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  • Community Bite: Super Steamboat Willie, Custom Cosmetics,Transfers and More!

    The modding community has always been a large part of the beating heart of ARK. We've celebrated your creativity through contests, official mods, and even abducting some of you onto our little team. We’ve always dreamt of an ARK where players and modders could unleash their creativity, not just on their own servers, but on the official stage. Where dino-riding adventures could be dynamically splashed with unlimited customization reshaped by fantastical mods.  

    That dream is finally a reality. Player-created cosmetics have finally landed on both Official and Unofficial Servers and the Simple Game Framework is live!



    Custom Cosmetic System.png


    We know you're itching to get started , and we want to make onboarding as smooth as possible. The Custom Cosmetic Mods approved for use on Official Servers will be “Featured” on the Mods List UI. That way, everyone can more easily discover what’s allowed on the Official Network. While we're cooking up a longer-term solution to indicate which Custom Cosmetics are approved for use on Official Servers – and more will be dynamically added daily as they are submitted by creators. 

    Currently you will need to manually install Custom Cosmetic Mods in order to see and use them (they don’t need to be manually activated – just installed), but in Phase 2 by April 1 they will automatically download them in the background whenever you encounter them during gameplay. Note: automatic downloading will be an option which servers and clients can respectively disable, and clients will also be able to selectively block individual cosmetics.

    Of course, we're not just going to throw tools your way and say "good luck”! We’ve included the Steamboat Willie Cosmetics, Clean Glass Wall, Party Lamp Post, Tic Tac Toe Table, and Gun Rack examples that you can download and use now on Official Servers and we’ll be releasing the source content for this so creators can see precisely how we’ve set things up! We will be releasing a ‘Custom Cosmetic Weapon Skin’ example shortly as well.

    Find out more by looking at the featured mods or reading more about the custom cosmetic system in our previous crunch! If you’re interested in using the Custom Cosmetics system on your own server, check out our patch notes for some helpful settings.  As this system continues to advance (still to come: the ability for authors to add new hairstyles, emotes, etc), we’re looking forward to the infinite variety of visual and functional customizations that the creative authors will be adding for use on all Servers 🙂



    Simple Game Framework.png



    We put some resources into building a powerful, flexible framework – the Simple Game Framework – that enables creators to build entire new games from scratch inside of ARK, using the Unreal Engine Blueprint foundational classes (without being limited to our own classes). Custom maps, game modes, even entirely new experiences within, or outside, the ARK universe! To get those gears turning, we're including a fully playable platformer built with the framework, along with the source for that in the ARK Dev Kit, and it’s just a tiny glimpse of what's possible. The resources we dedicated to this system? Worth every byte. Now, those resources are back on ARK: Survival Ascended, and we're laser-focused on getting Scorched Earth to you in April!

    Get started by downloading the dev kit or check out the platformer example for inspiration!



    Official Transfers are Live!.png

    The day has finally arrived! You can now move items, creatures, and characters onto the map without restriction!

    Transfers are only for Official Servers at the moment, but we’re working to expand the functionality to Unofficial Servers as well.  We’ve also launched some new non-transfer Official PvP servers that will permanently have transfers disabled.  You can find a list of those servers below:

    • NA-PVP-Isolated-TheIsland500
    • NA-PVP-Isolated-TheIsland501
    • NA-PVP-Isolated-TheIsland502
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    • NA-PVP-IsolatedSmallTribes-TheIsland510
    • NA-PVP-IsolatedSmallTribes-TheIsland511
    • NA-PVP-IsolatedSmallTribes-TheIsland512
    • NA-PVP-IsolatedSmallTribes-TheIsland513
    • NA-PVP-IsolatedSmallTribes-TheIsland514
    • EU-PVP-IsolatedSmallTribes-TheIsland515
    • EU-PVP-IsolatedSmallTribes-TheIsland516
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    • EU-PVP-IsolatedSmallTribes-TheIsland519

    So, what are you waiting for!? Unleash your creativity, explore the boundless potential of custom cosmetics and the Simple Game Framework. The ARK universe is bigger and more vibrant than ever, and it's now yours to shape. We hope you dive in, experiment, and let your imagination run wild!

    Studio Wildcard

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    I like this community byte thing, hope this idea is used more🤠

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    Great update but Please Fix cryopoding Dino to change their Imprint requirement like before.

    last update broke it and when we cryopod dino, they no longer change  their imprinting.


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    No indication at all for unofficials until now is low.

    Edited by Thalana

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    Woo no more raptor claus! It's been over 2 months! 

    Hopefully this patch will also bring Dave's purple reign to an end too 🤣

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    There's no way you guys have watched your PvP community beg for months for new servers. Watch your daily player count drop to 10k on Steam. Just for you guys to release 20 PERMANENT non-transfer servers. Do you guys need help? I'm available seriously, anyone with half a brain can understand the basics of this.

    -You implement a robust mod and skin system.

    -You want to sell skins to provided a cash flow for other projects.

    -You have a lost 90% of your player base. So profits are going to be minimal. 

    - decide on the best way to revive player base to increase potential profit margins!

    -Pay to have 20 servers ran that no one asked for. 

    Whoever decided this needs to be fired. I'm available in an work part time what ever you guys need. 


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    8 minutes ago, Thalana said:

    No indication for unofficials until now is low, even for you WC. I'm fine with extra time for less bugs but I have noticed a trend where we're just not in the loop at all and if we're the ones to be buying the premium mods and supporting you in other ways then it would be nice if we were given a bit more prio, at least in the communication department.

    apologize if I'm out of the loop, but what is the problem for unofficial they didn't answer ?

    is it the fact that server transfer for unofficial is not yet enabled ?

    they said this here :


    Transfers are only for Official Servers at the moment, but we’re working to expand the functionality to Unofficial Servers as well.

    they mentioned this in the discord as well :

    • The CrossARK system is now enabled for Official Servers and will be coming to unofficial next week.


    but since they didn't say next week in the official announcement here, they might not be 100% sure if it will be ready next week or not, but I guess it's something lol

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    35 minutes ago, LuckyPed said:

    Great update but Please Fix cryopoding Dino to change their Imprint requirement like before.

    last update broke it and when we cryopod dino, they no longer change  their imprinting.


    Actually it fixed it. It wasn't supposed to change when cryopodded. They just didn't bother to fix it in ASE.

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    Adding micro transactions shouldn't even be thought about let alone implemented,what are yous thinking nobody will buy them for this broken mess of a game

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    29 minutes ago, Akizo said:

    Actually it fixed it. It wasn't supposed to change when cryopodded. They just didn't bother to fix it in ASE.


    27 minutes ago, doverbeach said:

    I doubt re-rolling imprint requests was ever an intended effect of using cryopods. We're lucky to have been able to exploit something that remained uncorrected for such an absurdly long time.


    if that is true then I hope they break it again xD, because it was such a useful "feature" for such a long time.

    I mean I usually have everything babies ask for imprinting, but it's still specially annoying with the Walking one.

    Big Dino, bad AI walking, small bases, specially on my water dino, I really don't want to have to spend so much time and possible risk for walking babies for imprint lol


    Also this was not in their patch note, so I am hopping it was unintentional and will be reverted,

    I thank you in advance Wild Cards !

    Edited by LuckyPed
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    mickey is free though 

    14 minutes ago, davetherave said:

    Adding micro transactions shouldn't even be thought about let alone implemented,what are yous thinking nobody will buy them for this broken mess of a game


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    I think you may have missed the point there...

    3 minutes ago, HoganRyan01 said:

    mickey is free though 



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    1 hour ago, Akizo said:

    Actually it fixed it. It wasn't supposed to change when cryopodded. They just didn't bother to fix it in ASE.

    Yeah we know, but we've had it for years and the game is already feeling ultra grindy starting again and with other games being more 'user friendly' with more 'active' things to do, this is just irritating. Same with the cryo nerfs, just frustrating and unnecessary in pve.

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    Anyone else getting crashed to home screen when trying to use the new cosmetics? 

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    While I sincerely appreciate the tools being handed to creatives, I keep getting the persistent feeling that the general playerbase is now just the audience. We're here to watch, and maybe mildly participate in the process when asked, but other than that, it doesn't  feel like the general playerbase is much more than an afterthought. 

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    3 hours ago, LuckyPed said:

    Great update but Please Fix cryopoding Dino to change their Imprint requirement like before.

    last update broke it and when we cryopod dino, they no longer change  their imprinting.


    They also broke gigas. They’re painfully hard to turn. Not like they were easy before, but now it’s ridiculous.

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    PS5 has been completely unplayable for me since the update... black rectangles spewing up everywhere, all tames no longer able to turn in any direction, whistling to follow simply sends them walking/flying off at speed in the opposite direction. accessing any inventory causes insta crashing.


    This is on top of all the other things that weren't working before the update.


    Game looks like it will be fabulous when it's all fixed and working, am not sure I have the time and patience to wait that long though...

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    5 hours ago, LuckyPed said:

    Great update but Please Fix cryopoding Dino to change their Imprint requirement like before.

    last update broke it and when we cryopod dino, they no longer change  their imprinting.


    You realize this was a bug, right? The last update fixed the bug. Now you’re wanting them to put the bug back. 

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    How on earth do i use the new cosmetics on PS5? I downloaded them. And what then?!

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    5 hours ago, twitchy1992 said:

    Anyone else getting crashed to home screen when trying to use the new cosmetics? 

    How are you using it? Is it not available on official yet? I want the clear glass windows, but dont see option to apply cosmetic in the tab like the instructions claim.


    Edit, figured it out. Die or respawn via fast travel to show new options.

    Edited by KNITEpanda

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    4 minutes ago, KNITEpanda said:

    How are you using it? Is it not available on official yet? I want the clear glass windows, but dont see option to apply cosmetic in the tab like the instructions claim.

    Seems like you have to either die and respawn or fast Travel. After that it should be Shown in the cosmetics in Ur inventory 

    Of course you gotta Download the mods in the Main Menu before 

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    What about lost characters due to bug in server transfer guys !!!!!


    support said it’s not their responsibility to fix it and we deal with you mistakes??? 

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    So sad to see this game rolling more and more down the slope...

    Everything that important is being largely ignored, and all focus goes into future "spend all your money" projects. They dont seem to realise that with the way they going there soon to be almost no one to buy their 💩

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