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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2024 in all areas

  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am so happy with how Gigantoraptor looks, acts and plays. Truly the best I could've asked for in terms of a faithful execution of my submission! For those still going "I want my maewings", I feel like it's important to mention the actual abilities of the big chicken (not the cryptic hype building teaser included in this crunch): Gigantoraptor can feed babies, you just need to have them be in the saddle baskets, and they'll eat food right outta its inventory. Gigantoraptor is more single target while maewing is more of a trough, but it's still better than nothing! It can also incubate eggs like an egg incubator! Capacity is limited once again to the saddle baskets, but by placing fertilized eggs in its inventory and clicking on em, you can transfer them to the baskets IT IMPRINTS YOUR BABIES!! While it may not be in the same way as my submission, I honestly find it way more fun and rewarding. Taking your babies on a little murder spree, watching their adopted parents fight, nets you an instant 30% imprint progress. And when Desmodus comes out, sanguine gives another 30% too, which means that Sanguine Elixir + Gigantoraptor would give you a relatively easy 60% imprint Imprint refresh is back! Should be well known enough by now, but just for people in the back, G-raptor's call refreshes imprint requests! Whatever your stance on big chicken, I love it, and that's more than enough for me! Just feel like not enough people know the full extent of the Battle Nanny's abilities. ALSO TSW MENTIONED LETS GOOOOO
    3 points
  2. So many crunches dedicated to other people’s work, and so very little of your own. Great work WC. As a game developer, you do plan to develop your game at some point?
    3 points
  3. Might not be the most interesting CC for everyone but I am happy to see my Custom Cosmetic being accepted for officials
    3 points
  4. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2 maps in limbo and nothing about either of them. Another masterclass from WC in building hype for your product. The gigantoraptor is cool but it's not going to bring people back to the game or stem the tide of people leaving. You guys are so bad at this stuff it almost seems like you want the game to fail. Really is too bad. Asa is fun. I'm honestly having fun playing it but it could be so much better in a different development team's hands. Ah well.... guess we're back to the days leading up to ASA where we had zero screenshots or updates, just useless CC after useless CC.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. WildCard please do something about the issue of using pillars and foundations to reclaim land. It is not normal that in less than a week the new ASA PVE servers can no longer be built by tribes of 2 people that fill the entire map with foundations and break 70% of the dino spawn, I had hoped that in this "new" ark, you would have solved this, but I see that not.
    1 point
  7. @StudioWildcard @Jatheish @Cedric #Dear StudioWildcard I know I'm just a lone voice that may be worth a Cent in the middle of a Million Dollars, but it's now obvious to everyone that the situation continues to worsen every day.. Obviously ASA was launched in an extremely early condition , aggravated by the disastrous trial that began on April 1 last year; I won't stay here to list the myriad of crucial Bugs/issues on which work should be focused with the highest priority (for our gameplay, for your reputation!), I am convinced that you yourselves are also in a panic situation, well aware since last year about the risks you have taken (calculated in the beginning, riskily chosen) and I could even support you if only... YOU COMMUNICATED ""SINCERLY"" WITH US WHO ARE YOUR PORTFOLIO AND YOUR FUTURE Myself I have tried several times to ask you for MORE COMMUNICATION WITH US here on the Crounch Community even though I am aware that I am only an unknown voice, unlike someone else who advertises you in an extremely effective way with their YouTube channels which even today they try to keep alive in we all love in this game, I was struck by the sincere disappointment of Raasclark himself after last week's CC (he looked like he wanted to cry): I admire and appreciate the appeal that some of your people have decided to make major supporters who perhaps could be felt more than any of us here: I could add more but I think it's already clear what is meant... StudioWildcard if we're here complaining it's because we love this game, we would like it to work but we would also like you to be honest with us by keeping us updated with Sincerity and Clarity, ONLY THIS CAN MAKE US BACK TO BELIEVE IN YOU!! With my greatest hope that you will succeed in winning us back and that you will think seriously about the situation Cervantes-Yrka
    1 point
  8. We're getting the weekend started with boosted rates on Official Servers! Dive in to find about more about the Gigantoraptor which release this week, new cross-platform mods, and a recap of Garuga's "Lets Build" stream. Behold the queen of helicopter parenting, Gigantoraptor, with a love larger than life, this majestic creature fiercely guards its brood while exuding elegance and danger with its colorful plumage and razor-sharp claws. Get ready to witness the awe-inspiring presence of Gigantoraptor is live on The Island! Check out the Gigantoraptor dossier here! Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-bowser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week! This video features: The Sunken World Additions by The Sunken World Team Lady’s Feasts and Farming by MrsWerewolf Plaster Structure Set by Sandi_00 Gnome by asatron21 Plant Pots by Alex2607 Add Text and Icon to structures by Oli4 Gnome by asatron21 Plant Pots by Alex2607 Be sure to tune in this Saturday, March 2nd for Session #3 about going live! If you missed it Session #1, you can watch the past broadcast here to learn more about the visual aspects of modding. Session #1 Watch Past Broadcast Visual elements - starting a new character, setting up the animations, mesh, physics, etc. Session #2 Watch Past Broadcast Blueprinting - setting up the actual character BPs Session #3 March 2nd, 10 AM - 12 PM Pacific Going Live - getting the mod prepped, testing issues, uploading, etc. Watch on Garuga or on SurvivetheArk's Twitch channels! Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form Help us discover your talent by tagging your art with #ARKPhotoMode or #ARKFanart on social media! Creator: MrMEOLA Check out MrMEOLA as he embarks on his new modded adventure on the Amissa map! Creator: Phlinger Phoo Join Phlinger on a step-by-step guide to clear the Cave of the Pack. Pt 1 of drawing every dino dossier by cascadingcaramel Hi! Survivor! by @amaNatugame ARK Therizinosaur by dragon0415sk Angel Jerboa by TheN4STYR4BBiT Signal / OSD by Nalak-Bel Dilophosaurus Drawing by FalconSaurusArt My Maewing drawing is finally finished! by u/swordeal Someone had to do it right? by @TiiaAurora Some more shots from Z-Variant Mods! by @xSeamair Photo Mode by graviphoton Parent and Child Stegosaurus by @hamubarg No. 36 Albino by @king_ark1031 Enjoy your weekend! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg
    1 point
  9. Are there any ASA servers out there for PS5 that haven’t been pillared to death?
    1 point
  10. First still congrats and I'm glad you're happy with how the Gigantoraptor turned out. And I agree with all your points, sure it ain't the Maewing but it still does things the Maewing can't which makes it different on its own. From how I see it, it takes aspects of the Cryopod Imprint request re-roll, it serves as a early/mid game Egg Incubator until you can either get enough Air Conditioners or once Gen 2 comes out with the Egg Incubator, it's feathers allow you to get a higher chance of passing desired stats to their babies, it gives a 30% imprint to babies after feeding the babies' bloodlust. And most importantly, it's a rather quick mount that can glide like a Terror Bird. Remember everyone, just because it's a community voted creature doesn't mean it will be a Giga-Tier Dino, but rather a fun creature to use.
    1 point
  11. what do you mean worthless? gigantoraptor is game changing
    1 point
  12. good crunch but would be nice to move away from the mods for a bit. I was hoping to read about the maps coming out. I really really want to play something other than the island but i cant justify a paid mod yet. Ive found myself playing a lot more ASE than i thought i would. Cant beat ragnarok! such a fun map and the lair of the mask is still my number one spot in the game. I just wish they would bring it to asa already!
    1 point
  13. Give the gigantoraptor the ability to feed babies.
    1 point
  14. Jesus I stop visiting the site for a few weeks and come back to a complete circus. Map’s not being released on time for the poor suckers that bought ASA? Not shocking in the slightest. What is shocking however is how they doubled down on making the pay2win dino even more busted to try and tempt folk to buy it. Resurrecting dead dinos? Seriously? So now we’re just completely removing a very crucial risk from the equation if players throw out some extra coin? I never thought I’d say this but I pity the pvp players, poor bastards are going to be trapped in a downright hellish loop of trying to fend off mega tribes with more money than sense with a nigh endless stream of tames. Manage to kill someone’s imprinted carcha after burning all of your resources and nearly every tame? They come back with that exact same carcha and finish the job while you’re licking your wounds. How’s that going to be even remotely fair to the average player?
    1 point
  15. Pillar spam is against TOS on pve, you need to make like 10 or 20 tickets to get it solved. Its pretty much only the spino spawns, wildcard does not talk to people or listen to advice. Honestly spinos is just clicking a checkbox in the engine ( spawns in water) and there you go problem solved. Wildcard only wastes time on a flipping tic tac toe table, or steamboat Mickey, or ark Mario 2d runner. If i wanna make games i download unreal and do it in unreal , i dont need arks version of unreal , it weird man. Whats wrong with you wildcard? @wildcard
    1 point
  16. This is ridiculous that there is so many posts about this from the past and they haven't done anything about it. Since game release people have complained! I spent money on a broken game and it's highly disappointing. I won't be buying future games or expansion. These companies throw games together without any thought or consideration of a new individual purchasing the game. This is insane that they haven't listened to the customers.
    1 point
  17. I spent money on a game where all these players put ridiculous amount of time trolling these islands. I cant even build a damn fire because of these stupid players that troll the whole freaking island on every server and place pillars so no-one can build poop. How about adding a function so I can build a fire that atleast dissipates over time so I can cook my damn food and service. Or better yet Crack down on these bastards and make it so the can't build 2000 freaking pillars. Its absolute bullpoop. I paid for a game I can't even play. Going to contact Sony tomorrow for a refund. Won't be buying your next expansion ether knowing I'll be seeing the same poop!
    1 point
  18. Baby Dinos love going for a walk, it’s how you bond with them. Quickly put in a bug report before Joe sees this, lol.
    1 point
  19. They need to introduce a landclaim block. One per tribe with a generous amount of space to build a reasonable sized base and no building outside the area. It would stop the unnecessary mega bases that are lagging up servers, and all the random foundations and pillars, spawn blocking etc.. people can use quetz as portable taming cages for dinos if need be and admins can build public cages for people to use 🤷🏻‍♀️ I honestly don't see a solution other than landclaim block and only being able to build inside the area.
    1 point
  20. There needs to be some sort of building restrictions on pve servers. 1. You plant a base flag. 2. bases are limited to 10x10 behegate area from floor to to skybox 3. anything built outside that 10x10 area after 3 hours is considered a destroyable item. yes this means traps / pillars / this will A. clean up all broken traps left behind. pillar grief will no longer be a thing. peoples bases will still be left intact. an a reduction of base size will be better general health for dino spawns. it will also allow people to make there small cryo area where they can deploy there dinos. this solves lots of issue with out creating any new ones. it should be something people that are smart should be advocating for.
    1 point
  21. Should not be able to be scattered around the map. Its stupid and make it to where no one can build anywhere and kills the server population.
    1 point
  22. Been several years with this issue only good fix is a land claim plotting system. Something that doesn’t reduce creativity but limits to a degree the amount of land you can claim. It’s not conducive to a good playing environment for one tribe to claim the whole map and then sell land for real cash. It needs to be addressed before scorched earth comes out or that remake of a map with paid expansions is going to be pointless if we too can’t build or play how the game was intended. I came up with a suggestion for this maybe vote for mine or come up with one you think is better to try and get votes for we need to bring this issue to a close. It’s been to long
    1 point
  23. Have real issues on my server with players just spaming pillers and foundations everywhere. I cant build traps or even put a sleeping bag down to tame anything no. It has also messed up beaver spawns and other tames and its just a few days in on the server. Will wildcard ever do anything about it. ALL PvE servers i have been to have been like this it is making the game none enjoyable.
    1 point
  24. I know this has been an issue since ASE, but can we please finally do something about pillar spam in PVE servers? Even if it means having a handful of mods in each server that take down pillars as they pop up. It's just ridiculous its been allowed to go on for actual years.
    1 point
  25. What we got instead of a full map is a dino which is essentially such a watered down Maewing it might as well be worthless. I don't know who was asking for a worse maewing that doesnt even feed babies if you're not imprinted + riding it, but I don't think even the bobiest pve players will get a use out of this garbage. Game is slowly dying and even ASE has more players on Steam. Wildcard showing its utter incompetence again, scary future for this game.
    0 points
  26. Maybe we should have 2-3 "community crunches" and then a specific "dev crunch"...and the dev crunch contains ONLY official wildcard content (no fluff, no mods, no art work). I mean I love mods, but I'm starting to hate these nothing-burger crunches. Why do you guys spend more time on showing off mods/art than offical content? It's weird. I don't understand why WC can't at least release some screenshots of Scorched(or the Center) to hype people up for the next maps. It's only a month away, they must have something they could show off surely?! Not like it would take a lot of time/effort to just snap a few pretty screenshots/vistas from the new maps for each crunch. Or tell us more about how the paid DLC sister pack is going to work with official, servers, how much its going to cost, etc. ...again one month from release (unless that's also being delayed). PS. Gigaraptor is neat 9.5/10 for looks, 8/10 for abilities, 1/10 for taming taming is awful revert your 'no trap' hotfix & let people play how they want; gimmick tames are just tedious
    0 points
  27. 0 points
  28. bwahahaha.....Its a Mod......a major Monday update for a MOD.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....keep the jokes coming.
    0 points
  29. I left ASE about a year and a half ago after losing my 3rd character with no support, and every once in a while check back in to see if anything has improved. I hear that WC has made a new version with a clean code base. How is everything going?
    0 points
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