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  1. unfortunately is painfully clear the dates are already wrong for this year launch maps, no way they gonna release a map back to back in 2 months seperation, i thought gen 1 was coming at the end of this year but is cleary not even next year, thats how mess up the missions are whit the engine update, they gonna drag this game for another 3 to 4 years to release all maps
  2. for first time i gonna say, pls delay extinction, it will be a nightmare to be able to join servers
  3. is there a point to do FAQ only to be not true misguide and countless delays
  4. are you a freeloader complain about little buff from other maps plus skins?
  5. since youre mention about the new wiki page what about a new discord for ark 2? that would be nice
  6. we all play 3dr view when mounted but on foot 1st person view is a must for me even more when comes to build
  7. really, first destroy my gen2 hype by announcing ark 2 before release of gen2 now its the year ark 2 was suppose to come out and gets delay as company police
  8. im talking about summer festival games thats gonna start next week 9 june, get whit the program
  9. guess wildcard aint showing up on summer festival what a shame, can someone already give a ark 2 delay for next year pls
  10. wheres ark 2 news? loading info, warning sistem malfunction ...... ...... ...... crash, players"typical"
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