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  1. crack crack of all words we cant crack rocks, have a piece of cracked wood, or maybe some cracked pepper after cracking and cooking some cracked eggs poor jimmy cant crack corn anymore and apparently that terribly maniacal evil button in the incubator needs to be censored as well.
  2. well considering as far as im aware the steam version of ark has nothing to do with the xbox or windows store filters your reason would be invalid would it not. but hey we all know public testing has never been a strong suit within ark. and if wc is forcing MS's chat filters into the game they can sure as well add an option to allow the player base to turn it off which nullifies EVERY issue in this thread. i do apologize if im getting testy with this but the it wasnt me it was them excuse gets really old when you see and hear it on a daily basis.
  3. nope on PC so the Xbox filter unless they've somehow Frankenstein'd it into the game shouldn't apply(basing this off my very limited knowledge of programming or what they used) . i know Black Desert had an extremely hardcore filter but at least they allowed people to opt out of it client side why that couldn't be the same case here is utterly beyond me.
  4. no** **n't (nope don't) mute people that's just rude god if words hurt people this badly maybe they shouldn't be allowed to go to school, enter libraries or use the interwebz
  5. lol "crack" .... literally one of the most used buttons in the game is a filtered word now, they really just need to allow us to opt out of filters.
  6. lol asking people to math that's a funny one
  7. cant name our purple dinopithicus "Grape" either lol. but naming it f***er worked fine i thought it was blizzard that trademarked the term "working as intended" *edit* no we didnt leave it named that lol
  8. so apparently this atrocious attempt at bad word filtering claims bigger you know the word for larger and big ger are bad words but it's quite perfectly fine to toss pretty much every cuss in the dictionary around wow just wow talk about tight tolerances
  9. antimeshing false positive, genesis part 2 server OC 1000 tribemeber landed on one of the ledges outdoors on the rockwell side of the map to spyglass some shadowmanes and got deleted by anti meshing.
  10. it was postponed, PC had the update pushed into downloads go check the tweets. so it was "ready" to go live. everyone whinging about the postponement is just throwing entitled tantrums. WC made a decision to do something with their game we as a player base just need to sit back and ride it out.
  11. My kudos to all you folks at WC for this decision, anyone getting their panties in a knot are just too tunnel-visioned to see the much larger global picture, anyone saying we paid for this needs to go back and take a look at themselves and their holier than thou needy attitudes and realize you paid a one time fee for a base game and or 3 dlc's(that you can play solo) you pay nothing for official servers you've paid nothing for multiple other dlc maps(CI included) as for the anniversary event, it's WC's party they can postpone it if they want to. This is not a life or death situation so waiting a week or two or four for the anniversary event and or the CI map to be released is not going to kill you so check your entitlements at the door.
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