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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2019 in all areas

  1. Don't give tames, give the tools to get tames - tranqs, kibble, etc. Maybe decent tools too, better pick, axe, bow, etc. Those and advice are all you can give without really disrupting their gameplay.
    3 points
  2. Well for official, then a Ptera would certainly be a huge help. But I feel giving noobs a wyvern off the bat is too much. I was on a server once that gave a horse as a starter dino. It was actually pretty useful.
    2 points
  3. ARK: Fear Evolved 3 Trailer An Important Message from Studio Wildcard Co-Founders Jesse and Jeremy ARK: Fear Evolved 3 Details We are excited to bring you the third annual Fear Evolved, bigger and better than before! The blood-moon, DodoWyvern, DodoRex have made a return to ARK from October 22nd to November 5th! Find tombstones to and gather what you need to craft spooky skins or hunt down the elusive DoDoWyvern - the choice is up to you. For those who have experienced Fear Evolved before, we've added some new tricks and treats to ensure Fear Evolved maintains its legacy as a community favorite. Event Rates 2X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, and maturation) 2X Player XP 2X Harvesting Wild Creature Event Colors Dino Light Orange Dino Light Red Dino Dark Orange Dino Dark Red DragonBase0 DragonBase1 Dino Dark Purple Dino Light Brown Dino Dark Brown Dino Light Green Dino Light Grey Dino Darker Grey Dino Light Blue Dino Dark Yellow DragonFire NearBlack NEW Event Items Jack O'Lantern Mask Hockey Mask Headless Neck stump Halloween-inspired Dino Colorization Candy Panic Emote Spooky Dance Emote Zombie Emote Prior Event Creatures DodoRex Zomdodo Dodo Wyvern Skeletal Giganotosaurus Skeletal Quetzal Skeletal Jerboa Bone Fire Wyvern Zombie Fire Wyvern Zombie Lightning Wyvern Zombie Poison Wyvern Skeletal Bronto Skeletal Stego Skeletal Trike Skeletal Raptor Skeletal Rex Skeletal Carnotaurus Prior Event Items Pumpkin Stolen Headstone Scarecrow Prior Event Skins DodoWyvern Mask Skin Clown Mask Skin Vampire Eyes Skin Werewolf Mask Skin Giganotosaurus Bone Costume Jerboa Bone Costume Quetzalcoatlus Bone Costume Wyvern Bone Costume DodoRex Mask Skin Carno Bone Costume Rex Bone Costume Raptor Bone Costume Bronto Bone Costume Trike Bone Costume Stego Bone Costume Witch Hat Skin Dino Witch Hat Skin We hope the community enjoys Fear Evolved 3 and we look forward to bringing you more exciting events like Turkey Trials and Winter Wonderland! Until next time! Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
    1 point
  4. When I first started I jumped in the server that I'm in now and someone was super awesome and gave me a Pteranodon and that thing has made all the difference for me and I still have it (surprisingly) Back on subject I figured out that I have been using the wrong dino to gather materials. was using an anky to get get rocks and was fine with getting the metal but I'm so full on flint its stupid. Switched to my Doedi and holy cow that's why I tamed this thing originally but forgot how good it was!! got what I'm guessing is half the walls done around my base and will finish the rest of them tonight and I should be safe to go outside again at night.
    1 point
  5. Yeah I lay on official, and I guess in the past I felt that a high level Ptera would allow for a player to scout out and find a location which wasnt pillared... I could imagine trying to find a non-pillared section on Official would be a nightmare on foot. I think I may just allow the newbies on the server to fend for themselves a bit - and if they come back in time looking for a trade then I can just give them a tame for 100 CP
    1 point
  6. I don't know if I've come across a true newbie in the last year. I usually get people who are just new to the server. Since I play on a boosted cluster, there really isn't a need to give them anything, even though the admins give people a starter dino. If i see a person join the server for the first time, and instantly ask for a starter, then I never help them, because it is obvious they are super lazy. If I see some one join, and ask "What would it cost to buy X dino from someone" then I know they are at least willing to work a bit, and I may help them. If I was playing official rates, I would probably help a bit more, but since this is boosted, I really don't feel the need. When I started the server, I had a ptera within 15 minutes, and a Griffin within an hour, Within 2 hours, I had a small base to house both flyers, and the basic essentials. I guess i'm not really answering your question though. I think if you are questioning it, then you probably feel like it is the wrong thing to do. Maybe try only donating metal tools or narcotics to a newbie, and let them do the taming themselves. See how that makes you feel?
    1 point
  7. So... newbies. To help or not to help. There is a new girl on the server, always asking questions - always polite. I have always helped new players, given them tames to give them a little lift and last night was no exception, a born 275 Ptera and a 150 Event Purple and Green Clone Wyv. I left them to it whilst put out my Gigas I had no intention of raising (2x485s and 1 x535) as my delivery of 615MD hasnt arrived from a friend yet - thought I may as well raise them as back ups so I can say at least I did something with the 2x rates etc. Tribemate popped on, saw the messages from newbie and was like 'Ive given up helping newbies as it takes away their experience and they always lose whatever I give them within an hr anyway'. Low and behold, I see a message an hr later that they have lost their Ptera and Wyv... the question is, have I made their game a lot less enjoyable as they now believe they have lost something so important to them - but was it really that important? Maybe I shouldnt give them tames, but I always do... any thoughts?
    1 point
  8. I actually had a morning where the only dinos that died were ones that attacked me and for just this once, everyone lived! (Yes I'm a nerd). Didn't do much this morning but watch my argy kill two allosars that decided to start a fight with my base. We have been talking and are thinking about moving to a new area. The beach is nice but have to cross the river to get wood and kinda want a place that's got trees and water close by. Still trying to decide but I spent a lot of today just flying around trying to find a new reasonable place to set up permanent shop and once we do then I'm gonna have to buckle down and get to building and gearing up. Also collected a bunch of pumpkin, tombstones and scarecrows. I'll get around to killing bone dinos here soon cause I want as many goodies as possible from the event.
    1 point
  9. hehehehe, yeah but a dodo reaper would have been nice, or an abberant dodorex
    1 point
  10. never mind all of that, I want to know what's up with the zombie saber in the banner.
    1 point
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