

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Thanks everybody for your answers! No imprints on all my event dinos, reapers, drakes means they are lost. They cant be replaced, I cant just raise some new ones. If they give me a  lvl 100 char with primitive specimen implant instead of my original lvl 122 - this is too much. I shouldnt be forced to ask "kindly" a GM to get back what I lost due to ingame issue and pray that he/she might say yes back. It should be given me back automatically, this should be our rights. How is it still even a thing? I always was thinking- no matter what happens, I wouldn't stop plyaing ark. A few lost dinos while transferring, some drakes get pushed underground while fighting a queen, some boss rex team lost to a bug - I can deal with that, love this game anyways.  But loosing all my progress - I didn't consider that.

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At this time, we are unable to assist players with lost survivors, this includes restoring imprints, lost exp, and engrams. We apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to offer more support with it in the future! 

Thats what I found in article" How to Transfer Your Survivor to Another Server Safely", if anyone curious. Support page.

So its called "inconvenience"'. Thats frustrating.

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Missing character!

Привет. Столкнулся с проблемой при переносе персонажа на новый сервер 522 с сервера island78. При загрузке персонажа выбивается ошибка. А теперь моего персонажа нигде нет. Что мне делать? 5B887DC2AFFA19BCD7A315035B8F035814133AC9

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dan as is said below, you must open a ticket on the support center. Then a game master while give you an appointement in the game. You must create a new char and the gm while give it the number of xp point that you had on the old char. But i understood that they just can level up to 105. And they cant give you lost dinos. Hope to have help you...

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If you have lost a character and are wondering what to do next, follow this procedure:

Sit in a semi comfortable position on the floor

Assume a fetal position

Place head between legs

Begin to rock back and forth repeatedly

Begin to cry

Maintain this action until the acceptance of your character being gone for good sets in and takes hold.

Only after you have completed this behavior should you then log a ticket, this way you can mentally prepare yourself for the "we are sorry but we arent going to restore your character because reasons" reply that you will get back from support.


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1 minute ago, Ancalagon said:

How is possible that during transfer from ragnarok to valguero, valguero server crashed and I lost my character, I tried go in ragnarok and nothing, go in valguero and nothing... Can I get pls an answer...

You will need to submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance from a Game Master. We unfortunately cannot assist you with in-game stuff on the forums.

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