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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2023 in all areas

  1. I really like how wildcard acknowledge the death of people in their community, other companies wouldn't bat and eye. That's honestly really respectable.
    5 points
  2. There should be a way to separate the balances made to dinosaurs and game mechanics between PvE and PvP. Multiple balances have made PvE nothing but hard. Managarmr being a recent example, in PvE they're useless now thanks to the many balances made to make PvP better. Flier nerf was a huge change in PvE making fliers and transportation harder by forcing us to land since PvP was taking to the skies too often and the game tried to "ground" the fight
    1 point
  3. RIP Hulk I find it a disappointment that we as a community are not shown further things/designs/ideas of ASA . Official servers are dead at this point but Wildcard still is keeping us wait until at least end of August! If not even longer then that. They should start to make longer Community Crunches with further more detailed information.
    1 point
  4. RIP Hulk, We've used your amazing mods since day one. You had amazing talent and you're going to be missed hark hardcore. See you when we all ascend there guy.
    1 point
  5. Ok okay Joe well it was you who said I am banging my head up against a brick 🧱. But to each each their own. As I said before you don't have to comment, you can ignore my messages. Have a good day 😉
    1 point
  6. Well to answer that question I'm going to say this .I'm not rude. I've been nothing but polite and and very respectful. I have not said any of the negativity other people are saying on here.
    1 point
  7. I can speak to probability majority of the community because we’re all saying the same thing. Just about every player I talk to has the same sentiment about this as I’m stating here, as well as reading through others comments about this whole thing. Besides out of that entire long post those are the 2 things you picked that I said to nit pick about when I was making a more important point of what a lot of us are faced with if we want to continue to play the game we love and why seeing gameplay IS important to the community, long before they plan on releasing it. Yes it is true. The amount of players that I have played with do play with don’t play the game how the devs meant for it to be played, but the devs have also come out and said that they noticed most of the community doesn’t play the game how they anticipated. Not to mention PvP is completely opposite of how the devs anticipated the game to be played, they have openly admitted that as well. PvE does follow more in line with what the devs envisioned than PvP, but it’s not as much as believed. If I get a chance I will try to find the video of them saying that. In that interview they also brought up about how creatures and items are used in the game that they had never thought of when they were designing them. I’m not sure what I did to you but I feel that the sarcasm was a little uncalled for. I was not sarcastic, demeaning or anything of the sort to GP, I agreed with a couple points and disagreed with others and respectfully stated my reasons why.
    1 point
  8. Yeah - but Skyrim ain't an online game. With peeps that have spent several years building stuff together in that game. In servers that they don't control, which are now being closed down............ And I still run the original version of Skyrim Never saw a need to "upgrade"
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. community crunch from wildcard its realy dumb like always they just show some ideas...And like always they dont care about community
    1 point
  12. THAT!!!!!! No one responding to what happened doesn't look good for Wildcard. Snail Games is a horrible company. They never made anything good aside trying to make Ark clones that went horribly wrong. Wildcard needs to distance themselves from them or they will go down with the ship when it sinks.
    1 point
  13. My only issue with the mortar and pestle or cooking pot is that we see stuff inside. Especially the mortar and pestle : in the absence of decorative items in Ark (a years old issue...), a lot of us use the mortar as bowls on tables, dinner placemats, and such. Are they at least dynamic, in that it depends on whether there is something in their inventory ? Does it look green when there's spoiled meat or things like that ? Builders always get shafted. This sentiment kinda echoes what I was saying the other day. There actually could be a lot discussed even if we can't be shown gameplay just yet. Which is idiotic but FINE, have it your way. Where I disagree is : I don't stand behind WildCard at all cost ; my being there on release day is not a given. I think WildCard tends to forget we need to be convinced to buy this. Our money is not owed. After the reception the roadmap got ? We are not won. It's a lot of money for me (...assuming my current computer can run it, otherwise I can't switch to ASA, and of course we don't know yet about that part either), in fact it's a lot of money for lots of people, and we are not due to give it to WildCard. Waiting for the last minute to drop meaty previews assumes we're waiting for the release. That's misleading : we're waiting for a proof that this upgrade, which is more than a cosmetic refresh but is also about performance and gameplay, is worth the effort on our part. Everything that has been shown to us so far, we already have it in ASE. And none of it cracks the Top10 of things everyone was asking to be improved. And sure, it might not look as good in ASE as it might in ASA, but it's paid for, and has provably given us hundreds and even thousands of hours of fun (each), as well as communities we are attached to. ASA ? No guarantees so far, none at all, for any of it. If things can't be shown to us, and you don't want to get input from us, surely they can be explained (important Community Crunches are notoriously talkative anyway). WildCard has already announced some gameplay additions, let's discuss them in more details. Say, have a Community Crunch about wild babies, for instance. That can include a preview of new baby/juvenile models if they exist and they're ready to be shown (and 3 months away from release I sure hope that there'd be a couple of them ready...!), but mostly tell us what the babies will do (are they gonna behave exactly like some mods, or have you had an original idea on top of it ?), why the change was decided (it's fun for sure, but, I mean, surely you can elaborate), how it works (if there's new UI options, for instance), the expected impact on the meta, etc. Like, at least pretend that you're trying to make ASA appealing to us. Pretend your self-loathing "we hope you'll trust us again" message in a previous Crunch meant something. Pretend we're customers, many of us adults, who make decisions about what we buy or not. Pretend that you have noticed this community is VERY divided about this release. See how it goes ; I don't know, we haven't tried that yet.
    1 point
  14. Honestly dude, I agree, but I think the percentage will be more like 35-40% of casual players, that have a ue5 capable device, so yeah, like 25-30 percent of the players, and are they going to fix all of the game breaking bugs in ASA? I don't think they will, they are just too worried about the graphics anyways, I'm still going to get it. I'm going through withdraws after quitting ark 2 to 3 weeks ago, but maybe it is a good thing
    1 point
  15. Premium advice found on the internet: "The goal of interpersonal problem solving is to help confront problems in a manner that shows respect for the relationship and the other person." It would be good if you addressed the problems that have become obvious, Wildcard. It's not a good idea to treat us disrespectfully by ignoring us and our demands.
    1 point
  16. By judging the server populations between no and this time last year, I’d say your numbers are pretty spot on. The last time I logged onto the official gen 2 server there was maybe 8 people on, compared to March 30th when there was closer to 40. It is absolutely amazing to me that there are proverbial riots in the streets, and there is nothing coming from Wildcard on any of this. It’s sad, disappointing and most of all unbelievable that a company with ONE viable product would be so lackluster in keeping the community that has been built. It’s their bread and butter. If it were me, I’d be trying to hold on to the older ASE players and definitely doing everything to gain new players. Most of all, I’d be calling out a wolf in the hen house no matter what ramifications were to follow, and doing everything humanly possible to get away from such careless oppression.
    1 point
  17. Wooow, we got a table with more tools on it and a good looking sleeping bag, now that's a very good reason to kill an entire game! The tree wasn't enough.
    1 point
  18. I find it amusing that even though everything is on fire, and they are the ones that caused it all, they still are siting here, pretending, and telling us that "this is fine". I am especially interested in the difference in numbers of how many ASE players there ever was, and how many players in ASA there ends up being. I am guessing that ASA will be a good game, with no players, since everyone that has over 1k hours in ASE, the main, dedicated player base, are now pissed off, and will not play ASA out of outrage, anger, and justifiable protest. I am guessing about 15% of all ASE players will play ASA. Maybe 20%. And ASA will become a huge financial loss, not because of the quality of the game, but because of the quality of treatment the players, and fans have been given, and wholeheartedly received. Anyone else have a guess at the percentage of players that will be lost between game versions, thanks to the treatment of the community/players/fans/Ex-fans?
    1 point
  19. I return the question; why respond to them? 🙃
    0 points
  20. Just download the savegame an play in singleplayer or on a private server. Problem solved
    0 points
  21. i got betrayed in ark yesterday my tribe killed me and kill all my favorite tames wich i had on me and forced me to watch saying i dont know disapile when i was the one who got all the tames we had
    0 points
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