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  1. Past hour
  2. Make a raft base until you find your base spot. That's what I do when playing on a new map.
  3. Solid stuff man. I'd love to talk about all of them. I know I had made a pretty extensive post here, but it never gained much traction. Maybe I wrote too much, maybe ppl just don't care idk. But I think alot of ppl have some great ideas, and would love to toss them back and forth. Example being, brontos could be made to be unable to be bled, and should have a large amount of resistance against dinosaur damage, like making giga bites do 1/5 of the damage to them type poop. On the other side of that, they should take more damage from turrets, maybe 2-3x as much from turrets in return for the dinosaur reduction. Then you could bring their saddles back up to a saddle cap of 99.2 like Paracers instead of the like... 40-50 it currently has after all of the legacy nerfs. If a giant turtle can get a 115 saddle I don't see why we couldn't encourage that same cap for Brontos. I also mention allowing it on Ab, and adding a debuff to the tail swipe, crippling creatures that take a tail whip to the face. Its a very large whip, that stuffs GOT to hurt right? The debuff could be something that only applies to carnivores maybe, calling it "Jaw Broken" or "Shattered Bone" or something, and reducing a creatures damage output by maybe 10-20% and allowing it to stack via multiplier, something like the Shadowmane's spikes in ASE where if you kept biting it, it applied a stacking damage output debuff up to like... 40% reduction or something crazy like that if i remember correctly. Though if you increased its usefulness to *too* much of a degree, I'd end up arguing that maybe they should be the same raise time as a Yuty. Because that is alot of buffing for a 4 day raise timer creature. hahaha.
  4. Today
  5. Interested in fast-paced PvP with less downtime? PrimalSurge offers a speedy 30x setup so you can dive right into the fun. We're all about playing smart, fast, and having a good time. it's not ready yet, if you want someting added or removed contact me on discord m.c.r.b. Thank You! join link: https://ark-servers.net/server/365351/ Crossplay Server
  6. didn't realize this was ARK2 my bad, i've reported so it can get removed.
  7. Does this mean that people can't disable the vegetation anymore with a keyboard on ps5, if so I may have to download this game again.
  8. As the title says this is simply a question, not me trying to be a jerk, but I just don't understand why this is the case. The PvE servers on both Survival Evolved and Survival Ascended are so broken due to the players. A server will have a very small number of players in it at almost anytime of day but if you try to join the players have put up pillars everywhere so that you can't even build a campfire. When you go inland enough you can find room to make a campfire but the pillars are still around so you can't even make a rudimentary base. If you go far enough inland to where you can finally make a base it's in an area that a new character with hand made stone weapons can't even survive. I love Ark but I can't play PvP anymore, I can't just be sitting around all day at work or with my friends wondering if some guy is blowing up all my stuff, but I want to play online with people to interact with and not just on single player. Why is it so important for PvE players to take over an entire official server just so about 20 players max can be on the server. It's not fair, I spent my money on the game as well, but also from what I've seen the server rules don't allow structure spamming on PvE servers that is meant to disrupt other players game experience but mods don't do anything about it. Yet again I'm not trying to make you stop doing what you're doing, I literally can't, but I just want to know why PvE players insist on monopolizing areas that aren't even near them. These are not resource areas BTW, I understand why you block people from building on resource areas as long as you don't block the resources themselves.
  9. I can get into my island server but not scorched earth
  10. Same for me but its an Island server. Got kicked, relogged, got kicked again. Server rebooted shortly after that, but came back up and people are obviously reconnected to it. I keep getting "lost connection/timeout", after reboot computer, router, everyhing I can think of. I can connect to every other server except the one I play on.
  11. What is going on I cannot join my server 5177, it is up but I got kicked an hour ago and cannot connect to it. I can connect to any other server but that one.
  12. Was on and kicked twice. Now cant get into server anyone else having issues??
  13. I'm planning on making many more TLCs for 2015 dinos. Such as the Giga (We all agree that its 80000 base HP and 500 base damage is a bit too much, right?), the Mosasaur (Those damn jellyfish made it obsolete...), the Quetz (Literally so slow!), and many others...
  14. Yesterday
  15. I can't see any servers since update..is anyone having same problem..im on xbox.
  16. Please increase standard movement speed or add the stat back into the game. I just bought the game and I didnt know about this one change, I was almost visible sick realizing. I wouldn't have bought this remastered version if i did know. Please add one of the only useful Stat back into the game and stop trying to force us into putting points into food and water.
  17. as a tank the bronto is pitiful so if you give it a new purpose it's not a bad thing in my opinion, considering the garuga creatures that will become official and the giant that will come with extinction if they don't modify the bronto it will be even more marginal than it is Now
  18. Great replies. There was a 7 GB update for X Box the other day but it wasn't put out what was changed (I assume what was changed the same day for PCs). Interim, I've moved on to other projects and other games until the Center releases because the many mods aren't very interesting (which is where 99% of the focus appears to be).
  19. Wild card! If you want to save the game start by making it so you can uncryo dinos at drops and obelisks! Feel free to ask me for more ideas I have a lot 😉
  20. Happened to me a few times (at night lol ). Just walked away from the game for a good 10-20 mins. You're right, it's not fun.
  21. yes, I do since last patch. But i get griefed/harassed from the dlc Oasisaur w. buildings and trains for weeks now. i feel like i get used to it ...
  22. I havent seen any bees around at all nice the latest patch. Since there is a patch right now please up the spawn rate of the bees. I wish the bees can be everywhere throughout the map but i guess thats not going to happen.
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