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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes

Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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My server is still offline, going on hour 8 now,

We've been crashing about 7 to 10 times a day, usually for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, Lag is constant, resulting in rubber banding every 30 seconds or so,

When my server went down I was up in the snow collecting rhino horns in carno/rex territory, I had some of my most used/valuable dinos in pods with me, (Quetz, weight argie and a rex)

It just hit midnight where I live which means at some point I have to stop refreshing the page in case it comes back, and any hope of retrieving my inventory of podded dinos and gear is pretty much non existent, 

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1 minute ago, redbtc said:

Server Down

Good afternoon everyone, what's going on with the pve valguero525 server? I'm trying to log in and not with you, the other valguero servers are all online! the Valguero pve 525 is down all the time.

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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everytime i join  EU-PVP-XBOXOFFICIAL-EXTINCTION-SMALLTRIBES61 about 3 second after logging into server kicks me and displays this message " lost/timeout pending connection to host" my friend has the same issue who is on same server aswell. also it seems like everyone having same issue on server cos pop on 0 now most the time

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Server offline, over an hour

Ping is already a week 200+ stable, instead of 50-100

constant rollbacks for 5 -20 seconds, in 1 minute

Or is it worth recognizing that the server is not designed for the game of 70 people, maybe 20?
I play on all official maps and all of them are at least half full of gamers from Asia. This is a euro region servers.
If the server is 30 slots full, ping goes for 150
I well remember how in 2015 the gamers in the PVP were out of sync with the games from distant regions.
Then this problemma went away.
What are the findings?

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Official server 395 crashes 3-8 times a day

The server crashes 3-8 times and the downtime is 30min-5h dinos are die and bossfights goes wrong (we lose all)  its unplayable  its impossible  (hatched my giga egg 4 times) and it survived the next server rollback and downtime with 10 hp the hate on that servers is to big  and upgrade would be good the server cant hold 15 people in night and crashes

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Server 338 NA PVE The Island has been down for about 2 hours. It crashed yesterday and remained offline for 8 hours. The server has consistently crashed 3-5 times per day, 20 minutes at a time for the past 2 weeks. Since November of last year, the server's outage history shows a severe and steady decline in performance. Either a hardware related issue, or it is unable to handle the current player load.

This game should've been region locked.

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Like most people on this post, I'm a long time player and extremely frustrated.

Server stability and reduction of lag should be the #1 priority of the developers at this point.

No new content, no new DLC or events.  Just fix current bugs, optimize current maps and focus on giving us adequate gameplay.    This is what your customers and player base want most.  Most of the tickets made for lost items or dinos are directly related to server stability.  If you wish to retain a player base, then focus on the issues that are causing people to leave the game.

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2 minutes ago, Cyclops said:

Like most people on this post, I'm a long time player and extremely frustrated.

Server stability and reduction of lag should be the #1 priority of the developers at this point.

No new content, no new DLC or events.  Just fix current bugs, optimize current maps and focus on giving us adequate gameplay.    This is what your customers and player base want most.  Most of the tickets made for lost items or dinos are directly related to server stability.  If you wish to retain a player base, then focus on the issues that are causing people to leave the game.

full agree

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On 4/10/2020 at 2:17 AM, Malathios said:

My Ragnarok server is having issues as well. Constant rollbacks 

There's only been a few that seemingly don't go offline. I've been on PVE Rag 81 and PVE Rag 408. Rag 71 is still in the list of online servers every time the other ones go offline and get rolled back but it is a very small chunk that stays online. Going to try going to 71 today and see how that goes.


I'm trying to get Easter wyvs and griffins but I'm afraid that I'll somehow lose my character if the server goes offline and glitches out. It would suck if Rag servers are like this the entire event. 

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16 minutes ago, Cyclops said:

Like most people on this post, I'm a long time player and extremely frustrated.

Server stability and reduction of lag should be the #1 priority of the developers at this point.

No new content, no new DLC or events.  Just fix current bugs, optimize current maps and focus on giving us adequate gameplay.    This is what your customers and player base want most.  Most of the tickets made for lost items or dinos are directly related to server stability.  If you wish to retain a player base, then focus on the issues that are causing people to leave the game.

The fact that there is not a 2-step "destroy" button in the inventory blows my mind. Its something very simple that would help prevent players from dropping thousands of items each minute. It might seem small in the grand scheme of things but it adds up.

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