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About Amaya3

  • Birthday 12/27/1998

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Cloth Armor

Cloth Armor (2/5)



  1. If you're still selling I'd like to purchase 2 lightning eggs from you (Preferably the black and red one) DM me if we can work something out.

  2. what u mean? artifacts on our server are fine, they just moved them from older locations to labyrinth
  3. hey i saw that you have a really good trader rating  well i own a small tribe on the nintendo switch 

    and im looking to trade for dinos or items... if you dont use the switch do you know any traders who do?

  4. Your inbox is full. Pm me pls

  5. Nice and fast, pleasure to trade with

  6. Good day m8 I was wondering if you are selling a male spino ty again

  7. Hello dear, i can't see your trading posts because I'm Early bird here and don't know how to get member status, woops. :D

    But I saw that u sell unicorns. What is your price if I can ask?:)

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