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Community Crunch 381: Sunsets on ASE, New Horizons on ASA and FAQ


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14 hours ago, Ikusu said:

Wow that is a lot of info. Thank you wildcard so much for sharing this info and even more thank you so much for making ASA I truly can’t express how excited I am for ASA and how much I appreciate you going though all this effort.

You fool they have mentioned very little NEW info the rest we KNEW since the first few months of ASA release news.


The new stuff cryopods ... and no doubt all the QOL dinos and other stuff that made new players lives easier, plus mutation cap (kinda) annnnnd what else? oh oh oh did they mention we can ping and zoom the minimap in though ... ooohhhhh shiny /cough a MOD already had this .......


But dont worry in less than a YEAR they have REWRITTEN the codebase when the entire game took years just to get where it was PLUS years of ongoing patches / addons etc 


HARDLY any of the FAQ / notes whatever you want to call it is 'new' info and the bits they did mention xplay / xsave (lol) is WIP ... the rest was already covered .... all you had todo was READ the other CC's we had at the start.

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13 hours ago, stre4752 said:

there are some good things in this, some bad. My main issue (and i hope i'm wrong but...) is this feels like a giant rug pull. Like you are working as hard as you can to cobble something together for some screenshots and a short trailer. then hoping as many people as possible buy it day 1 before all the videos start coming out about what a broken, buggy, god awful mess it is. I might still buy it, but if i do it damn sure won't be on day 1. 

BOOM this 

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12 hours ago, jamesdagmond said:

I'll be surprised if anyone even remembers ASA after losing official servers for at least a month.  😂  

yeah its not been in my bloodstream for the past 7 years so yup easy to forget ........


oh and to be replaced by ASA which is a shiny version of the game i used to play .... 


There was LITERALLY MODS running UE5 i know how it can look ... BUT with no cryos .... LOL players are going to be turning the GFX DOWN because a server full of babies and dinos is not easy to run especially on official lol......

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9 hours ago, BruisingPikmin said:

Good riddance, movement speed levelling was horrid and if you actually read the post you'd know that the other things mentioned are a non-issue. Bye bye 🙋‍♂️

cryos .. non issue ... maewings .. non issue .... incubators non issue... server cap non issue oh wait ... perhaps you wasnt around then .... nvm non issue .....

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As a official pvp player, I can kinda get over no cryos at launch. Makes no sense at all to not have them seeing they are a major part of the game at this point but what ever. But dont take movement speed from players and dino..... like what??? That is honestly such a turn off for 99% of us pvp players. Baaaad idea. No movement+no cryos is going to be soooo bad. Like, you are forcing us to stay off the ground now. Days of foot pvp are over smh

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Oh WC *facepalm*, it’s nice to see that is some actual information in this crunch, like there should have been this whole time.  Now for the critique, I’m sure most of us understand that this is a game that the whole point is for you to “figure out” how to survive, just like real life, but the less than intelligent decisions of not allowing leveling of movement speed and no cryopods is frankly depressing.  I too have many years and 10k+ hours in this game and remember the early days before cryopods and it was straight up hell!  Anyone who says “I’m glad there are no cryopods”, never tried walking 18 rexes or theris a yuty and deadon to an ob for a boss fight and getting them all into the portal boundary, nor tried raising tames with longer than a 10 hour handfeed, or tame something across the map that you need and have to walk it back to base and hope that it doesn’t get killed and ya waste 3 hours, narcs and kibble that it took hours to make and not to mention the time looking for that creature.  I have, did and those days were the absolute worst times I’ve had in this game.  The only thing that eased that was fast flyers and platforms on quetzs, then the flyer nerf came in and killed that method.  When you guys introduced cryopods you opened a can of worms that you can’t put back in the can and they changed the way players play the game.  In a way it does feel like you could care less about actual QOL.  Solo and players with smaller tribes are at a disadvantage to bigger tribes just because cryopods won’t be there, thanks WC (sarcasm).  

Not to mention, just because ASA is on a new engine with the ability to handle server and render lag doesn’t mean that there won’t be a breaking point, and this game WILL find it the first time it logs in a monstrous 40w-60L-25H uncreative box of a base packed to the brim with tames.  Why do people want to witness that?  Why do players want to know what that was like?  It wasn’t fun or enjoyable!  You said that the reason we have to repay for ASA is because it has had so many changes to it from ASE it is essentially a different experience and game, and I ask this…..WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THINGS HOLY ARE YOU MAKING THE SAME STUPID MISTAKES YOU MADE IN ASE??????  With ASA you get a chance to correct your mistakes not do them over again, where I come from we call that blatant stupidity!  I seriously hope that you guys come to your senses and not repeat the mistakes you made with ASE.  Allow movement speed leveling (and put a cap on it, like I’ve been saying since the flyer nerf), enable cryopods.  The addition of cryopods might be up for debate now but it won’t be within the first month.

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4 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

Ah i did forget 1 thing also, good riddance to mindless fanboi's like you too 'fool' lol. And i wont be buying asa, trust me, i havnt suggested others shouldnt either but i guarantee i wont be. Main reason is time already spent in game. I couldnt think of anything worse than starting again from scratch especially the way its being delivered. Island only and drip fed dlc, never. Only a 'fool' would. So instead of feble attempts to insult people maybe learn to respect other peoples 'opinions' in a forum for discussions


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28 minutes ago, Duffmek said:

There was LITERALLY MODS running UE5 i know how it can look ... BUT with no cryos .... LOL players are going to be turning the GFX DOWN because a server full of babies and dinos is not easy to run especially on official lol......

 This was how ASE was for the first four years of its existence!!! People breeding creatures and having no cryopods at all to free up space, Veterans knew how to Not kill server’s and still breed amazing battle mounts and ASE survived for 4 years after that.

 A lot of people wanted a more primitive play style like to ASE’s original version with no luxuries and we all got it. But we forgot what are most minimal luxuries were and we lost those too. We are only losing them for around a year to less than a year from launch. We were spoiled by WC when they gave us Cryopods and they continued spoiling us after Extinction!!

 We survived without them the when players first tried ASE back in 2015, we can survive without them in ASA. That’s what it’s all about, Survival on the Arks. So get your tools ready and your saddles polished, because it’s coming!! And the question we should be asking is.. Are we ready for this harder challenge that is called ASA?? With smarter Dino’s, No cryopods and unknown terrain changes. Will we underestimate ASA as just an ASE reskin or will we Survive ASA? The choice is yours.

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3 minutes ago, OverRannus said:

 This was how ASE was for the first four years of its existence!!! People breeding creatures and having no cryopods at all to free up space, Veterans knew how to Not kill server’s and still breed amazing battle mounts and ASE survived for 4 years after that.

 A lot of people wanted a more primitive play style like to ASE’s original version with no luxuries and we all got it. But we forgot what are most minimal luxuries were and we lost those too. We are only losing them for around a year to less than a year from launch. We were spoiled by WC when they gave us Cryopods and they continued spoiling us after Extinction!!

 We survived without them the when players first tried ASE back in 2015, we can survive without them in ASA. That’s what it’s all about, Survival on the Arks. So get your tools ready and your saddles polished, because it’s coming!! And the question we should be asking is.. Are we ready for this harder challenge that is called ASA?? With smarter Dino’s, No cryopods and unknown terrain changes. Will we underestimate ASA as just an ASE reskin or will we Survive ASA? The choice is yours.

Well said. After reading some of this thread you would think this game didn't exist before cryo pods. 🤪

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53 minutes ago, OverRannus said:

 This was how ASE was for the first four years of its existence!!! People breeding creatures and having no cryopods at all to free up space, Veterans knew how to Not kill server’s and still breed amazing battle mounts and ASE survived for 4 years after that.

 A lot of people wanted a more primitive play style like to ASE’s original version with no luxuries and we all got it. But we forgot what are most minimal luxuries were and we lost those too. We are only losing them for around a year to less than a year from launch. We were spoiled by WC when they gave us Cryopods and they continued spoiling us after Extinction!!

 We survived without them the when players first tried ASE back in 2015, we can survive without them in ASA. That’s what it’s all about, Survival on the Arks. So get your tools ready and your saddles polished, because it’s coming!! And the question we should be asking is.. Are we ready for this harder challenge that is called ASA?? With smarter Dino’s, No cryopods and unknown terrain changes. Will we underestimate ASA as just an ASE reskin or will we Survive ASA? The choice is yours.

You are correct, we did survive, but what is lost is the bs we went through in the process.  Servers at tame cap, tribes not caring about how the server runs or the other people on that server.  Hatching eggs only for them to crack and no baby because of tame cap.  Solo and smaller tribes at a severe disadvantage compared to tribes with 20 people in the tribe.  Devoting 15 hours a day to a game just to get  ahead slightly.  Personally I don’t like buying tames from others, I’d rather tame my own stuff, but  I might not have a choice and I don’t like that.  Being a solo player since 2018 I am NOT looking forward to going through that sort of stuff again.  Yeah we’ll get cryopods in a year or less but a lot of people forget that by the end of 2016 into 2017 there were a lot of servers tame capped.  Not to mention the server lags were atrocious.  Don’t get me wrong the primitive experience was fun but we also had flyer speed to aid in survival, now we have neither.  If players thought the grind was rough before, it’s going to be worse in ASA.  The only thing this stuff tells me about ASA is the grind + next to 0 QOL additions + no movement speed leveling = players life quite literally being tied to this game for 15-20 hours a day.  THAT is what is waitiing for us, along with the downsides of not having these things.  IMO the downsides really outweigh the experience, especially for solo and smaller tribes.

Edited by ccz2887
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42 minutes ago, OverRannus said:

 This was how ASE was for the first four years of its existence!!! People breeding creatures and having no cryopods at all to free up space, Veterans knew how to Not kill server’s and still breed amazing battle mounts and ASE survived for 4 years after that.

 A lot of people wanted a more primitive play style like to ASE’s original version with no luxuries and we all got it. But we forgot what are most minimal luxuries were and we lost those too. We are only losing them for around a year to less than a year from launch. We were spoiled by WC when they gave us Cryopods and they continued spoiling us after Extinction!!

 We survived without them the when players first tried ASE back in 2015, we can survive without them in ASA. That’s what it’s all about, Survival on the Arks. So get your tools ready and your saddles polished, because it’s coming!! And the question we should be asking is.. Are we ready for this harder challenge that is called ASA?? With smarter Dino’s, No cryopods and unknown terrain changes. Will we underestimate ASA as just an ASE reskin or will we Survive ASA? The choice is yours.

Yes I know ... I WAS there lol but certain tribes box / squares mauled the official EU servers I played on clogging them to death with anything to max tames, events were even worse servers more down than up it was literally GL in raising on the island on PvE - yes I played 'soft-mode' but I enjoyed it.


The newer players are in for a shock thats all i can say - no where to run just the island ... hehehehehe

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16 minutes ago, Duffmek said:

Yes I know ... I WAS there lol but certain tribes box / squares mauled the official EU servers I played on clogging them to death with anything to max tames, events were even worse servers more down than up it was literally GL in raising on the island on PvE - yes I played 'soft-mode' but I enjoyed it.


The newer players are in for a shock thats all i can say - no where to run just the island ... hehehehehe

You almost talked me in to buying ASA! 😹
Just to proove you can build a smal but decent base without maewings or incubators where you can do the selective breeding needed for that first bossfight. And to make fun of all the kids that are just speedrunning the notes to get to that level needed for the Alpha Dragon without knowing what tames to bring...

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1. No cryos from launch is crazy, cryo pods have been a vital part of the pvp meta for longer than they haven't in ark plus they massively reduce lag they should be added back.

2. Why disable levelling movement? i agree that it should be capped at around 130-150% as to not have players on official with insane speed but we need to atleast be able to increase it to 130-150 to outrun gigas/carchas or they are just way too overpowered

3. A lot of people are gonna disagree but i've played ark official on console and pc and i think people are over reacting about the whole Console vs PC, making a seperate cluster for console only is only gonna divide server population and kill the game faster.


4. PLEASE add back the ability to whip players to remove bolas, intentional or not it was in the game for a little over 4 years and was a key part of the pvp meta whether it was an intentional feature or not it balanced the non-tame related pvp, call it a happy accident.

5. Reduce the damage tek rifles do to players, the net and tek rifle meta post gen 2 was just so boring and i know for a fact it killed pvp for the majority of players, it just completely removes skill from pvp.

6. PLEASE balance nets, nets were a great addition to pvp but when i comes to defending/attacking cave bases they give the defending side such a huge advantage, counter this by massively increasing the range of the mammoth buff and maybe make some dinos like therizinos and bloodstalkers (High damage dinos mainly) take more than 3 hits to remove the net.

I have a lot of ideas of how to balance the pvp meta these are just a few.



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8 minutes ago, MMaas said:

You almost talked me in to buying ASA! 😹
Just to proove you can build a smal but decent base without maewings or incubators where you can do the selective breeding needed for that first bossfight. And to make fun of all the kids that are just speedrunning the notes to get to that level needed for the Alpha Dragon without knowing what tames to bring...

Lol that’s exactly how players are gonna tell newer players to us veterans.  Probably a few of us will be speed running the notes to gain levels but the difference is we know what to take into that fight.  I’m hopeful that people are more respectful this time around with their bases, building in spawns and not having massive lag boxes for bases.  Or hoping that WC will drop more than enough servers on release for we won’t get stuck with the “server full” message.

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2 hours ago, acat said:

path of titans also has full crossplatform servers, modding and saves. and the studio behind it is pretty small

Path of titans actually has developers that seem to want to interact with and make their fans happy rather than filch them for all of their money. Devs that also play the game and- get this- don’t abuse their power in game for an unfair advantage. 

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11 minutes ago, ccz2887 said:

Lol that’s exactly how players are gonna tell newer players to us veterans.  Probably a few of us will be speed running the notes to gain levels but the difference is we know what to take into that fight.

It’ll also make pvp a serious bloodbath. People keep saying starting from zero will make things more even but realistically it’ll just be the vets rushing everything and actively going out of their way in crushing the new guys while they’re getting their bearings to remove potential competition. An alpha tribe is dangerous but an alpha tribe reduced to nothing in a fresh land is even more dangerous because they’ll be frantically trying to regain their power.

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