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MostSpy last won the day on April 14 2022

MostSpy had the most liked content!

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  1. Logged an outage request but wild card ignored it and doesnt seem to care.
  2. logged in, fed dinos and logged straight off to play a different game that's less laggy, like I do almost everyday now.
  3. My day.... well, I logged into scorched. DC'd in the middle of the map on a flyer, spent a while retrieving it.... (a bug like many bugs which they do not care to fix, instead they push there BS agenda we don’t care about.) So funny.... and the arrogant idiots at wild card who blatantly ignore the customers think they are right which is even funnier. My day has consisted of reading what everyone is saying online. totally amusing that a company would actually hurt itself so badly... is that 22% of pc players quit in 1 day? LOL. I cant wait until they release this trash on XBOX and PS4. Will be LOL'z for days in the forums.
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