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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch! On Tuesday, August 25th, we will be releasing Crystal Isles for XBOX and PS4 console users! Additionally, we will be enabling full server transfers into Crystal Isles and our freshly launched Official PC Servers. From August 25th, PC players will be able to download items and creatures onto the map without restriction. Similar to PC, console users will have a period of time where item and creature downloads will be disabled. Official Rates Increase With the major update on Tuesday, August 25th, we'll be doubling the fun by doubling the Official Rates across PC, Xbox and PS4 as standard, along with some changes to our specialty servers. From the next major version, Official Server rates will now have increased default rates for Harvesting, Taming, and XP. What was previously ‘2x rates’ prior to today, will now become the new base rate (1x). The increased 2x rates will be implemented directly in the game build itself. This means that Non-Dedicated Servers, Single Player Sessions and of course Unofficial Servers will also feel the increased rates. Therefore, if you’re currently using customized rates, it’s something you will want to keep in mind before this change is in place -- specifically upon the release of the next Major Version on each of your respective platforms, you may wish to reduce your server/game rates by 50% to have the same effective values as before. Official rates will be adjusted accordingly: Standard Official Servers: 1x harvesting, taming, and XP (which is equivalent to 2x when considering our old values) Small Tribes Servers: Smalls will have their taming, harvesting, and XP changed to 2.5x (which is equivalent to 5x when considering our old values) Apocalypse Servers: These will remain at 3x harvesting, taming, and XP (which is equivalent to 6x when considering our old values) EVO Event As mentioned in prior Community Crunches, the Official Network rates will be increasing to 2X following the next major version update on Tuesday, August 25th. Following the update, we'll have more information on EVO events. Until then, we'll be using the EVO event system to apply the bonuses. ARK Sales! Summer isn't over yet! Save up to 80% on ARK during the PlayStation Summer Sale! It's time to celebrate the Big Gaming Weekend, save up to 80% with ARK on Xbox! Community Fan Art Chilling with my Dilophosauruses by konstancja Wings Of Valor by blue Extinction by scoot Catch you on the flip side! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
    1 point
  2. I confirm. Best ARK tool ever, and its developer is very listening and helpful.
    1 point
  3. this is absolutely fantastic, its life changing for an admin
    1 point
  4. It'd be cool, but our beast here has a leg. Sure, it could be a sea serpent with legs for the occasional walk but from what we can see (which is not much tbf) it looks more built for running than swimming
    1 point
  5. it's been a loooooooooooooong journey... Today I decided that I absolutely needed a Cryopod. Imagining I'd eventually find and even tame a Doedi or other very useful non-flying creature and then being unable to bring it back home was too much of a burden. So... what would I have to do to get a pod? Well.... not so easy (at my stage). Among other things I needed some Polymer and that meant I had to travel all the way to the other side of the world... er pardon... the island... The Island!... and try to harvest some Polymer from the Kairuku. After the little experience I had had so far, that was a serious task.I had never been anywhere like that and I didn't have any protection against the cold and whatever else I might encounter along the way. But what the heck... others have done it and so would I. Or at least give it a shot. I picked up whatever supplies I would need for the pod (as far as I had them) and things I considered useful along the journey, mounted my Ptera (still the old one. The new one isn't usable, yet. The default stat-distribution was simply too bad to use it straight away. So despite being of higher level than the one I'm using right now, it's much worse. But it'll improve much faster than the one I'm using now and thus become better eventually). Just me and my Ptera on a big expedition. I was curious how that would turn out. To make sure I was doing the right thing I flew to the Obelisk first, since that's the place these things can be crafted. There are no supply-drops on my server, so that's not an option and the third possibility is way out of reach for my humble little self. When I got there, I couldn't find the right crafting menu. All I saw was the portal-fabrication and the upload-options, but I failed to see any other production possibilities. Took me a little time to find the right place or rather procedure to do this, but eventually I made it. I verified the requirments and was satisfied that polymer was indeed the only supply I was missing from the list. So I turned north towards the snow biome (which - of course - was way out of sight). It would be a long journey for sure. Occasionally I checked what creatures I came along. Most of them I had seen before, most frequent probably trikes. They've been frequent everywhere I've been so far - it seems to be quite a versatile or at least adaptable creature. Almost as common as trikes were Pteras, pretty much all of them below level 50, not worth a second inspection. Thus I was even more surprised when I eventually came across a level 200 Ptera. That was promising - I wouldn't pass by this creature without at least attempting to tame it. But to use a bola, first of all I'd have to meet the creature on ground and not in the air. From there on, things should be pretty easy. But yeah - sometimes the game seems to be mind-reading. The Ptera was flying straight up, then straight down again. This behaviour repeated for a few minutes and all I could do is follow suit and wait for a chance. And it came. The Ptera landed and so did I, equipped the bolas and hit it straight from a short distance. The crossbow with Everything easy. So I robbed some meat from my own flyer and tamed the buddy up. Amazing 270+ levels! And yeah - it did have some stats. This one was definitely usable right away, although some improvements would certainly benefit the overall experience. So from here on, we were a team of two flyers. Nice. Only drawback was that my two buddies had to share the rations. Thus I raided a few herbivores along the way to fill up my supplies and offer decent amounts to both. After all, especially the new one needed to heal up after the taming. It was somewhat surprising to see how few creatures live on the west coast. But I got my supplies and we had traveled some distance while gathering them. Eventually I arrived at the last spot of land without snow. I had already watched some videos about that area characterizing it as the "mosh-pit", because it had so many spawns right there and creatures were continually fighting each other. I picked a safe spot, rested and watched the scene. It wasn't as remarkable as in the video, but I had a bunch of "first sights". A couple of Argys among them, a pack of Hyenas that was one after another consumed by an impressive Rex and a pack of Allos - well, the Rex and the Allos no longer a first sight, but still a very rare sight for me. And finally I was in spotting range of the snow-biome. It had taken my little party some serious time to get here. Then I started off for my first trip over. I immediately started freezing. Well I knew it would cause increased food consumption, so I had brought some. That didn't worry me. I was worried for other effects it might have. Then I arrived on the first snow-island and to my disappointment didn't spot any Kairuku. But there was a lot of oil to be had, so I took some and put it on my spare Ptera and went back to the mosh-pit to warm up. I had noticed some health-reduction, but for short trips like this one it wasn't too bad. So I rested some and took a little extra-tour of the area to finally (!!!) spotted my first Doedi. I had no means to tame it right there and no pod, yet, to transport it. So I left it be. It was sort of low-level, too, but I was so happy to finally see one. To me, strangely, they are so far among the rarest creatures on my Ark. I had even spotted a Titanosaurus before, but no Doedi. I also spotted some silica perls and took them with me. Nice. Resources were definitely going up this time. Then I made my next trip to the snow-biome and finally spotted some Kairuku next to the "oil-island" of my last visit. They're just too small to be seen from some distance, so I had to bring up the courage to move near the next larger floe to be successful. I happily gathered some Polymer, while feeling pity for the poor little Kairuku who hadn't behaved ill towards me. But well... I needed their stuff, so to say. Surviving has other rules than society. Unfortunately. So with all my new resources I finally embarked on the way back, routing over the next obelisk. Crafting the pod wasn't a problem anymore and so I went home with "mission accomplished". Yay! There are a few small intermezzi I want to share with you, too, since this time also, things didn't go without problems and the above report is a little too shiny to be true. First I happened to find an explorer note on a small ridge at the west end of the island. Quite a small spot, but you could either drop to it from above (not too high) or land on it. I unfortunately decided to land on it - which wasn't the problem, but then erroneously decided to get off my mount to read it. That was a bad idea, since it made me fall from the ridge. there should be a way to get off your mount without jumping 2 meters to the side... Not too bad, because I landed in the water and fortunately the area was clear of predators. So I was able to climb out and with some clairvoyance or maybe just foresight had set my Ptera to "follow" me, so it came down to pick me up. Phuh... so, up again, this time drop from the ridge and read. It wasn't an easy read, since the background kept switching colours and it was a strange font and I had to adjust the size to even see it all. And then, when I was almost finished reading, I fell off the ridge again. WHY? The display said I had killed myself. I don't get it. I was just reading! So I respawned at my base and cheated my way back to the ridge, picked up my gear and went on without taking another peek at the note. The other intermezzo is just about me being stupid. I sometimes hit the wrong keys. Normally there's nothing bad about that, but if you're flying high and hit that dismount-key, you're certainly not in the best situation. I was lucky to be flying above the ocean at the time when it happened, so I didn't die at the spot. I even made it to the next floe without being attacked. So far, so good. So I checked on my party. The following Ptera (the one without a saddle) was hovering near by, but the one I was flying still hovered high above me with no intent to leave that position. This time, unfortunately, I had removed the "following" option (at some point the buddy had simply gotten on my nerves flying above me all the time) so there was no change to be expected. I tried to whistle. Nothing. Change groups and whistle again. Nothing. Aim better and whistle again. Nothing. There was nothing I could do to make it move. That struck me as a disappointment and serious danger. I was stranded on an ice-floe with an unmountable flyer (no saddle) and no means to change my situation. Well, I had cheated before, but this time it was my own stupidity and not the games fault to make me do it. I reconsidered my options. I didn't want to cheat. But the next non-freezing island in range was the mosh-pit and I certainly didn't want to go there on foot. Also I expected the waters around this area to be more dangerous than in my homelands - despite the fact that I have found danger to be more evenly distributed in the waters around the island. What should I do? I had no solution. I decided to craft up saddles for all my flyers to be able to use them in situations like this. But I couldn't do that right now. I couldn't construct a work-bench, either, which in turn would have enabled me to create a saddle. Well, it wouldn't, since I didn't have the metal on me to do it. So, still no way out. And I was freezing. Messed this one up. Seriously No point in denying - this time I was cheating for my own good. I used "fly" to get back to my Ptera and mount it and also corrected the settings to follow me again. No matter how much it sucked, I wouldn't change that. Bad hearing it has, if it couldn't hear me whistle. Note: Improve ears of Ptera. Important. Another time I tried to dismount my Ptera to attack a Trilobyte at the beach. The other Ptera came to hover right above me (following distance is set to high!!!) and when I dismounted, I glitched into the other Ptera and got stuck there. Nothing I could do made me move in any direction. Jump, open inventory... nothing helped. So I logged out and logged back in and the situation was solved. The Trilobyte, however, was gone. So that's my share today. What have you been up to? Regards, Eleusius.
    1 point
  6. Just a friendly reminder to all who read this. Something will go horribly wrong on the august 25 update. Don't have your characters, creatures, or items in upload. Do not leave babies out. Lock it up and hide it out. Do not transfer servers! I repeat something WILL go wrong on the august 25th update. Don't be a fool!
    1 point
  7. Hello again, my recent episode of Ark started out pretty bad. I set out to tame another Iguana, which wasn't much of a problem. However I was forced to quit the game for a while and leave the team out at the taming grounds. Thus I decided to shutdown the server to prevent anything bad from happening. When I logged back on, my character was insta-killed. It had happened before, but I never understood why. So I respawned and walked out to the taming group. Then I realized what had happened. My character (the dead body) was below the surface. That's the reason I died instantly. Now what about all the stuff I was carrying? I mentioned I had much improved gear since I hit those two alphas in the last episode. No way I'd loose that. So it was admin-commands again. So bad, really. I seriously don't want to use the cheat-commands, but how should I go about these technical problems the game is throwing at me? Even with half a dozen admin commands it was still a hell of a trip to get the equipment back. And then deactivating all the cheats again is another trip around the barn. Well... cutting a long story short, I eventually got everything and moved my taming-group back to base. While doing so, I noticed a Therezino around the area. Not a good one, but I had always wanted to tame one of these and this was almost the first I could lay my hands on. So I returned with my Ptera after delivering the taming-group to the base and kited the Theri to my taming pen. Took a bit of practice (hadn't done that before) but eventually I got it done. Rest was a piece of cake. Switched to a primitive crossbow (no use for additional damage when taming) and was able to tame without any additional narcotics. So that's one long time goal achieved. Hooray!!! Just as the Carno, it doesn't have any reasonable stats, yet, but I'll get him somewhere and it'll be awesome. Did a fair bit of scouting after that. Had heard of metal-rich stones not too far from my base and actually did find them. Unfortunately all I have right now is my Ptera, since I can't get a ground-team to that area. There's a Spino patrolling the waters I have to cross and those guys are quite tough. Maybe some other time. So I scouted a little further and was flying over two water based sarcos, when the game disconnected. That didn't bide well for the next login. As expected I was dismounted and fell to the water. It took only seconds until I was attacked. Fighting a sarco head to head in the water is more than a tough challenge to me. Also I didn't have any serious armor, since I was saving weight for the Ptera. Just some fiber, which is close to nothing. As you might have guessed, I couldn't put up much resistance. At least I managed to climb a large rock before I eventually died. I was upset. Second time the game kicked my butt for technical reasons. Didn't hesitate much - I wanted my gear back and I wasn't guilty of loosing it. So I went for the admin-commands again. That way it wasn't much of a hassle to get everything back. Luckily my Ptera was still around the area and had actually taken to fighting the sarcos AND succeeded. Good thing I had leveled some health when leveling. Next I chose to scout in the other direction. No, I wasn't finished, yet. And again, I went out with my Ptera, only. A long time ago I had tamed a Tapejara in that direction (and almost immediately lost it to my inexperience) and I was curious if I'd see another and maybe lay my hands on it. I passed the area where I had tamed the last one without seeing anything worth noting. So I took it a little further. On a river bank I found a sarco and a Parasaur in close proximity without anything happening. Now that was weird and I decided to investigate. It turned out they both were stuck in some trees. So that was an easy tame and since the sarco was actually above lvl 100 (that's pretty decent for my area) I went straight for the task. The sarco went down really easy - I was surprised how little it took to render it unconscious. So I dumped some serious meat into it's inventory and scouted the area for any possible disturbances. The few threats were easily disposed and gave me back some of the meat I had dumped on the sarco. All I had to do was sit and wait, but that seemed a little too dull and I went out a little further. Good thing - because I found my "next level Ptera" there. The one I'm using now has leveled up nicely and is quite usable, but it could be much better still. Taming was easy (as expected) and once I had it down and fed I collected the sarco. The stats weren't as good as I had hoped for, but hey... my very first sarco and it was already above level 100. Could have been much worse. Only worry was that it had to travel home mostly land- and water based and not in the safety of a flying creature. So our little trio set out homewards. There was an interruption when the sarco came across a Theri, but it was very low level and with some air-support the Theri was easily taken out. The rest of the trip was even smoother than that and this time all my worries were for naught. Biggest problem was that the sarco had much trouble passing through trees (like the place it got stuck in the first place), but with a few extra circles that could be handled as well. So now I have a few new toys to play with. Sweet. I'll keep you posted as to how they evolve. BTW - you remember the high-level trike I mentioned in one of the earlier posts? It hits really hard doing 400 damage one hit. Amazing. Now I'm tired and need to rest just as well as my buddies (I suppose). Have a nice weekend everybody! Eleusius. P.S.: I forgot to tell you a whole chapter of this episode. I had for a long timed eyed a swampy area near my base that typically has a bunch of beavers and dams in it. I had been curious to raid one of them, despite the fact that I knew it was a dangerous task. But with a flyer, I might as well have a chance to get away before things got too hot. Well, at least I would try it. So I set out for that swamp and positioned myself in a watch-spot to survey the area. To my disappointment I didn't spot any beavers or dams this time. Nor much of the other stuff I had encountered in the area before. No sarcos, no kapros. Just a snake - they are pretty common here. Well, I took my time. Night fell. I watched. When the next morning dawned I finally spotted a beaver, most of the time under water. It was pretty low-level, too, so I might be able to tank a hit or two before taking off. Another survey of the area didn't show any other dangers. Surprising. But I hadn't spotted any beaver-dam, yet, either. Finally I found it, completely under water. Now ... where was that beaver again? This was tedious. I searched. And then there it was, under water again... and unconscious? I verified. Yes, it was completely unconscious with no reason anywhere around. All the better. So I took the shortest route to the dam and dived. There it was, all the little treasures. Took the paste, dropped the wood and off I went, straight to my flyer and up up and away. It worked!!! Hooray! Now I've got some supply of paste Can't believe how lucky I was.
    1 point
  8. Epic fail and a good finish... Sorry about the length. So today was the TEK cave. I had never done it before and thought I would start on Gamma. Playing solo. I new from watching videos that the hardest part would be keeping everything together and under control. Also, with all the different server settings it is hard to fully understand what it will take to run the cave and defeat the overseer. Some do it with super duper inflated rexes and I can't gage how my team will do by watching a mega rex slice through other rexes like a hot knife through butter. Anyway, the point I am getting at is I might have overprepared or at least planned on taking too much.... just in case. So I had the whole team lined up outside the door. I had a team of 4 allos, 1 Yuty, 14 rexes, 6 therizinos, and a bird on my shoulder. I had them in groups of 5 to 6 dinos each. Each group had a leader and the rest were set to follow one behind the other. I think I had it so I would have to make 5 trips through the door by grabbing a leader and walking them in carefully, then running out for the next leader. 5 minutes to take in 5 groups. I was confident. I was originally planning on using cryo pods for half the team, but when the game wouldn't let me unpod them just outside the door I figured I couldn't do it inside either, so everyone had their ticket and stood in line. I open the door and took in the yuty and allos first. I was going to use the allos and a single TEK rex as the wrecking crew in the cave and therefore (in theory) save the other rexes and therizinos for the overseer. First group went in nice. I took them in far enough to have enough space for all dinos behind them but not too far that I would aggro the cave creatures that were just on the edge of my view. I grabbed the second team, 6 rexes, and took them in along side the first. All good. I grabbed the next group of 6 rexes and put them along the wall behind the first group. Oh, Noooo! Only 3 of the 6 came through the door. I ran back out of the cave to see two of my rexes in the lava and 1 stuck on the rocks. I got the one off the rocks and shoved him inside the cave. I had to redirect the other two and bring them to an area where they could get out. That was my mistake. I should have never messed with them and just written them off. When the first one finally got out, I mounted the saddle through the flames and ran for the door... But it closed just before I got there. It is amazing how fast one can go through emotions of denial and disbelief. Then I sat the screen fill with red lines as all my dinos inside were pronounced dead. Shock! Agony! Anger! Embarrassment! I touched on them all. AND Frustration at all the lost time and effort for for breeding, training, and gathering resources for saddles. But I'm sure many of you know the pain. I was left standing with my two rexes (now at half health but no longer on fire) and 6 therizinos that were standing halfway down the stone walkway I built across the lava. I walked past them all and climbed on my argy that was at the far end of the crater. I flew around in circles for a bit, then decided that today is still my day to finish this dang map. So I grabbed all my cryo pods and flew down to collect the rest of my therizino dragon army. I also grabbed two rexes that were back at base. This time there was no allos, and no yuty... just 4 rexes and 19 therizinos. I lined them up and open the door. Luckily there was no drama getting in this time. I hopped on the healthiest rex and went to work. I would clear a section and go back to carefully train the others down behind me. It was working great until about half way through the cave something spooked one of the therizinos and it took off running. It went over a cliff and six others followed. Now I was down to 4 rexes and 12 therizinos. Well, at least now I don't have to decide which 20 get to advance to the overseer. (I laughed but it still hurt). The giga at the bottom did not jump into the lava as I hoped so the team fought it. More dinos to heal. Yeah! Teleported up to the observation deck and did the typical look around for awhile to give the team a chance to heal a bit. Went into the final fight, not 100 percent healthy but close. I directed the team to attack the overseer, and I ran around fighting the defense droids. A few times I looked up and just admired the fight they were giving the overseer. And it finished a little better than I expected. No other dinos died in that last fight. I was very proud. Watched the cut-scene. Smiled. Good night.
    1 point
  9. Still nothing for console player dedicated genesis. Go figure.
    1 point
  10. Suggestion: Please raise the breeding rates as well. Honestly I've got real life stuff and taking a day to raise a giga to 10%, even with the flexibility of cryopods,isn't appealing as a gamer. Sorry to be a nudge, but breeders need love too please
    1 point
  11. A few days ago I started anew on Genesis server, after a long break, fresh entering the server as a lv1 because my lv 102 character was gone for unknown reason. I lived in Bog area, and as usual, PILLARS everywhere, but I managed to find a little piece of land, quite little can only put in 3x4 base, 3x2 trap, and maybe 2 smallgate x 2 smallgate area for dinoes. I found that life was so difficult here in Genesis and I moved to CrystalIsles but didn't like it there coz the area is too empty while the map is too big, it was even so hard to find a dino around when I needed hides, then I decided to move back to my previous small base on Genesis. I tamed a low level carno the other day lv 50 iirc, but died killed by sarco and kapro tandem, after that 1 day after, tamed a lv 55 sarco, DIED again, killed by kapro and baryonyx tandem, I couldn't make their saddles yet tho, so they all dead unmounted. This morning, when I was about to sleep, saw a frog near my trap, I usually never interested with frog but after reading that it produces cementing paste and chitin well, I wanted one, after a while halfway taming, a PARASAUR spawned near my base, DAMN how happy I was to see a peaceful herbivore, easy to tame, in front of my small base, without further ado, taming it too, then go to sleep. This afternoon, SAW a lv 135 Dung Beetle, now tamed. Actually playing it like this, small base, hard environment, small progress everyday, is also VERY fun compared to living large having all complete kibble farm with hundreds of dinoes, I don't even care anymore losing a lv 102 char. Whatever difficulties I may have is part of the game, it's a sandbox, there is no goal, no competition, just living it. Ark is like an alternate world to live in for a time period until bored. Problem is always with pillars, even when the place still looks so empty around, I can't put anything in anymore, this big is probably max I can get from this area, until I am ready to move when I have strong dinoes to escort me and my weaker dinoes. I have to scout other areas later on coz bog has so little resources only metal and crystal. Tamed a lv 135 Raptor, now dead because I forgot to change it from passive to neutral, got ambushed by a lv 90 kapro and a lv 50 baryonyx, I was too busy tanking and trying to kill the baryonyx, didn't see my raptor was probably just doing nothing coz on passive. Currently in process taming a lv 140 Sarco and a lv 150 Bary already more than halfway, and I thought about farming hides using that little raptor lol, need 230 hides for sarco saddle, only have 101. There should be a setting for auto set stance to neutral / passive depending on location because a simple mistake like this can be very fatal when using important dino.
    1 point
  12. 8pm PDT. So 10pm here. Nice. So basically Wednesday . Another big slap in the face to Xbox players. At least they are consistent.
    0 points
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