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MibsXX last won the day on June 3

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  1. Is there any chance game will be playable at all this weekend? Use tek tp it crashes walk 100 mtres it crashes open any inventory it crashes strange visual glitches and noises epilepsy inducing cart movements. All since Bash Update @NotDollie @ComplexMinded
  2. Fair point, still seems short space till transfers, I was tired, and read this during one of the many crashes yesterday!
  3. Am I the only one who spotted the discrepancy? Centre transfers open seemingly early on 26th July....yet the Centre Expire servers no transfers till 3rd Aug!?!
  4. You are. of course, forgetting the total scramble feck fest that is Halloween and Zombie wyverns...... I am really hoping that Wildcard add thise event to ALL maps with wyvern trenches, but if they dont, the ability to have a chance to compete with the large tribe seller gangs that are currently already rife on all scorched maps rather depends on every other player being able to bring over things that might help us not only keep our base rendered but also simply play fairer right now. Our server is impossible to get milk, golems, phoenix faso etc as there are patrols of the Gang Tribes going round killing anything they see folks taming, they have rhynios, gigas, unlimited metal black pearls etc constantly being brought somehow from their island servers. We run a gauntlet trying to use obelisks due to the constant kiting. If you say anything in global, the response is usually an advertisement for milk tek tames etc, milk is being sold via discord for a bargain 20 dollars for 10!?! I know we are not the only server suffering this. Videos were posted of these situations and Wildcard response was they had fixed the glitch and planned not to remove those tribes transferred gains. Well, I am not sure what glitch you fixed Wildcard but they continue to bring more and more and now until the rest of us mere non cheating mortals can compete, Scorched will remain quiet as there is little point in sinking time into a map where you have little chance of achieving anything As for Scorched going really quiet , given the revamp it has had, and the tames etc available on it I think it will be far busier longer term than it was in ase. Wildcard did a fantastic job in making it more interesting and attractive to play.
  5. It's costing us all enough now lol, the premium mods will bring them more money, and you do realise that that the "bots"will be the ones most likely to buy the battle pass thing, don't you? They been cloning duping and selling like crazy so most likely to afford it! Just sayin.. And pay to win seems to be something that Wildcard has tried hard to avoid
  6. I've just visited my scorched server, and there are folks giving their stuff away, they are quitting .. fed up with planning their precious gaming time around a company that cannot stick to it's times and word, their words. They say there are plenty of other games that DO keep to what they say they are going to do making planning leisure time around work and family possible. While I think this is a tad dramtic they do have a valid point
  7. But new map always closed so would be a fresh start whenever you open transfers for Scorched?? I dont understand this. would be better if you guys cant handle transfers and launch at same time to simply say that, the above makes no sense sorry Having to pause right at the start of a new map to then go sort out transfers will be a royal PITA People have been prepping all week for this weekend to get sorted BEFORE new map takes over their time! @ComplexMinded @arkjesse @NotDollie
  8. To be fair, mopst other games have items some players bopught that cannot be used or shared by those fellow server players who did not buy, it's not a new idea.. see fallout/conan, am sure are loads more, this guy wasn't asking for the impossible
  9. PLease fix bee spawns on scorched.. we cannot make kibble for decent taming.... also since reporting cheaters on our PVE official scorched with rhynios, gigas and baryonyx met with a resounding "sorry we're not removing those" from your ticket GM's, how about evening the playing field and opening transfers ? We've got constant duping going on now because they know they are getting away with it...
  10. yes 100, percent sure, its the server i am playing on, i dont know how to edit videos though really wish i did, defo shows lcearly on the vid
  11. Someone has a rhynio level 300 on our scorched earth official PVE server.... I have a vid of it but no way to make that file small enough to pload here How on earth is that possible
  12. Every1 plse share..Dear Wildcard In interest of spreading love for yr loyal playerbase when u turn off Love Event, plse could you leave the rates n colours for rest of this week so we can all try at our hoped for tame of Rhynio in colour that soo many of us prepped wks for? Ty xx
  13. Every1 plse share..Dear Wildcard In interest of spreading love for yr loyal playerbase when u turn off Love Event, plse could you leave the rates n colours for rest of this week so we can all try at our hoped for tame of Rhynio in colour that soo many of us prepped wks for? Ty xx
  14. Thank you for the event @NotDollie @ComplexMinded @MJJathish could we please have the Rhynio spawns back? we spent couple weeks getting ready to acquire pretty Valentine colour bugs.. and none spawning..
  15. yeah same here and hardly any love bugs anywhere
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