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Speciality Server Suggestions!


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Speciality servers are alternate game modes for ARK that last for a short period of time. Each new theme will bring on a new set of challenges different from that of servers currently available. However, these seasonal servers will wipe and change theme after a determined period of time.

We're looking for input from you Survivors today. We've set up a thread and we'd appreciate if you could drop your suggestions into the separate thread below.

Changes will revolve around edits that can be made to the existing config which means modifying ini and server settings. These types of changes can include many things like: tribe/alliance size, anything related to dino stats and taming, server rates, etc. This does not include things like mods.

Some examples can include:

  • Solo, no tribes
  • Mammals only
  • No carnivores
  • Small Dinos only
  • Limited Tribe Members/No alliances
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All-in - Dinos all spawn with ALL leveling points in a single stat, so you get useful stats like pure health and pure damage, or useless stats like pure speed or pure oxygen.

Ferocious - Everything is out to get you. Normally peaceful or skittish dinos will attack you asap. Spawn rates for dinos is reduced by half.

Docile - The lamb lays with the lion. All dinos are peaceful. Spawn rates for dinos is doubled.

Hordes - Dino spawn rate is halfed, but quadruple the number of dinos spawn in the groups. (I.E. if a Dodo spawns, you instead get 4-12 dodos. Bronto, 4-12 brontos. Ect)

Ubermensch - Level ups for players give 100x the regular amount of stats. (Variations too - 2x stats, 10x stats, ect)

Ubersaur - Level up for Dinos give 10x the regular amount of stats (Variations)



Primary idea - Featured Mods servers. 3 different servers that each feature a different mod, rotating in/out, so that players can see exactly what all these mods are about.



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1 minute ago, Eli said:

Much like ARKpocalypse servers, the specialty servers will have boosted rates.

I understand that..but what are we talking in rates like 3x tamin/maturation etc thats still 1day 11h give or take when you start it for a dragon to fully grow then you lose it anyway to game wipieng.

Don't get me wrong i love seasonal servers didnt see it coming i just wish maybe 1-5 of those server were non wipe.

I would like to see more family freindly server or casual gamer or working man server haha..I love ark but i don't have the time to support ARK Servers and i would love to but not on 1x and not with the server being wipe.. I can understand ARKpocalypse servers wipeing but not a seasonal servers wipeing

my suggestion for this game type

3x rates [Seems fair]

Have some non wipe ones

Can't trasfer to other arks or other seasonal servers

No download of players [Must start new]

If your going to go down the road of doing new styles of servers at least try and cover everyone...Not everyone wants a wipe server to lose everything they spent days working on

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Static Enviroment - Harvest nodes have 100x HP, respawn nearly instantly, and will respawn regardless of the distance to them.

Real Time - Day/Night cycle is set to match a 24 hour cycle.

Mating Season - Dinos have almost no CD between mating, baby dinos mature in 100x speed, baby dinos do not lose food, baby dinos ask for an imprint after 10 minutes that instantly maxes their imprinting meter, maybe also increase the bonus stats from imprinting?

Epic Lewtz - Loot crate quality is set to over 9000%. Good luck actually making any BPs!

Ancient Ruins - Hardcore PvP. Buildings do not despawn, do not take damage. No tribes allowed.

Extinct Wildlife - Creature spawnrate set to 0, no dinos at all.


Starved for resources - Harvest node respawn rate is set to 0

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I think a really nice special server could include a sort of hourly drop that contains 250% loot bonus and limit tribe limit to around 5 players. The loot drop would include things such as resources to help further a tribes progress (electronics, narcotics, ammo, kibble for useful dinos and of course bps for armor/weapons/tools and saddles). It could also be placed in a modified area for example make the area surrounding it extremely hot or cold to prevent players from camping the drop and make the area have plenty of dangerous spawns (carno, saber, direwolf or any other dangerous carnivores... try to avoid stun dinos like microraptors and purlovia as those might enrage players quite a bit). And incorperating certain server wide events like 2x taming/ 2x harvesting or mega heatwave (kinda what soft did). Well there is my long suggestion, I hope this was detailed enough to make some concepts on :D

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Just now, DrDigitalBoi said:

I think a really nice special server could include a sort of hourly drop that contains 250% loot bonus and limit tribe limit to around 5 players. The loot drop would include things such as resources to help further a tribes progress (electronics, narcotics, ammo, kibble for useful dinos and of course bps for armor/weapons/tools and saddles). It could also be placed in a modified area for example make the area surrounding it extremely hot or cold to prevent players from camping the drop and make the area have plenty of dangerous spawns (carno, saber, direwolf or any other dangerous carnivores... try to avoid stun dinos like microraptors and purlovia as those might enrage players quite a bit). And incorperating certain server wide events like 2x taming/ 2x harvesting or mega heatwave (kinda what soft did). Well there is my long suggestion, I hope this was detailed enough to make some concepts on :D

Also forgot to mention why I think they tribe limit should be 5 or smaller and that is to avoid big gaps between tribe forces and makes the playing field more equal :D

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First of all ty wildcard

Im 29 and i spend many times in game, i have been playing ark for 18 months now and thats what i hope to see in future..

Legend revenge: every month one of Ark bosses respawn random in map but now its 10 times hp more and 10 times bigger, a threat for all tribes and bases so it will need many players to defeat, and gain xp points and randomly full armor skins related to each boss pattern.


Since groups are more like ranks so rank 10 can use and open belew ranks, I wish if there is another class beside the groups so every class has own rooms and no one within tribe can open it or use it(incase of storages) so they could in same rank or even higher but cant uses another's belongs.


New furniture engrams like: good looking single bed, decrorative paintings, jars, plants crops, stairs, small metal storage box etc

Totally new armor skins drops randoms, a good looking skins not just helmet skin



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2 hours ago, Jezzilynn said:

Random PVE and PVP areas on single map.... areas change at random times and last for random amounts..... only primitive stone weapons allowed, maybe random hardcore days, no tribes, no allies, only allowed to tame herbivores. Or a map where you can tame only dodos..... bring on the dodo army!

This sounds like a great idea!!!

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on topic: Why not official MOD servers? there's a good bit of things that could be shown off, and it's new experiences, the base game can only be stretched so far..

3 hours ago, Eli said:

Much like ARKpocalypse servers, the specialty servers will have boosted rates.

really now, I see you didn't even read the staff post, claiming it as a fact, when it is not.. 


These types of changes can include many things like: tribe/alliance size, anything related to dino stats and taming, server rates, etc. 

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Just now, Zederia said:

really now, I see you didn't even read the staff post, claiming it as a fact, when it is not.. 

The rates being boosted are settings that will not change between "themes", or will change very little. It's not something that we are polling suggestions on, which is why the rates aren't discussed in the line you quoted.

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Just now, Eli said:

The rates being boosted are settings that will not change between "themes", or will change very little. It's not something that we are polling suggestions on, which is why the rates aren't discussed in the line you quoted.

 anything related to dino stats and taming, server rates, etc. 

^I clearly see "rates" don't you?

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