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  1. Any word on official crossplay PvP? Finally got my friends to play to find out it was discontinued. Also, will cluster/crossarks be released with the 2nd map?
  2. I was actually hoping the pendulum would swing and we would get a mana buff!
  3. This sucks for the grinders, but they did always say that these were experimental types of servers. I was really hoping they would make the rates like SotF! That would be interesting.
  4. It was once said that Atlas assetts would be shared. Will Ark be getting the guillotine?? (We were originally promised it ) what other assets will be shared? Can we get the dodo TLC from the mobile??? Seems like such a waste not to implement them in the core game!
  5. It was once said that Atlas assetts would be shared. Will Ark be getting the guillotine?? (We were originally promised it ) what other assets will be shared? Can we get the dodo TLC from the mobile??? Seems like such a waste not to implement them in the core game!
  6. I understand what you are getting at. But hardcore gamers will always be hardcore. Regardless if it’s 3x, they are always pumping out larger dinos. Especially mega tribes with the amount of people always able to take over. My thought is that it would help bring casual players close to hardcore gameplay. But maybe a compromise of 2x with the same food requirements. Idk.
  7. Has there been any talk about permanently increasing breeding rates similar to gathering rates? 3x felt like it was the way the mechanic was supposed to be. Still a challenge without being toxic.
  8. Can the managarmr get back it’s buffed Ice beam? I was finally pumped to be able to get into Tek Teir without mindless Rex raising, but 8 high managarmrs barely touched the Forest Titan last night. I understand the PVP concern. Could the reduced damage at a distance be applied only to tamed creatures, but normal to wild? PS this was an awesome valentine event. Good work! Only wish the candy was permanent colors!
  9. Honestly, with the time gap they should just make all the Legacy official servers now.
  10. I would respectfully add anky, scorpions, and turtles to the list. And can liopleurodon be revised? I haven’t heard of anyone that actually uses this wonderful beast.
  11. Looks like it had spines to hold onto and ride it like a manta ray
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