Increased buff timer from 30 minutes to 6 hours
If anyone cares about this, I wanted to see if they actually updated this on 7/30. My game ran the update and my server ran the update. I got on Ragnarok and tamed a Liopleurodon and the timer immediately showed 30 minutes. Don't waste your time on this as it's still pretty much the most useless dino in Ark and now it's got an "non update" that still makes it just as useless. Maybe what they meant was it gives you the buff after riding it for 6 hours. That could be possible but I wouldn't know because after it did its vanishing event at 30 minutes my game glitched out and crashed. I then had to shut my computer completely off and reload it all. When I got back on, of course I was killed by drowning and the buff was gone. So no way of testing it. I posted a video of the tame on YouTube. In it, you can see the timer at 30 minutes. Possible that the buff was still going but with the crash when it vanished, I'll never know and I'm not doing that again. LOL