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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2016 in all areas

  1. Lotosaurus dating to theAnisian stage of the early Middle Triassic, about 245-237 million years ago Lotosaurus was 1.5 to 2.5 m (4.9 to 8.2 ft) long and a heavily built quadruped. It was a herbivore, shearing off leaves with its toothless, beaked jaws. Lotosaurus, like some other members of the Poposauroidea, had a sail on its back, granting it an appearance superficially similar to that of Permian pelycosaurs like Dimetrodon and Edaphosaurus, although not as high.
    7 points
  2. Let's take a look. If you look in the background of the main 'dossier', you'll see some flat and arid-looking landscape. I even think those two things in the background are cacti. Combined with those buckets of water beside the guy kneeling at the thing's side, I'd say this is gonna be a sort of water-related desert animal. Along with the Giant Lizard thing.
    4 points
  3. Well, it doesn't matter what it actually is or resembles since the dinos in this game have invented abilities. Examples being dimetrodon is an air conditioner, lystrosaur is a teacher, quetzal is a flying RV. So it's really just a drawing without a written explanation, the subject being anyone's guess. The dude in the picture could be milking nitroglycerin and skittles from it for all we know. XP
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Common Name: ???? Species: ???? Time: ???? Diet: ???? Temperament: ???? Wild ???? Domesticated ????? What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what creature it is?
    2 points
  6. so some others have hinted that it my be a desert like dino, along with another dino that was released but with no known info like this, it could hint at the desert coming, possibly in the upcoming months. or sooner? after all idk when but the devs have said that a desert will be implemented, as either an expansion to the current maps OR AND I SO WANT THIS AN ENTIRE ,NEW MAP THATS MAINLY A DESERT!!
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Unlike the Diplodocus and Titanosaur on single-player then. Nice to know the DEVs answer questions that have been asked days before. NOT!!!
    1 point
  9. I'm pretty sure "random mutations" means that babies can have completely different stat values from parents, not that you'll be able to cross breed unrelated species. That, at the very least, requires advancement to Tek tier.
    1 point
  10. Ark isn't even released yet, what possible reason would there be for advertising a second game at this stage?!
    1 point
  11. Not a mutation, not cross breeding, not ARK 2 lol it is a LOTOSAURUS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotosaurus
    1 point
  12. Hopefully it takes the place of camels so we dont have stinkin' camels in Ark
    1 point
  13. Thank you for the correction but if the uk can contain its pigs then Japans only problem is been too lazy an stubborn to change it's ways.
    1 point
  14. Thank you @Jat and @Stark for your replies and @Casanova for the supportive comment. Very much appreciated and really raised me out of the void I was feeling. The comment on having fans at the studio is really encouraging so I want to build for them :3 I would feel bad to dissapoint or stop providing enjoyment to them. It is nice to actually see insight into the judging as it has never been shown before to the community, and I think if you revealed the judging more openly across your contests it would be appreciated by a lot of the community (just thinking about all the thoughts and comments of your recent mod contest). This is an important breakthrough I think for many. While there is no obligation, it goes an extremely far way in the customer service department! I hope you will consider this more often for your contests, just a few key bullet points :3 One of those comments I was what I expected. Your factor about some of the weight going into creating without admin codes was interesting, granted a fair portion of what is presented would never occur without it, would be possible but take you more along a few thousand hours for some of the stuff. I will reveal 1 large comment about my own creation, I don't think my Princess Peach Castle should ever have won. I was not happy with the result in the slightest beyond the hand painted portrait component. So a large portion of the surprise was by comparing my own creations of the ruins vs castle where I thought the ruins were well done and my castle was terrible to the point where I considered deleting it. And a general comment to remember and for some of those with unpleasent comments: Every person is unique and has different reasons for entering (some most likely just due to money, others for fun, some mixed) and someone like me the largest factor is status and recognition as mentioned in my previous post, although the money is very helpful being $80K into student debt, so it allows me to afford computer upgrades(which allowed me to get RAM specifically for ARK to be playable again and even do videos) or get some video games / otaku content since that is all I have in my list. Some people aren't sensitive, some like me are extremely sensitive like myself. Some of us live alone and have lost everyone and only have the virtual world to turn to, so it isn't unreasonable to expect people to look for acknowledgement, most get it face to face in real life(I personally have a large amount of comfort issues and despair when it comes to anything outside my virtual world). If take college and take some psychology courses, you will understand it. I myself took a 4 year business course and my analysis is that the community interaction and communications really need to be raised, on top of organization/planning (which is my strongest skill). If I was in a community oriented position, I would devote more time to feedback on such contests and answer the forums more actively because of how important such components are, it no longer is just about the game like it used to be, the business structure for the gaming industry has evolved drastically over the last 15 years. Unless you understand the person's past and background, calling names really isn't contributing anything. You are free to say whatever but it is not helpful to the specific matter. A large portion of postings and so on could be heavily improved by a much stronger community presence and communication in the. This will happen again down the road but with someone else no doubt. The communication on the latest biome patch since before June is a primary piece of evidence. This was something that doesn't bother me, but because everyone is different, others are bothered by it. As a customer, everyone is allowed to voice their thoughts if they can do it without using name calling. You have your comment but I don't doubt that there are fans who would miss my work. And I most likely gained some for pointing out a large factor that people have been seeking throughout the past year - finally having some comments about how a a judgement was made in a contest. Hopefully this type of feedback and appreciation for such feedback helps and avoids such incidents regardless of who enters, or what contest it is. I do like building since I can listen to music during, but it definitely can feel like a chore when you see the amount of time put in (see my wolf-shock project) which I made specifically for others to enjoy rather than my own self. I was really excited to see the response the devs would have since it was something on a different scale never seen, so it was a bit heartbreaking to not have a single comment, and only a few posts on youtube when there are people who gets 10,000's of viewers and comments. If it says anything - I take the time to download all my screenshots even and edit them for size just to upload them for your company to have on your site (which takes 40-60 mins per 30 images due to the .39MB limit when the average image is .65MB), so I don't want to hear others comments about passion or devotion. Even further, I also try to support our the mod creators heavily by showing their wonderful work which many don't get enough recognition or support for. Thank you very much Jat, I appreciate the time for a response and the comments by Stark and Casanova as well. It is very useful and supportive! I am rather curious who those fans are! Anyways thank you again for your postings! I hope some of my comments here are helpful to you since I would like to see your business and game excel (with hopefully more love for the building component in terms of decor/structures/smoothed out functionality - pillars going through floors, items not snapping the reverse of how it is showing, more leniency to build into terrain and less collision check, etc). I have largely advertised and supported elsewhere and trying to help here and there or offer up ideas in the digest component. So the time taken for the comments meant a lot to me to :3
    1 point
  15. And that is the attitude you should take, good work is good work and if you can only pick 3 out of 40 it gets hard to choose. If I didn't win a contest I felt I should've won, I would take it in stride because I look like a bigger loser crying about it. I look forward to what you come up with and how it turns out overall, just be positive and move forward to get what you want, take your losses and use them as fuel for the next attempt. Edit: The Maiasaura is a good choice too, I am quite fond of it.
    1 point
  16. Ok, thanks! will do, going to start drawing up the dossier for the maiasaura shortly.
    1 point
  17. Everything you are saying comes across as pure arrogance on your part and is an attempt to belittle the work of the others who are trying to have a bit of fun with the game. Having pride in your work is one thing, hubris is another, and this is just a really poor attitude and quite frankly sheds a bit of light on to what kind of person you actually are. Personally I like the other work submitted more than yours and I am sure that if they didn't win they wouldn't be out here grandstanding over it. If you are going to be petty enough to take your ball and go home crying, then just do it, with your attitude I don't see how anyone would even begin to care if you don't enter anymore.
    1 point
  18. Are you serious? bit of a sour loser arn't you. I won 5 out of 12 times I entered and never did I think the devs favored or disliked what I do, you just need to have passion for building and for this game, if you do it just to win, you probably won't. You sound like the mod makers who didn't win and started whining about rules and unfair judging, saying they invested a lot and hence needed to win. If you say you need to win to keep building you are seriously doing it for all the wrong reasons and others will keep winning cause they display the kind of passion for Ark (and not for price money) the devs love. The way the devs supported my builds have been incredible and yes it is a game promoting tool to show of the possibilities in the game. Questioning the way vids are judged is childish and makes you a bad loser.
    1 point
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