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Wipe Official Servers



After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

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I understand why alot of people would want this but if you were them and were going to do it how would you tell the people who have spent the last 2 years breeding nonstop to get the stats to where they currently are. Me being one of those people I would be very angry if I wasted the last 2 years just to get them arbitrarily wiped.

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Wipe official servers or have altered servers

I can see why the ark devs don't want to wipe official servers but I also see why they should. Official has gotten so over powered that you can't get on a server where the alpha or big tribe doesn't have insanely mutated dinos and op blueprints. They don't want to do a wipe because the big tribes would rage quit "They've put in the time and effort in our game and we don't want to wipe them". There are people that have been playing since the beginning and have put in as much time, possibly even more that some alphas trying to build up but have never managed because they always get wiped right away. I still think all official servers need a wipe and if alphas rage quit then so what? they get a taste of their own medicine. ...Or have connected servers to official and small tribes that gets wipe every month or so meaning nobody can get too big but give new players a chance to learn how the game works. Transfers will be allowed off but never on, so even freshly wiped people can go there to build up again and then leave to go back on their regular server. I'm aware there are servers that constantly wipe and that's not what i'm talking about, these would allow people to learn the game, meet new people, get PvP skills, etc. There would be many benefits to this and would make the game much more enjoyable if you had to start out fresh again.

TL;DR Official is too overpowered a wipe should be done, or put new servers which gets constantly wiped that are connected to official/small tribe that you can't transfer stuff onto ever but you can transfer stuff off making it more fair for the little guy.

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Not a great idea, I’m new. I have played only for 4 months and I’m still prepairing to tame a quetzal. Actually I have breeded almost all dinos including rexes and basilosaurs. My most mutated dino has 7 mutations and it is a tapejara. A wipe will kill my illusion  and would give me a deception for all the time lost. 

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5 minutes ago, LEDminer said:

Just focus on fixing these problems, prevent meshing and duping and the effects of them will eventually disappear, without harming the legit players.

I really hope that what the developer/ people who own the server believes, but this was not their solution when they created legacy, neither when they decided to delete all the fishing rods.


it is just that legacy is created after aberration release (second dlc), I got a feeling something similar will happen after genesis (4th dlc)

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On 4/23/2019 at 2:20 PM, NoOneBtw said:

After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year.


edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)

I disagree for the reasoning of the majority that are against you as well.

Throughout the years we haven't even tapped the full potential of dinos. As Bert mentioned, it's been years and tusos/basilos still haven't gotten near their maximum potential. We're barely starting to reach the finish line with regular rexs. Just because you wan't to play on a PVP server does not mean everyone else must have their hard work deleted.

Also, do you know how many people will quit if that happens? Imagine you're a breeder and you worked your tail off building up a female population of 300+ to work on mutating your rex line to make it stronger and be able to demolish bosses. You're able to do this in Single Player as well mind you. You spend years building up your rex line just to have some new kid come along and tell you that your hard work is unfair and that you should start from 0 again because he's new to the game and dislikes your progress. WUT?


Join an Unofficial server that wipes regularly if you want that, stay away from Official servers.



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I think a wipe would do the game some good. It would make everyone start at Square one and bring back the good ole days of PVP. One that doesn't have 3000 of the same 282 Mek, mega tribes with infinite resources, and all the claimed servers of the megas. A fresh start would be fun I honestly believe that alot of people would come back if they had a clean slate to deal with. Granted it would suck since we just had those breeding rates and the chibis but hell make the chibis a reward for bosses or something so people don't lose them. And have the emotes and all tied to the account instead of the characters.

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New players have no hope of competing against alpha/mega tribes that have merged.

They form toxic cliques and pick off those who have recently joined a new official cluster. 

Certain people are even abusing the mesh behind caves to soak up bullets without taking any damage. 

This isn't what the game was designed to be. Why are you choosing not to do anything when players continue to abuse multiple exploits? 

If you don't want to wipe the servers then patch up your games and do a roll back, so things can be fair evenly across the board. 

At least survey your players and let them all vote on whether or not they want official servers to be wiped. 

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On 4/26/2019 at 5:11 AM, Bagelbyte2 said:

Dont whine and complain because you died to someone who has invested lots of time and has skill in a game. Dont like it get better.

You sit here and act like people are complaining because they suck at the game. The intention of a force wipe either weekly bi-weekly or monthly is the purpose of allowing newer players to get into the game without the fear of having their tames that they spent hours on being wiped by clans that have been playing for several months or even years. Clans who can cryo their dinos and transfer them to other servers and transfer their survivors to other servers. Then using that to offline every player they see. There is no pride in that. There is no skill in that. That is scum. Worse than scum players. There is a reason the game is low pop on nearly every server. With very few servers ever reaching their full pop of 70. Meanwhile there are survival games like rust, which do have wipe, and have servers with max 300 pop that are full often. This isn't a game of skill. This is a game of numbers. It's not fun and it's a big waste of time. Can't wait for this game to die like it should. Unless they make a change to this piece of poop game.

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On 5/1/2019 at 11:01 AM, Quilleute said:

The only ones , that want a wipe its the damn kids that always are winning about something , instead of playing the game. I play the game for 3 years and dont have any problem with my evolution and i still have much to work for

. Just because , you are too lazy to work for your stuff and want everything for yesterday , i dont have to be punished by all that posture of yours.

My server is constantly with 20+ people on, and everyday new players start on my server, 1 out of 10 succed and keep playing, cause all the others only know beg and ask for stuff, and we dont support that kind of attitude .

I just started playing again after two years of never getting raided on a offical pvp island map. My friends and i didnt ask for anything, We would say hello to people we saw and that was about it. We would get on in shifts. Tame, build, gather. 4 days in a mega tribe wiped us and all the smaller tribes on the server due to "too many people on the server" ie 50 people. So, its back to just them and one other tribe theyre friends with. So, i wouldnt say its people being too lazy. Although i agree i did see a lot of people asking for stuff. Thats not the case for everyone playing. This was also the 4th time moving around to find a sever.

So, i can understand why newer people would feel like its unplayable. 

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Clearly a huge reason why people are opposed to a server wipe to level the playing field is how much time and effort they have to invest to make progress in this game and they don't want it erased, which is a fair point, it takes a long time to progress in Ark on default settings. Now let's compare Ark PvP to a similar game, like Rust. Rust's servers get wiped either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending on the server, so no one is the "Alpha" forever and there are regular opportunities for everyone to start on a level playing field and see how far they can get before server reset, now Rust doesn't have all the taming and breeding and farming mechanics that Ark has, which take a long time to progress in. Now Ark, without server wipes, DOES have an issue with long-time players having an advantage over newbies, this is of course aside from general experience and skill level, they have all this fancy gear and tames they have been grinding for for literal months or years. Now as much as us veterans (I have nearly 1000 hours in this game on Steam) like to say, the noobs need to "git gud" or go through the same grind we did, what ultimately keeps games alive is an influx of new players, so if the new player experience is bad then less new people come in, which is bad for the game's longevity. Now I would suggest, if Wildcard were to start doing regular server resets, that they HEAVILY reduce the amount of time it takes to tame and breed dinos. I used to play on Official PvP but have since stopped in favor of singleplayer and small private servers with a few friends, because on default settings it frankly takes way too long to progress, and a good chunk of that time is spent just waiting for taming bars to reach 100%, and you have to have people on every single day without fail to maintain the base and reload the turrets and feed all the dinos and keeo watch for raiders so some jackass doean't level your months of work, and established tribes almost never want to do the actual fun part of PvP, PLAYINF PVP, as they don't want to lose their huge time sink of dinos and base building. I play on 50x tame speed in singleplayer so after the time it takes me to gather the resources for a tame and knock the thing out I only have at most a few minutes wait time for it to tame, whereas on official, to tame a Giga for example, even with kibble, takes over an hour of standing there just staring at what is essentially a loading bar. If they make taming and breeding much faster, then we can have regular server wipes and not worry so much about losing all your progress as you can reach that point again, with a dedicated tribe, in a couple of weeks rather than months or a year+.

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Officel server reset, 1000% melee Managarmr

Maxed out dinos flying around, mega tribes have so much, they are selling stuff and dinos for real money.

It’s time to reset the servers, to give new players a chance.

Every ark server is claimed by a mega, you can’t ever build up 1 day without getting raided.

PS4 servers got reseted already, it’s time for PC.

What do you think?


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On 4/26/2019 at 11:24 AM, Swerfy said:

Ark on console is dead. The lines are to good and the game is stale. It’s impossible to build up anymore because of the way everyone plays right now. A solution to this would be yearly wipes or continue to add new clusters such as Classic every so often

Yep, yearly wipes would give both the long term progression and keep the game alive by giving tribes chance to start anew.

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Fresh wipe of official and small tribe servers.

It has been a very long time since we had a wipe on official servers. With the recent mek duping method both small tribes and official servers have been ruined by mek rushing. Most servers a ran by single tribes who make it impossible for others to build up. A wipe would bring a fresh start to the game like never before. I wipe would bring back old players and new ones as they’ll have a chance to play the game from the start. At the moment the game seems to be in a good state, in the summer a new map is releasing. This is the perfect time to wipe offices and small tribe servers and give all the players a fresh start. I spoken with many other players who agree it’s time for a fresh wipe.

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On 4/25/2019 at 7:06 PM, BertNoobians said:

its the big tribes and wanna bee arkers from other servers that ruin the lives of the beginners in pvp ark. i fly around almost every day and see the horror of blown in little starter bases. this is something our tribe doesnt do , only the scumbag tribes. ths is why a little tribe cant grow to the top. toxic behaviour wont change with a devwipe. its also to easy to offline raid right now. small tribes cant protect themselfs. has nothing to do with dino stats that are to high that need to be reset.

I agree entirely. I tried PvP on many occasions. New lvl 1 on new servers. I tried for months and I couldn’t get past spawning in. These toxic pieces of crap would sit on spawn locations or even build at or near spawn locations and you would be killed immediately. I tried again when genesis rolled out and was even worse. I had a small 3x3 base, started in thatch and was wiped 20 mins after I finished the building. Came on the next day to find when I logged off I was raided. All they got was NOTHING. so I said screw it and went PVE. Much better environment but still toxic as we have kiters and duper’s. I’m sick of the duping! I’m no where near an alpha tribe, but have worked my butt off to get what I have and where I am and I’m 1 of the 4 largest bases on my server. I breed and raise a lot and would be pissed I’d we gotta wiped just because someone comes who doesn’t want to work to get where I got, can start equal to me. I started at 1 3 years ago and now 107, I need tek cave and ab fight. I’ve done all the others, then I can be level 130+. 

wipjng won’t solve anything. Kiting and raiding people when they first start is chicken poop. It disgusts me to watch these guys post YouTube videos raiding small bases. Especially ones who wait till they log off and raid them. And yeah I know small bases can be massive in loot, but when it’s made of wood or stone and it’s a small 2x2 or 4x4 jeez. And they gloat that they just raided this small base who was offline and had no way to defend themselves. Way to go! 

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