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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2021 in Posts

  1. Everyone is so ungrateful lol, go play a boosted unofficial if you want higher rates all the time. Thank you WC!
    5 points
  2. If everything goes to hell on you I can assure you being denied a breeding event isn't what caused it. As it stands you and everyone that keeps screeching about breeding are acting like children being denied a boon that isn't even explicitly necessary. You play official for the no training wheels no holds barred grind and challenge, not to live on event boosts from the devs like some sort of beggar. You want a perpetual breeding boost rate? Go on unofficial, elsewise put on the adult pants and make the time to breed the old fashioned way. If you can't find said time then you shouldn't be breeding things in the first place.
    2 points
  3. Now with all respect, this is a total bullpoop. Sure, I do like breeding events as well as everyone else does. Sure I do like to get things done easily as well as everyone else does. I would gladly start raising my dinos faster should they decrease their maturation time... like everyone else would. That would be great... for a while. For a very very short while. And than what? It would just become boring again. Have you ever heard about so called "power creep"? What joy is in getting a mutated dino if you can breed them again and again without any delay? If you can raise them with no effort.... Having to put some work in it is really importatnt part of the game. Without it it will become very boring very fast. Just try to play single player with boosted rates and you will find out how enjoying it is going to be in a month or two. Sure, we all do have some other life outside the ARK and game should respect that. But ARK does respect that today. You have cryopods, that give you an option to stop and go your raising any time... this was the best addition in whole ARK history. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. So, long story short - I do not want any adjustments to breeding rates etc. But I really want WC to finally fix all that poop that makes Gen2 servers crashing again and again. Right now I am just waiting to get my server back online again... I will gladly give my money for ARK2 if it is extreemly hard survival game. But I am not going to pay a dime for something as buggy as Gen2 is again!
    2 points
  4. Evo announcement and some pictures... Wow, the effort that went into this community newsletter is immense.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I think it’s ridiculous that there isn’t a bloody breeding event again really DILO
    1 point
  7. oh yay another lame no breeding even and even worse rates yay just what we asked for
    1 point
  8. Are you guys allergic to breeding rates or something? Last two weeks was 3x. This week is only 2x and still no breeding rates. C'mon already, I have gigas to raise!
    1 point
  9. Can we just disable chat here? It's full of self-entitled morons.
    0 points
  10. Ungrateful? The way players are treated by Wildcard is horrendous. Credit is only given where it is due, the last two patches have made it so bad even ps5s are timing out and crashing after 15mins of gameplay. This is not on our end either, it's wildcards problem that we have to endure. Quit kissing Wildcards ass, people are venting their disappointment because they have valid reasons for it. It's people like you that continue to worship the ground these devs walk on even when they are doing way below average work. You enable them to continue the mistreatment. These people are employed to make the game work, that is their job! We pay for a service which we're not getting, a game that should run as well as any other in the psn store is the least we deserve. They want to start employing competent people who will do their job efficiently rather than diversity hiring. Less time pushing their "woke" nonsense, and more time listening to the player base. Not a single game on my ps4 or ps5 other than Ark has the app crashing constantly, any other game that has an issue get their people on it immediately without the gaming community screaming for a fix. It's time the Ark community took a stand against this nonsense, how many of you have lost so much time due to their incompetence? Every BP that is lost took time, every imprinted dino and entire inventory lost due to PVE anti meshing, every boss fight on your implant. This is time you will never get back, they're wasting your time then laughing at you when you put in a ticket asking for it to be returned. What do you get in return? Some pathetic GM response saying how sorry they are, how they cannot do anything about it. You paid for the game, and the two season passes so you deserve to be heard.
    0 points
  11. I think it’s ridiculous that there isn’t a bloody breeding event again really just remember this when you want us to buy ark 2 I know I will
    0 points
  12. This is Serious?? No Breeding again and you only made a Community Crunch with... a phrase with 27 words in it... woah, im impressed... next time just dont say anything and put only the pics... im ashamed of you guys.
    0 points
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