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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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I have an idea based on the high performance of beginner servers.  They out perform regular pve servers because they wipe; cleaning the map and giving it new room.  I want this for SOME NOT ALL regular servers.  They could have the word Wipe in the title so no mistake what you've joined.  In addition these wipe servers should increase breeding rates.  Breeding rates hurt the worse on official; not gather cause gather is part of the game play dynamic.  These wipe servers should not allow to bring in pets or items like a new map.  To make them different from beginner servers they would not have a level cap; so beginner can still fulfill specific niche in Ark.

What you think?


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37 minutes ago, Labriel said:

Some people think that resetting the servers would kill the game even more, but most of the people that think this way are people with mega bases and alliances.

Surely those tribes and alliances would just reform after a wipe and re-establish themselves. Group chats, like discord, would help them organise getting the players back into the tribes on day 1 and then use strength of numbers to rebuild.

If a wipe is done before meshing and duping is fixed people will just start doing it again as soon as they can and the wipe will have been pointless.

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This is pretty much the same thing I have said a few times, but nobody listens. The servers become decrepit and people lose interest in the game. Games these days are about player retention. There is an easier way to keep players coming back rather than rushing to release some new DLC that hasn't been tested or balanced properly. Wipe official servers the way they do in rust (only perhaps less often because Ark is a slower paced game).

It baffles me why WC don't do this. They were ballsy enough to wipe repurpose the legacy servers when the game went full retard release. So why don't they do it again? Why are people so against it? Why are they so afraid to push people out of their comforting, protective Alpha-tribe bubble?

I stopped playing Ark because it is all try hards and sore losers, where every official server (small tribes, classic, you name it) always ends up the same way. Why? Because tribe limits, removing certain dinos etc are just gimmicks, cheap tricks to get players to come back. It was the same half arsed attitude that started  the "evolution events" (2x weekends). None of it will change the way the servers end up. They will all become stagnant and die at some point, probably quicker than normal official if they are slightly boosted.

The most fun I had was on the old Extinction Arkpocalypse servers. I have no idea why WC made them all PG arks. Did they actually intend for those servers to die or are they just stupid? Those things worked a treat. They wiped periodically like Rust servers and when they did, the servers were slot capped. Nowdays the only time we see slotcapped servers in Ark is when one insurmountable zerg tries to raid another, which is what, once in a blue moon?

IMO the only way to save Ark - and convince people like me to come back - is to start taking the game seriously and set a wipe schedule for official servers. Not just a one off wipe, I mean every 1-2 months on the dot. It will put more emphasis on getting ahead at the start of a wipe, breathing new life into the game. This will hopefully give more time for the devs to make sure their DLC is functioning correctly and properly balanced before it is released.

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Just now, Fukushu said:

@namelessyou asked yourself some questions but missed the most important one: Why do you even care what others have on PVE since it does not influence you.

You can chose to play without bred lines from other people and still do bosses, you can farm your own stuff and play for yourself. 

The reason you probably care for such things on PVE is that it's an egoboost, don't take this in a bad way, we express ourselves ingame if we miss this IRL.

You could be happy with what you have since it's PVE but you don't want others to have things which they got with an unfair method. But why is that method unfair on PVE? It doesn't influence you or your gameplay. 

I despise cheaters/hackers and dupers and they all should be steam banned on all their accounts but asking to wipe PVE servers because some people hack/dupe and wipe everyone away because you yourself find it unfair is a little selfish, isn't it?

I can only look at a good friend of mine, who has the same issue. He constantly complained about the OP breeding lines that make everything so easy but when I suggest that he should just breed his own lines, play at his own pace and do bosses without any help, he refused. He enjoyed the closed Valguero servers because he had good rexes and could do the boss on beta as one of the first on the server which boosted his self esteem and made the game more fun for him. This can turn very quickly as soon as the servers opened, everyone was suddenly able to do the bosses easily and he stopped playing because people wouldn't come to him anymore for tips or dinos. He needed the recognition ingame to be happy and have fun, which is not a good thing IMO.

I find this very sad and would encourage everyone to not seek recognition in a video game. You should play it because it's fun, set yourself tasks your want to do or reach like in IRL or to find friends and play with them.

(Even if ARK has horrible, horrible gamebreaking issues, it's still a fun game.)

it will affect me if the server is fully wiped

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Honestly why would a wipe be so bad, these people are built up so large the server fps pings at 8 not game fps but server side a wipe would not only bring back new players before the unreal update but bring much needed hype to ark 2 .


remember the following , 1 server has over 50 pop peak daily,

90% of the servers have 5-10 people

pve servers are not required to be wiped,

we not only either need to remove empty servers if not wiped, to condense the player base but removal of servers should warrant a wipe

maybe if wipes not a option instil a way to nerf these mega bases 1000 turrets or more =mega

add decay to turrets where they must be repaired once every 48 real hours or lose 33.333333%hp 6 days no repair = break, make this cost low like 10 metal bars? so it allows small tribes to easily keep up well mega tribes would need to walk up to each turret,

dinosaur age, dinosaurs should age, lower stats though aging and die after so much time, and clones should have 1/3 the life expectancy more so forcing these mega tribes to freeze all their dinos sitting out, helping server side fps,


these systems should be pinged maybe once per day to the heavy server side load,


but in all honesty a wipe may cheese a few but would put new much needed life into the pvp community , the only thing were fighting currently is full muta gigas and squids, and these tribes have 1000+ tames each in pods and sitting out and its just feels so pointless when they have every cave locked out , every materal blocked off, on the one server above 50 pop, and the other servers just feel so empty at 25 people it feels like pve,


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Wipe all official severs

Yes Ark you need to clean house!!!!   First thing I have played since the game was first came to xbox. I have since the trolls and mega tribes take over both pve and pvp it happens, however leaving things as is, is not going to help. Cleaning all the pillars and monster texas size bases with entire zoo's of cloned dino's that the tribe do nothing with except to have a different colored dino for everyhour of the day. They just sit there and take up cap space and render time on servers.  The game is about survival not who can have the biggest dino zoo.  Where is the survival when you have 10 or more gigas just sitting at your base just to drop eggs and look pretty. This is not Ark survival evoled anymore its now Dino rancher...  What color do u want with that dino........


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Why doesn't all ark servers wipe the reason no one play any more is because of the mutated dinos and how big every one is if ark wipes all servers will be full and ark would go back to its glory every one is losing interest i would suggest that ark wipes from the start im a player that has ben playing since the game came out and its honestley getting extremely boring all my friend and all the ppl i know wants it to wipe so why not wipe all ark server at least when when ark 2 comes out. It would be an amazing thing

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I think a good compariaon to make would be Ark PvP to Rust. Rust, depending on which server you pick, wipes the servers either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, so when you go into a PvP server you know full well that after a set amount of time everything will be gone anyway, so you focus on the most fun part of PvP, THE PVP. The issue official Ark PvP has is that it takes bloody long to accomplish things that people are afraid of losing their progress, so if wildcard were to start wiping the official servers regularly they would also have to hugely reduce the amount of time necessary to tame stuff

 I have nearly 1000 hours on this game so I'm no newbie, and a large chunk of that time was spent on Official PvP. My experience there was one of several large tribes all set up in their own territory not wanting to get into fighrs with each other for fear of losing all their work. Unless a griefer tribe shows up on the server or someone does something stupid and pisses off another tribe things were fairly quiet, and frankly got boring as most of my time was spent grindinf resources to feed all our dinos and keep the turrets loaded. The most fun I had on Official PvP was during a tribe war, when, y'know, I ACTUALLY GOT TO PVP, but again, a lot of established tribes seem to be averse to fighting too much, again, because of how much they have invested in their stuff they don't want to see it all wiped out. If the PvP servers had faster tame times and got wiped regularly I'd certainly play PvP again.

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Server Wipes

So I have seen a lot of people asking for server wipes, but a lot of people have spent years of their life  on the servers and if it gets wiped a lot of people will be very mad. The people that are asking for a wipe are probably people that haven’t put a lot of time and effort into the servers.

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My suggestion for PVE is to have some sort of building that gives the player a set area to build in. Then the player can upgrade said building to get more space or make more of them to allow them to build in other locations. This will stop the unbelievable amount of pillar spam on pve servers if done right. 

This building should also get more expensive as more are created by the player so that these are not spammed like the pillars. 

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On 4/25/2019 at 9:36 AM, BertNoobians said:

its funny that people with a low post count want a wipe, and people with a high post count dont want a wipe.

new players will always want a wipe, that will never change, they want to start equal with all the others.

90% of the starters only play this game for a few weeks upto a few months,

and there would be more people that want a wipe because there will always be more starters then established players.

this is why it is extremely hypocritical and mean to ask for a wipe because statistics say that you are not even here anymore after 3 months.

some dinos like tuso mosa and basilo take 1.5 years where they are now, they are op, but they are not even close to max possible. you want to wipe this work.

this is likely my first post on the forums but ive been playing this game for about 3 years now.  Official servers, ESPECIALLY XBOX servers, need a full wipe.  Xbox has been duping since the start of the new servers, its completely raptored.  how long have you been playing the game because you dont seem like its been since legacy

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4 hours ago, Lycan187u said:

I agree 100%  wipes are a necessary evil and official pvp atm is bland boring no action PVE...

Exactly and it's not even a case of players that are losing wanting a wipe. I don't know about you but my group is quite wealthy atm from all our activities and yet we still feel a wipe would be fun and liven up the game. I also think though they need to not just wipe the servers but reduce the amount. Having an average of only 10 players per server is not fun or interesting for gameplay.

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On 7/29/2020 at 12:19 AM, CrazyGoldMiner said:

No tribe should control ANY SERVER PVE or PvP. They are public. I see on my PVE server 3 tribes that have pillared off masses of land. Report it and nothing happens. They sell land or come near you and pillar near you so you can’t expand out. No one should have the feeling they own blue ob and tell people that they must pay them before they can do a boss fight at that ob. That’s not how it is supposed to work but is the way I am seeing it on several servers. 

only wcs should be in control over their servers. No player or tribe should own any part of the map or caves. I’ve seen pillars near very rich resources and I’m fine with that it stops people from spawn killing  however to pillar off a radius all around an entire rich area that no one could build on and enough room to build 20 huge bass is bull crap! Then selling land or making people ask if they can build here or there. Stupid and toxic 

true. this game is broken. yesterday, i builded a small base with 20 auto turrets. these tribes were teaming to destroy it in one day. i wasnt a threat for the server. they have alot of dino's. like 400 plus mana's,gigas and so on. its impossible to play as a newcomer or returner. duping, cheating and meshing still excists. WC do not care. they wont devwipe people, even with proofen images. they need to fix the game and then devwipe all servers. i payed for this game including all dlc for pc, xbox and ps4. im not be able to build up! so they should refund, all the gamers that are not be able to build up and play. i spended like 200 euro's in this game. got meshed in 6 severs. so we ended up with nothing. everytime we start, we got smashed in 10 hours. its impossible to play against these excisting tribes. they wont let u build up. they are the boss of the server!!! so wc should fix the game or refund me, for all platforms that i payed for!

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On 5/1/2019 at 11:01 AM, Quilleute said:

The only ones , that want a wipe its the damn kids that always are winning about something , instead of playing the game. I play the game for 3 years and dont have any problem with my evolution and i still have much to work for

. Just because , you are too lazy to work for your stuff and want everything for yesterday , i dont have to be punished by all that posture of yours.

My server is constantly with 20+ people on, and everyday new players start on my server, 1 out of 10 succed and keep playing, cause all the others only know beg and ask for stuff, and we dont support that kind of attitude .


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