AllOfTheAllos Posted December 10, 2020 Share Posted December 10, 2020 1 hour ago, Penguin73 said: I am just a one-world player atm. If I ever get to that point, I think I will need a special day planner to keep track of it all. LOL. I don't really play anywhere but on Valguero. No breeding is done anywhere but on it, no building for the sake of building, no advancement past stone tier. It's just side characters with their side bases, that require minimum care (handful of berries, handful of meat for Ext one, and on CI I just have two crystal wyverns, and they can last forever on a stack of crystals, as long as I don't forget to log on for a couple seconds every now and then to reset decay), have minimum dinos, and exist only to make it easier for me to get stuff that's impossible/difficult to get on Valguero. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DogoAZ Posted December 10, 2020 Share Posted December 10, 2020 Bueno yo hoy continúe criando mi generación de rex de los más de 80 huevos de los cuales seleccione 14 y de ellos salieron casi el doble de bebés me quedé con 21 de las mejores estadísticas 23k hp y 808 dmg. (Tres o cuatro creo que tienen 23.5k hp.) Mientras esperaba las dos horas faltantes para la impronta fui a juntar los materiales para enfrentar al mono beta y así obtener más elementos para hacer luego más comederos tek para criar giga más adelante. Ahora esperando las 7:50hs para finalizar la impronta de mis rex y por fin tener un buen ejercito para enfrentar a los jefes en alfa. De paso mate algunos raptor alfas para subir de nivel mi chibi por qué perdí el que estaba por subir a nivel tres ayer por un Tyla. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted December 10, 2020 Share Posted December 10, 2020 29 minutes ago, DogoAZ said: Bueno yo hoy continúe criando mi generación de rex de los más de 80 huevos de los cuales seleccione 14 y de ellos salieron casi el doble de bebés me quedé con 21 de las mejores estadísticas 23k hp y 808 dmg. (Tres o cuatro creo que tienen 23.5k hp.) Mientras esperaba las dos horas faltantes para la impronta fui a juntar los materiales para enfrentar al mono beta y así obtener más elementos para hacer luego más comederos tek para criar giga más adelante. Ahora esperando las 7:50hs para finalizar la impronta de mis rex y por fin tener un buen ejercito para enfrentar a los jefes en alfa. De paso mate algunos raptor alfas para subir de nivel mi chibi por qué perdí el que estaba por subir a nivel tres ayer por un Tyla. If anyone is wondering: " Well, today I continue to raise my generation of rex of the more than 80 eggs of which I selected 14 and of them almost twice as many babies came out, I was left with 21 of the best statistics 23k hp and 808 dmg. (Three or four I think have 23.5k hp.) While I waited the remaining two hours for the imprint, I went to gather the materials to face the beta monkey and thus obtain more elements to later make more tek feeders to raise giga later. Now waiting for 7:50 am to finish the imprint of my rex and finally have a good army to face the bosses in alpha. By the way I killed some alpha raptor to level up my chibi why did I lose the one that was about to level three yesterday to a Tyla. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordiste Posted December 10, 2020 Share Posted December 10, 2020 Xbox SP, The Island Thanks for any tips I got on my recent posts, guys. I really take any advice to heart. I’m so excited to share with you what’s happened in the past few logins I can hardly contain myself. Before I do, I’d like to just vent my frustrations about some of the single player bugs; I attempted to do the caverns of lost faith (easy water cave) in order to farm loot drops.... the cave had no dinos, no loot drops but DID have the artifact. Dino wipe, wait, try again and nothing. Also, totally separate gripe, I had a storage box with all my spare artifacts (all collected legitimately with an otter from every cave I’ve been to) and it disappeared after the last major update. The whole storage box and its contents, I don’t understand why just that would disappear and nothing else. I’d understand more if the artifacts were spawned in but that’s not the case. 😢 I’ll try to summarize the good news: - I’m max level and just now have I found for the first time... a master craft longneck bp! Lots of you will be laughing but you try using Ramshackle and journeyman rifle to tame and kill things 😂🤣. I’ve been waiting soooo long for a longneck blueprint of ANY kind. I’m very happy with this for now. - I live at hidden lake on the north side of the island, the reasons being safety and scenery. Hands down the biggest thing I love about this spot is the variety of (Usually safe) dinos that spawn there. Yesterday a low-lvl equus appeared and I just HAD to. I’ve always wanted to tame one but just never had the need, still don’t. It tamed up with one piece of kibble lol. His name is Eddie and I’m absolutely in LOVE with this creature!!! It’s not very useful at this point in my playthrough but I will for sure be going to try to tame this as a new survivor on the next maps after I ascend. A bittersweet victory, that one. - You guys should be happy with this one... tamed my first ever QUETZAL! yeah! I know. it’s a pretty big deal, try not to to get too jealous about it. In all seriousness, I never thought I’d be able to. My play style is being very cautious and focusing on preparedness. The idea of jumping off my argy and grappling it just made me cringe. I tried it a few times, but the whistle commands on Xbox are quite hard to do smoothly and I couldn’t trust that I’d be able to do it in the heat of the moment. I finally managed it using my Tapejara, switching to the front seat somewhere below the quetz and whistling on and off the bird. What a thrill! I haven’t had so much fun taming something in a very long time and unlike the horse, this one’s useful towards my end goal. We passed over the swamp, the redwoods, rivers... I was SURE I’d be losing it when it fell. I must’ve pleased the Ark gods at some point because it fell conveniently near a cliff where I was able to easily make a semi-circle of spiked walls around it. I never thought I’d be able to get one solo, but I did it. Soooo freakin happy. I’ll put it to good use, guys, I promise you that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted December 11, 2020 Share Posted December 11, 2020 (Official, Valguero) did two big metal runs. Gathered berries. Unpodded juvi ankylo and gasbags to raise. Bred gigas. Unpodded gacha to raise with the "don't feed, keep rendered" method. Was fine for a while, but game crashed so it died anyway. Also, giga egg was lost because of that. Bred rexes. Bred argies. Put rex eggs in the hatchery. Forgot about argies, so egg died. Bred basilos. Currently just waiting for rexes to hatch. I'm taming a new diplo. Female, level 90, and the color is that, I'm not sure what. The dark pinkish-red. The color of things that are almost certainly cherry flavored. She also has gray back and red spines, which looks nice in combo with body/belly color. I'm going to name her Nuka-Cherry. It's lighter now, so I can see that her color is closer to magenta (and probably is magenta). Still looks cool, still taming her. Diplos are among the few things that look good with that kind of color. ... Gachas born, twins, nothing great in either of their production, so I killed them. By the way, tek rexes hatched earlier, also nothing remarkable, also all killed. Just gotta wait for the basilo now, and then I'll pick remaining eggs (giga and diplo), pod the gasbags and ankylo, and that'll be enough of ARK for me today. ... Basilo born. Right weight, stam and melee, wrong health. Killed it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted December 11, 2020 Share Posted December 11, 2020 Didn't do much yesterday other than babysit and feed dinos while they mature (I have a few cleaning projects to do around the house before my daughter's birthday this weekend). Rexes, argie, and thyla hit their first imprint checkpoint. About the only exciting thing I did away from base (if you can call it exciting) was to take the bear out for honey for the first time. I didn't take much, just enough to make up some kibble. Worked great. No bee issues. lol. After the rexes were imprinted yesterday I put them back into pods. With a fresh 8 hours before their next imprint I wanted to see if I could leave them out while I slept. So I waited until I went to bed about midnight to unpod them again. I filled up the trough with food and then put 6 stacks of meat on each of them for insurance. IDK, just seemed like a thing to do. Anyway, when I woke up this morning two of them had died from starvation. I was away from game for about 7 1/2 hours and their bags were still on the ground so I did not miss by much. The trough was empty, and the other two rexes still had about 5 stacks of food on them. All 4 rexes were eating from the trough earlier so I don't think the trough was the issue. Did they eat at different rates? Perhaps. Their food stats were not all the same so maybe they feed differently too. Hmmm. Something to pay attention to I guess. I am not too upset about the rexes other than I really like the color pattern on one of them and was hoping to get more of it. Oh well. I mated the original rexes again and have 3 more eggs cooking now. I pulled out the triplet megatheriums and they have about 20 minutes until their first imprint. I moved the two surviving rexes outside cuz they were getting too big for the house. That's about it. Today will probably be more of the same. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted December 11, 2020 Share Posted December 11, 2020 @Cordiste hey man were just as excited to read what you write too:) Congrats! I've always considered this thread to be my unofficial ARK family and love to read these. Read em every day even when I wasn't playing. Very big grats on the recent tames ! When you finish your SP go you should come join our server - longest running unofficial for Xbox. DJ has had this server since the start of unofficial and one of the leading admins for help on reddit before he went MIA on social. I thank raptor Jesus every day I get to log in, its a great cluster. XB CI - Server Didn't do too much yesterday, only had a little while to play. I made a bunch more cryopods and finally got around to cleaning up my base of all the gigas and wyverns. Helped a server mate craft a few cryo fridges and gave him a few preincubated giga eggs with only seconds to hatch. Other than that put some imprints on my latest giga, now I've got 3 fully imprinted ones, I figure I'll need about 6 to safely solo red drops without worry. Also half way to my boss wyvern crew- 6 and im shooting for 12-15. This weekend will be a big one. A server mate is going for some titan tames and ill probably tag along for the fun - if he let's me that is @Penguin73 You fell victim to the stasis bug. If the bags are on the ground when you log in they died just as you logged in - long standing bug ;( I'm sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted December 12, 2020 Share Posted December 12, 2020 (Official, Valguero) Unpodded the two dinos I'm currently raising, filled troughs, bred gachas, basilos and rexes, picked up the egg from argents (turns out I forgot to disable mating), placed all eggs in the hatchery, put some flowers in the hive, made kibble... That's the boring part. And now let's get to the more interesting one: During the Halloween event I tamed a lymantria. Male, high level, event colors, perfect kibble tame - you know. A normal lymantria. I named him Halloween. Halfway into the Thanksgiving event, I realized that I haven't seen him in a while. I looked around the base, VERY thoroughly, haven't found him. Checked the tribe log - nothing, but that doesn't say much since I was pretty active so any and all death could have been pushed off the list by "destroyed, claimed, killed" - the usual. Checked the taming list - he's not there. I assumed he's dead. Pity, since good colors, but he's just a lymantria, plus I have a podded baby with colors partially inherited. And just now, I took my owl to go visit basilos, and, in a roofless building of another tribe's base that's on the beach pretty much right under mine (which is up on the cliff) I see... Halloween! Alive. Half out of food, which is a lot more food than he should have had considering how long he was away from herbivore/mixed troughs. Only two levels gained since his disappearance. It's like he was literally gone, outside of the game itself, and only returned a few days ago. And I checked that place when I was searching for him - he WASN'T there then. Weird, right? But anyway, a lymantria is better than no lymantria, so I'm glad he's back (and also he had two omni lamp posts and 80 ingots on him, I'm glad to have those back, too). ... Rexes hatched, nothing good. Argy egg missed, because my internet connection decided to be crappy right when it was about to hatch. Still three hours until gacha and basilo give birth, so I logged off and will return to them later. ... Basilo was born (male, right stats except for stam), so I can finally log off and go to sleep. Yay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted December 12, 2020 Share Posted December 12, 2020 22 hours ago, d1nk said: @Penguin73 You fell victim to the stasis bug. If the bags are on the ground when you log in they died just as you logged in - long standing bug ;( I'm sorry. Ok. I didn't know that was a thing. I appreciate your response. I suppose I can take some satisfaction in the idea that I got "bugged" and they didn't die from me just being careless. Gives me some hope that I can still leave dinos out while I sleep... and, other than the occasional bug, I should be ok. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted December 12, 2020 Share Posted December 12, 2020 Wow. Ok. So I discovered my adolescent triplet megatheriums really eat a lot of food. Every time I pull them out of the pod I have to keep my eye on the trough. lol. It's like having RL teenagers. Also, When they reached their first imprint point (at 20% mature I think) they imprinted 50%. Seems strange to me. Anyway, I kept all the young dinos out yesterday while I cleaned the house for a few hours to mature. Made a couple meat runs, and hatched 3 more rex eggs. I didn't get the stats I wanted so I podded them and will make another sacrifice to the volcano next time I get a chance. Didn't play last night... watched movies with family. Is it a bad sign that when I am not playing ark, I am thinking of ark? Lol. While watching the movie, all I kept thinking was if I remembered to pod away all the babies before I logged off. I am pretty sure I did, but my mind is playing tricks on me. I hope I did anyway because the game is not updating and I am waiting to get in. lol. Later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted December 12, 2020 Share Posted December 12, 2020 XB CI Server Started off as most my nights do recently, bred my gigas, let a good batch of eggs incubate. Ive gotten two mutations already, unplanned. A dark blue melee one and a green belly ... don't know one. Trying to get the melee into a female aswell. Let the eggs incubate a few hours while I do other stuff. Spotted a 280 ovis, jet black just outside my gates, tamed it. Have had bad luck, found 3 ovis total and every one has been a male. Tamed the high level and took the mid level I had in cryo from the other night to slaughter. Filled up many fridges of mutton, loads of hide and pelt. Love my chainsaw ! Spotted a 300 Mammoth while I was out getting meat, my first 300 yet and I thoroughly check every day. Got it knocked out and splurged on it with extraordinary kibble. Tamed out with new higher melee, stam and weight. Got it breeding ASAP. Had two giga eggs already incubated a bunch and they popped first- both not worthy of my line but good enough to imprint for OSD crew. Spent the next while imprinting my gigas, hatched a breeder giga and kept popping out mammoths to get my new stats. Tamed 280 rex nearby, came out mediocre but has great colours! Kept breeding for a few hours. Breaks in between to get metal, materials, made some cryopods, made a butt load more kibble and cleaned up my base. After my imprints were done I started preparing to improve my outpost on Eldrich isle. It was getting pretty late now, mind wiped and made a bunch of saddles and tools, loaded up the extra wyvern and headed out. Right outside my base there was a yuty, was close to a level so dropped down to kill it. Right as I'm fighting it, I disconnect! Frantically log in to me almost dead, bolt to the wyvern and get on away safely. Head back to base, do a hard reset and reload Ark before heading out. Get to Eldrich, stop by the harmless pool and put up a spawn shack and bed/ chest with scuba. Grabbed a few hundred black pearls then headed to my outpost. I set up a new outpost on a cliff platform, this time made sure it was out of the 'darkness' then built a better metal shack. Set it all up with the works, cryofridge, fridge, smithy, vault and electricity. Now I can just teleport to my new shacks and do a quick run without flying across the most annoying part of the map! Yay. Did a quick shard run with my new crafted Hatchet then loaded up the wyvern, headed home and went to bed. I'm only a little bit away from my first wyvern boss attempt. Also now have over 6 imprinted gigas and 4 unimprinted breeder rejects as fodder. I think tonight ill do a few osd or veins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martellus Posted December 12, 2020 Share Posted December 12, 2020 Mined some metal for my new water pen. Its going to be awesome when done! Also, started planning a generator relocation and streamline the electrical system so I can remove all excess ones and feed a single one for my entire base. I postponed that for too long already. Continued my Rex breeding line. Still some raw stats to obtain, not quite there yet for my army. Yet they are reaching a point where not even an Alpha Rex can oppose it. Still need a better saddle blueprint though. Need I say that both Mammoths and Stegos have become really useful for my current structure? That was a nice TLC! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordiste Posted December 13, 2020 Share Posted December 13, 2020 @d1nk Thanks! I’ll reach out when I’m done this SP playthrough 😁 Xbox SP, The Island And put them to good use I did. I am now swimming in quetzals! I’ve got so many my base is bursting at the seams 😄 I’m keeping a few low lvl ones for egg-laying while I breed the best ones for a good workhorse. I kept myself a “safe” quetzal to lose, one that I can learn and make mistakes on without caring if it dies. While I was keeping an eye on the main breeding pair, I went to work on a platform saddle build. I made a quaint little hunting/taming deck, just large enough to land another flyer and not fall off the platform while dismounting 😅🤣 yup, I did try this out and failed multiple times before getting it right. ☠️ That’s my recent past, my future will likely see me trying to kill a giga While shooting from the platform. I know I need a heart for the dragon boss and it’s a good test to see if I’m confident enough with the quetz to then go tame a yutty using the same method. wish me luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted December 13, 2020 Share Posted December 13, 2020 (Official, Valguero) Today'll be a raising day. Just raising. So I did a berry run for ankylo and gasbags, and took the podded baby basilo to my water pen (which is just 4 behem gates cutting off a bit of water near the shore, and from shore side it's protected by spike walls. Tiny, but fits my basilos and that's what matters). Extracted info for the basilo's parents, and it turns out his mutation is on melee. Great! He inherited father's pink (well, it's "Dino Light Red, but do you think I won't know pink when I see it?), so I named him Killer Sausage. So far he's growing fine. (Still Official, Valguero) Ended up doing some non-raising: since just standing on the land part of the pen, watching the basilo, occasionally swimming to give him some more meat is boring, once he was able to hold enough to last a few hours I took a wyvern to fly around, maybe kill stuff. And saw an alpha rex. So back to the base I went, for Deimos and my chibi. I took them, I rode to the alpha rex, I killed the alpha rex. Deimos got a new level. I spent some more time killing stuff, then got back to the base to put rex' trophies and my chibi into the box, because after the shark thing I'm not wearing chibies while not alpha-hunting. One chibi stolen off m corpse is enough. Killer Sausage raised to 7% and got his first imprint. After I imprinted him, I died because game froze before I could swim away, and then I got disconnected while respawning, so stuff I had on me is lost. Luckily, the only really-really-really important thing I had on me was my baby-killing shotgun. Had to make a new one, took me three attempts, and the new one is still not quite as good (250-something instead of old one's 260), but better than nothing. One of the giga eggs hatched and! And! Twins! Both male! Right color! Right melee! It means that I can try to rise one, and if something goes wrong I'll have a spare! After giga twins were podded, shotgun and some ammo were crafted, and some pants were found and put on, I podded Killer Sausage, did a berry run to fill the troughs in raising corner some more, gave the gasbags and ankylo a hundred basic kibble each, and logged off. Aside from the lost awesome gun and its replacement being a bit less awesome, it was a good day in ARK for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vanyelxp5 Posted December 14, 2020 Share Posted December 14, 2020 I successfully killed a giga using only Direwolves. Level 50 giga, vs 37 direwolves, most were leveled to have 6k health and 500 melee. I could have waited for all of them to have it, but that would have put it off for at least another week, and I've waited long enough. In the end, 21 of the pack did not survive, but the remaining 16 are about to get a ride home where they will rest, and then take on their new role as base guardians. The wolf who got the killing blow has been properly named as Giga Slayer, and she will live a pampered life inside my tower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted December 14, 2020 Share Posted December 14, 2020 (Official, Valguero) Gasbags and ankylo are adults now. Unfortunately, not fully imprinted, but close enough. Started raising one of the twin gigas, so far goes fine, he can already hold a full stack of meat. He's temporarily named "first", just to distinguish him from his brother. If he survives to the point where no random disconnect or crash could lead to his starvation, he'll be renamed to Phobos. Killer Sausage is growing fine, last time I checked on him he was 9% grown, with enough meat in his inventory to last him to 10%, plenty of meat in the basilo trough, too. I already used the new gasbags (named Balloon) to get some crystal (with old ankylo as the harvester), he's pretty great at carrying stuff. Haven't tested the new ankylo (Thundertail is her name) yet, since I'm busy with the giga and don't want to pod him yet. ... Giga still growing fine! For once I'm raising a giga that's just right, and there's no disconnects! He already can hold a bit over three stacks of meat, so I don't have to pay that much attention to him now. ... 2.6 percent, still alive and fine! Once he hits 3%, He'll be no longer "first". He'll be Phobos. ... Since last edit Phobos was renamed to, well, Phobos as he is grown enough that I'm sure he won't die. I already made a saddle for him to wear once he'll become adult. Got really lucky with it, too! I made it from the 80 armor BP I have, and it came out not 81, not 85, but whole NINETY TWO. 92! That's the best armor saddle I've ever made! I already colored it, black and brick, with cantaloupe coloring for the metal parts. Also, that totally drained me of any fiber and hide I had, so I made vaults for them because it's way easier to accumulate resources when they're not spread through two crafting stations and several dinos. Anyway, now Phobos and Killer Sausage are both podded and returned to the cryofridge because I believe that's enough ARK for today. I may not have done a lot today, but I did enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d1nk Posted December 14, 2020 Share Posted December 14, 2020 XB CI Server. Was a busy weekend! Got loads of time to play and my real life buddy even came back to ARK to play on our server too! He joined my tribe but he isnt the type to actually play with me, he will go build a shack somewhere and casually play. I forgot to type out my mid weekend story so I have too much to relay, ill do point form for a chunk of the boring stuff. Friday night just prepped stuff for extinction. Been slowly imprinting gigas and wyverns for my boss/ osd projects, besides tame a few random dinos thats what I did most Friday night. Saturday evening I got to sort everything and bring most of my gigas and building materials to Ext. Got fed up with being in the city so made the big move to the desert area. Took two trips with two different 15k+ weight wyverns, on the first I was flying through the city, very high and thought to myself "man its high up here.. it would suck if it..." Attempting to Contact Ark Servers.... Fudge. Came back on waaaaaay down in the trench of the city. My wyvern was pretty much at the top of all the high buildings. Had to suicide and get back to base. Now I carry n extra flier on my hotbar at all times on Ext. Took a long time but I managed to get everything over to the new biome spot. Wanted to build around another city terminal so found one that wasn't too bad of a location and did the old official pve trick, slap up a load of gates around my spot. I hate it. It'll have to do. Turns out I built in the thick of battle Royale 24/7. All around me there's constant battles being fought, gangs of rampant morellatops laying waste, velos starting stuff, yuty sending stuff running all over, madness. Spent a good chunk of the day building / taming velos. The level distribution sucks here, took HOURS to find a good high level mating pair. Sunday: Went out to finally find some OSD or veins. I forgot how much I dislike flying around extinction, almost disconnect like 10 different places in the wastes. Find a yellow drop, toss out the gigas and have at it. Wave 2 the drop.. vanishes? Slightly irritating but I keep looking. Found an element vein, 25k. Edit: accidently pressed send! Whoops The vein went by pretty uneventful, been a while since I've done this and had a blast. Made it out with over 300 element worth and a good chunk of dust for CI. Wont be doing more without a server mate, its just too unstable out there for my liking. I need a new console, bad. Took it all back to base and finally made my tek rep! Used my hard element stuck on Ext to make my rep, a few gates and cryopods. Bred my velos for some eggs and body hopped over to CI. Laid down my velo eggs while I made a new place for my rep to sit. Spent the better part of Saturday looking for a high level mate for my velo and didn't even get one past 100 so I spent awhile breeding low levels with high levels to finally get a good mating pair. A server mate dropped by a nice pump shot for me and invited me to do some OSD but I literally just teleported back from Ext and passed him up. Did a bunch of mining (the new mining drill is awesome!!!) And converted all my element i farmed at eldrich to make my first tek transmitter here again! Woohoo. So excited tek phase starts. Already got a few taming pens planning with my new tek dino gates. Going to take a few days off ark because I got to play this weekend so much and the wife is a tad irritated Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted December 15, 2020 Share Posted December 15, 2020 Celebrated my daughter's birthday this weekend and I picked up some extra shifts at work so I didn't get to play hardly at all... other than putting food in the trough. Typing this from my desk in the middle of another 10.5 hour shift. But I am enjoying your stories when work gets slow, so keep them coming. lol. It might be a couple more days before I can get back to playing, so I thought I would use this time to reflect on goals and objectives. I am at the point where the game is really fun for me. The base is built, the character is at level 89, and I have many good tames. All the little things are getting easier and I can focus on advanced tames, breeding, caves, and gear. The hard part right now is deciding how much time I want to put into this island play-through. I have already defeated the island on SP. I then spent about 2 months starting a character on Island Primitive Plus because I wanted to just see what that was like, and I might have stuck with it but then decided I really wanted to play through all the maps... and you can't on Primitive Plus. Soooo, I started this character on Island Official PVE. I think the release of Ark 2 (somewhere in the future) has energized me again to advance through the story. I don't necessarily need to race through but I do want to get past the island in short order and finally see a new world. I enjoy the server I am on and will probably keep my base active while starting a new character on each map. I do enjoy the early struggles too as that is really the nitty gritty part of the game. I bought SE some time ago but have not played it yet other than turning it on for an hour just to see it. I will most likely head there next, for the story aspect. What does that all mean. Well, for one, I don't think I am going to spend much time on things that don't lead to the end of the island. I won't go searching for tames I don't need or take the time to breed for colors or statistical bragging rights (although I am starting to enjoy the whole breeding thing). And two, I will eventually slow down to enjoy the little things again but will probably wait until I am on a different world. On my next days off my focus will be acquiring a baryonix. I want it specifically for the upper south cave and to finally get into the water and find a basi or something else for water caves. Then, I must focus on Therizinos. If I can only have one army... I want therizinos. And in between breeding / raising therizinos I will need to cave, cave, and cave some more to get saddles and armor. And in between caves I will have to gather materials for the saddles. The plan is to do it (mostly) legit. I am not going to ask for special favors or just let someone else carry me through. However, I will consider trading some of the tames I have to get the ones I need though. The donated dinos I have received are already making me feel guilty enough....and, well, ok... If I am asked to join a group heading for a boss... I might join them, lol. I am not stupid. However, my sleeves are already rolled up... time to roll them up a little higher I guess. I want to get to the sand, feel the heat, bump into cactus, and finally tame a wyvern. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted December 15, 2020 Share Posted December 15, 2020 (Official, Extinction) Refreshed the base, fed the dinos. (Official, Crystal Isles) refreshed the base, checked if wyverns still have enough crystals (they do). (Official, Valguero) Got tired of having most of the base not illuminated, so I added a new wind turbine and put some lights on the cliff I use as the wyvern perch, two by the stable, 5 or 6 on the cliffs that serve as the base's natural wall, and two in my house's second balcony because why not. The central part is still pretty dark, but there's nothing important in the center save for an improvised auto-harvester consisting of a wandering moschops and a dino leash. Phobos and Killer Sausage are still growing just fine, I think I might get them their next imprints today. Bred tek rexes, no new mutations. Decided to use a mantis with a mastercraft hatchet as my dead baby harvester, because I almost always end up damaging the hatchery's floor when I harvest them myself. Did a crystal run, with the new ankylo this time. On my way back got one hell of a scare: I gasbag-jumped too far when trying to cover the distance form the cliff I got crystals from to my base, the game lagged a bit, and Balloon ran out of gas. Fortunately, we were already low enough that he didn't die or even get hurt too much, it just looked like we were still high up because lag. Aside from that nothing happened, and likely won't happen for the rest of this day (well, night technically, but you get the point), since my plans are to just watch cartoons, occasionally give Phobos couple more stacks of meat, sometimes check on Killer Sausage to see if he's ready for the next imprint yet, and do absolutely nothing else. Oh, and also I did a rare flower/mushroom run with my mammoth Atlas. Got plenty of flowers (some went into kibble freezer for that sweet, sweet Exceptional kibble, most into misc freezer for beehive maintenance), and some mushrooms, which went into the trough by the gachas because it turned out they don't eat stone from trough (they were fine. I only know it because I got some suspicions, so I took all the meat out of the trough, then wasted Generous's stamina to make him hungry, and watched the trough. Stone in it stayed untouched). ... Seeing as Phobos is growing fine and I haven't gotten any mutation on rexes lately so my current breeder tek rex isn't retiring any time soon, I made a decision: if I don't get a mutation on health or melee by the time Phobos is fully grown, it'll b not a rex, but Phobos' dad Diablo that'll get a saddle and will be sent to Extinction to serve as my heavy hitter/Forest Cave mount there. ... Since last edit: gathered plenty of hide. Found a stuck high level rex. Notified interested players. Whatever methods of tranqing were used weren't sufficient, rex was deemed glitchy, but I decided to try because if I meant for the rex to be tamed, the rex WILL be tamed. So I brought my rifle and used that. Turned out, he was just about to drop, so it only took four or five darts. Tamed him, unclaimed him for the rightful owner. While taming that, killed two alpha carnos and an alpha raptor, all with my mana Frostbite. He strong. Didn't have a chibi on me, unfortunately, since it was a hide run-turned-taming trip, and I learned to not take chibied on anything but an intentional alpha hunt. Then tamed a tek rex for another player, plan was that I would just assist, but rifle too good, accidentally got the last shot. So, again, tamed and gave to true owner. Raised Phobos to 10% and Killer Sausage to 30%, got them their imprints. At some point Sausage's trough ran out of meat, but luckily I found out way before anything had a chance to happen, so he's alive and fine. Podded him and Phobos, logged off. Eventful day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordiste Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 Xbox SP, The Island Things are slow, but moving forward. My cautious approach to taming yutys has paid off and is actually hella fun. I’ve got a disposable argy on a quetz platform saddle which is also nice because I can keep my taming food from spoiling. As I don’t has a pair yet, I can’t make kibble but I got myself a low level yuty to start. The hunt continues Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 Got home from work about 9 PM last night. Told myself I would just feed the team and maybe do a quick lap around the common baryonyx spawn location. I didn't see any bary over level 35, but on the way back I was flying up one of the rivers that drains out the south end of the island and I saw a therizino step out of the trees on a bluff above the river. It was a 130 male. Not perfect, but I have had good tames in the 130-135 range before and this was much better than I had seen up to this point... so I said what the heck. I didn't have any real protection on hand like walls or spikes, so I flew NW and grabbed my taming raft. Drove it around the island and found some beach under the bluff. It took a little work, but I finally got the therizino over the cliff and into the pen. I got it knocked out and re-parked the raft in a slightly safer spot off the beach. Flew home and grabbed the only 12 exceptional kibble I had (which I was sure wouldn't be enough). I did have a few extraordinary kibble made so I grabbed that too along with a stack of corn. I know torpor goes down pretty quickly on Therizinos so I didn't take the time to make more kibble.... grabbed extra narcs and flew back. Spent about an hour starving the thing and keeping torpor up. Ran stats into dododex calculator and found it had slightly better than average health and melee, but bad stamina and weight. It tamed up to a 196 but could have been a little better if I had a few more kibble as it was eating crops at the end. I re-parked the raft out at the mouth of the river and left it. It will be much easier to get next time down there. Podded the theri, flew home, put things away. Started doing little things around the base like making more narcs and flying up the volcano for metal, etc. Got the evil eye from the wife at 2 AM. LOL. Really, where does the time go? I am chained to my desk until midnight tonight so probably won't play... probably 🙃 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirplaneSlider Posted December 16, 2020 Share Posted December 16, 2020 The day had come for me to do the alpha spider fight. I had all my rexes healed up. All were between 35k and 40k health and around 1100% melee. I used to have apprentice saddles, but all my previous batch rexes died while fighting a 130 giga (Idk why i thought I could take on a giga). My fate was that i couldn't find my apprentice blueprint. Idek what happened to it. I looked through all my dinos but then remembered it was in one of my rexes that died to the giga. Big brain for me to not collect it from the death baggy. Oh well, let's see how primitive saddles work. I made up all the primitive saddles and went into the fight. Tbh I was super scared cause that thing was doing well over 1k damage per hit. When only 25% health on the spider was remaining the first rex died. All were pretty bloody so I thought it's over. More and more kept dying but finally the message came up: Broodmother Lysrix Alpha has been defeated!! I couldn't believe it! I finally did it after countless hours of breeding and leveling. In all the excitement I forgot to grab the dead rex primitive saddles (oh well they're just primitive). Once I got back I checked how much of a beating the rexes took. Only 7 rexes remained out of the 19 rexes and all were below 3k health. Plus they had a bunch of prime on them (messed up that they ate their brothers and sisters lol). Even my yuty took a couple hits and was well below half health. I can finally play around with the tek helmet! I will have to do a hella lot of breeding and leveling again for the dragon though (maybe theris this time). I just can't believe the primitive saddles worked. In the end, a success! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted December 17, 2020 Share Posted December 17, 2020 12 hours ago, AirplaneSlider said: finally the message came up: Broodmother Lysrix Alpha has been defeated!! I couldn't believe it! I finally did it after countless hours of breeding and leveling. I can finally play around with the tek helmet! I will have to do a hella lot of breeding and leveling again for the dragon though (maybe theris this time). I just can't believe the primitive saddles worked. In the end, a success! Congrats. And, Yes. I would highly recommend therizinos for dragon... with better-than-primitive saddle. Journeyman or Ascendant if at all possible. Maybe RaptorClause will leave one under the tree for you. hohoho. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted December 17, 2020 Share Posted December 17, 2020 Well, I didn't get to play last night after work, but I did get up and play some before work this morning. I didn't have a lot of time, so I first did a quick look again for a good bary. I would only have time to tame one if I found one quickly. And, nothing better than 45 showed itself. Killed every little one I found along the way. Went home and started to make some kibble then remembered I unlocked the industrial cooker the other day and still needed to make it. So now I have a cooker. Made gas. Made kibble. I let the babies out of their pods while I was on this morning. Thyla and argy are close to 60 % mature and only a few minutes away from their next imprint. Mega triplets are about 30 % mature, and the two rexes are about 50 %. Made a couple metal runs up the volcano. That was about it. Podded babies and went to work. Working late until midnight again tonight... but I have the next 3 days off. I'm thinking of making some scuba and heading for the swamp cave in between searches for the elusive baryonyx. Anyway, until next time. Later gators. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllOfTheAllos Posted December 17, 2020 Share Posted December 17, 2020 (Official, Valguero) Filled troughs with meat, unpodded Phobos, Killer Sausage, and two baby dimorphs. Raised dimorphs to juvenile (first time raising them. They're pleasantly fast). Took down onmi lampposts placed along the base's wall and on the cliff, replaced them with regular ones (on cliff placed right onto it, near wall - on top of four metal pillars), which greatly improved the illumination of my base. Did a narcoberry run with Atlas, but haven't made narcotic yet because there was the "..." announcement, so I'm not sure if I'll have the time for that. ... So, the "..." notification that usually pops out after the 15 minute one, was for nothing, apparently. I checked the list of servers that are going to update - the one I'm playing on isn't on that list, so I guess the notification was there by mistake or something. So I made the narcotics. And imprinted Phobos and Killer Sausage. And dyed lamps in the house and the hatchery silver (since intensity settings don't really save, silver/slate is what I'm using when I need a lamp to be a bit - or a lot - less bright than in is by default). And added three keypads so that I can turn wall/cliff lamps off during day (might add a fourth one, to the hatchery. Currently one is in the house, one - in the workshop, and one on the rex breeding stand). I also bred tek rexes, currently waiting for the eggs to hatch. ... Realized I'm getting tired. Podded what I was raising, picked up eggs, logged off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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