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Everything posted by Yggdrassil

  1. The environment doesn't seem to be the issue, its the 2 guys on PT's from the toxic tribe kiting anything with teeth to your base when your decay timer shows you are not online or at base thats the problem.
  2. Reloading weapons is absolutely driving me insane, try to knock out the one dino you found after hours of searching an empty map then having to unequip your weapons between shots because it wont reload is infuriating! 😡
  3. No, PVe doesn't have ORP, i found this out when i logged in dead with all my boxes destroyed and dinos dead.
  4. Legacy servers were originally due to dead servers and the fact that ark changed a lot early in its lifetime, the game now has a fixed direction, everyone knows how the entire story plays out and what content there will be. There would be no need to 'reset' or close servers at the games launch out of early access. That statement means the game will be 'released' ie. not in EA when all content has been updated, however, its not clear if that means publicly released or if that means internally after development has been completed.
  5. You can spawn event items as they are removed from the game after the event ends. Starting an event is mainly just the colors. Unless devs update the game to add event assets, you will no longer be able to play them.
  6. From the information we have, the roadmap is approx 2 years so its safe to expect at least that from it. It will likely live on past genesis for a while plus any other 'plans' or delays they have so in my opinion i think its fair to expect a 3-5 year life.
  7. If the past is anything to go by, your 500gb ssd will be too small for ark. However we don't have anything official so if you go the the average requirements these days you should be ok if you set your expectations right, don't expect ultra and 4k, you are likely looking a mix of settings around medium to get a decent framerate. Specs should be released before the game is out in early access so you will be able to check if you meet the min requirements anyway.
  8. With how P+ has been treated the last few years it's more than likely to not be included at all in ASA
  9. Do consoles usually get early access games? I thought that was a PC thing. Let just say, hypothetically of course, wildcard failed to mention this little gem and the reason for so much silence is that they know dropping that bomb would cause destruction in the community. Can you imagine the next community crunch that actually releases something about ASA also states "..and at the end of early access we will release asa on consoles". It's actually not that hard to imagine with the train wreck of a company.
  10. If you mean the launch of ASA then wildcard/snail have until the end of October, otherwise Nitrado pretty much pull there pants down on the profit of this franchise for a long time.
  11. Raptorclaus will fall under one the removed assets as far as im aware. You will only get the event colors for that event, none of the items, not sure on the gachas but i doubt they will be available either.
  12. It's because assets are removed after the event ends so you wont get them to work unless wildcard make the game assets available to download at the end of ase
  13. Im not sure i like the idea of more utility dinos, not much fun in taming when you dont even need to search for the sexy 150 with 40+ points hidden in the redwoods.
  14. To be fair though, in pvp you hardly need dinos, anywhere you go now you get your head spun so whats the point. 😛
  15. I think its an option of upgrade your pc, host on nitrado or devwipe any tribe you dont need on your save.
  16. To play on consoles you have to rent a nitrado server. The option to host your map will be there
  17. and have that invalidate the refund policy so they are stuck with a worthless product they cant return.
  18. It sounds like ASA is a 'new' game and not a dlc so i would assume it is like buying any other game, you start fresh (excluding global anti cheat software like EAC which will affect your account and all games on it ) I personally hope they go hard on cheaters and make the punishment harsh.
  19. Probably worth mentioning that the save wont work with the 'new' version and support will stop for 'old' ark so unless you plan on playing the unsupported game version, the saves are just a little trophy of what is left of your stuff.
  20. Submit report https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8Xn6z_RP7fxGgH_86VZAKDzqmbDboanrC51GSpr_1v9_PLA/viewform
  21. If you have sent report all you can do is wait, get as many people as you can to send the report.
  22. It feels like a very wildcard way to solve the no spawn issue on fjordur, "if they can't play, they don't need spawns" problem solved!.
  23. Looks like ~18 hours it been down. All you can do is have as many people submit report as you can. My Gen server was recently down for 5+days.
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