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Ankylo auto-harvest



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On 3/11/2020 at 4:25 AM, StaceyMalibu said:

I'm sorry, but this is a no go.

You know what would happen? Tons of ankys on leashes on aberration getting metal, since you only have to go and collect it. Let alone the island or other maps where metal is more scarse.
Doed is okay, since stone is literally everywhere.

Easily worked around, Have the anky have to be carried in order to auto harvest, or atleast be in render range, maybe instead one could give it a command/whistle to harvest instead of a full auto harvest, numerous ways to encourage players to use it the same way the doe is used. I feel what you suggest is a very weak and niche argument against a potentially great QOL improvement which people have asked for for years.

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OK OK calm down your horses ...

PVP Point of view, adding this DOESNT make the game harder, Doesnt make you a better pvper with or without, its simpley a better design for the game to have this feature on all dinos that can be carried by argy. It is complete and utter cancer to keep mounting and dismounting and we all agree on this part. 

This option will simply stop you from falling down to your death because " THEY decided to put metal in unreachable cliff areas " 
It will make you FARM more play the game more. 

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On 5/15/2019 at 8:06 AM, Supersonic said:

I think it is just not implemented. Can't think of a PvP case where this would be a problem. :)

I was thinking maybe they don't want to add it to make it more difficult for players on PVP to advance to all metal structures. Either way, I would love it the Anklyo could be used like the Doed.

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It does auto harvest, but anky's usually don't have much weight and it must be under 40% roughly to auto harvest.


Doedic's cut weight a lot so it takes longer to reach that threshold. Unless this feature broke recently the anky usually swings on first node I'm near and beyond that i have to do it myself.


I think a better option to aid in solo grinding would be the ability to utilize the Held tames melee attack over the flown creature. This would allow you to fly an Argy for example, but swing with the anky. 


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Agreed, Anky should really have the auto-harvest function, in single player pve it's a major chore as the player's weight limit is frustratingly low... Take into account using an argie and anky combo and so much time is taken into transferring the items between them unless you manage to park them right next to each other and the anky's tail doesn't knock you out of range... 

Imo a simple and super well  received solution would be the auto harvest, which you really need to monitor anyway as they can get ganked quite easily, or carried off by rivals to disrupt you, so it's not a game breaking experience, if anything it gives more opportunities to capitalize on another tribe's weakness. It'd be great for both PVE and PVP

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