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So what do you think the final boss will be?


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I love to hear other peoples speculations on what the boss could be, here is my theory based on information from the dev Kits

I think it will be a particle form that changes shape based on the damage taken and perhaps the difficulty of the boss you have selected as mentioned in the recent Video with Jat.

I think it will morph into increasing harder particle creatures before finally revealing the form of the aliens that are holding us in the space stations - As theorised by Helena.


What do you guys think?

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I'm thinking along the lines of the recent updates to the caves. So I've got no idea what the creature may look like, as in shape or anything, but the recent updates in the caves where objects can be disguised/hidden with that fancy colouring/flow effect, I think it will have some sort of effect like that. So I think it could make itself invisible, not necessarily teleport to another location, although I guess that is a strong possibility, but I bet it can disappear momentarily.

I'm also interested to see what "minions" it will have too. Will they be new creatures based on the boss, or will it be cave based creatures.

I kind of got the impression from the video that you will be able to take tek gear to the final boss, where as with the other bosses you can't. I'm also not sure if the final boss will have easy/medium/hard levels like the other bosses do. I suspect it may just be one hard level.

It's going to be very exciting to see, but as for experience, well outside of single player it will be a while before I get there.


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2 hours ago, Mayai said:

I love to hear other peoples speculations on what the boss could be, here is my theory based on information from the dev Kits

I think it will be a particle form that changes shape based on the damage taken and perhaps the difficulty of the boss you have selected as mentioned in the recent Video with Jat.

I think it will morph into increasing harder particle creatures before finally revealing the form of the aliens that are holding us in the space stations - As theorised by Helena.


What do you guys think?

I think the same, because there's this in the Dev-kit (starts at 09:10):


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It's going to be a huge Missingno, like from Pokemon. The battlefield will be riddled with lag, glitches and disconnects. It sounds like it'll be hard but by the time the game is released we should all be well prepped. It'll have a special attack called Ping 450, and it'll breath fire like a wyvern. It wont actually be fire, though. The Missingo's breath would instead cause your dinos to randomly disappear and vanish. The boss will be accompanied by ever spawning minions, kind of like the current bosses. These minions would be game GM's, and their sole purpose is to spam your chat and speakers with a constant, deadly barrage of "This game is working as intended!"


"Server address not found!" - Missingno

I'm kidding. I'm betting the actual boss would be some kind of mech-alien kind of giga.

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