Server down and rollback, server down and rollback for 2 weeks, wildcard after 8 years you haven't learned to have your servers decent? in these 2 weeks I have lost dinos, items, blueprints and equipment because when I come back from rollback I appear dead, you fix that the mark appears after dying when disconnecting but there is no backpack, a great fix. What you need to do is fix your servers and make them decent instead of fixing exploits that nobody knows exist, when you have servers that can't hold 25 people, my hands hurt from crafting equipment and lose it in the lava cave because when I jump gives me lag and I fall, or cryopods, much lag and loss of objects or dinos not refund showing photos or videos, and then the problem of dino render, what is the goal that we can not see dinos to more than 60m? That the dinos are retarded and can't follow us? or that we appear in the mouth of a giga while we have to go to ground level to see something? you make a game that people pay for, what less you offer us real servers and not servers of a drug addict who lives under a bridge. DO SOMETHING USEFUL FOR ONCE.