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Showing content with the highest reputation since 11/10/2015 in Status Updates

  1. 3 points
  2. So Jat, would you like to face your paying playerbase and explain to them WHY you and WC are ignoring all the down servers?
    2 points
  3. can you please answer on why my character disappeared on server transfer? i've not been able to play for 5 days now and i want to know if i need to create a new and level up again or if it's possible to get the character back? really is annoying waiting this long for a response. ticket was posted literally the second it happened. please let me know asap what to do
    2 points
  4. Good afternoon everyone ! Well this is the problem launching updates without knowing if everything is okay for sure or there is waiting for VALVE approval. As the past has already shown the direction of ARK should not launch updates without actually being prepared for official servers. For then do not pass the embarrassment of trying to put the previous update back and clear in the wrong way as they have demonstrated. This is called incompetence of leadership functioning. The game is great and I know they are committed to doing a good job in the ARK game, but be more careful because the game is paid and should have more professionalism. thank you!
    2 points
  5. I remember a weird feminist girl who would write entire ranty paragraphs. She accused me of wanting to suck up to the staff to become a mod. She accused Casanova of being an orwellian admin and erasing anything. She made a thread in response to one of my threads "Should Griefers be Banned" being locked and soapboxed in the Off-Topic section around Jan 7th - 11th. I scanned my previous posts and she has completely ceased to exist, deleted off the face of the earth. Her threads, her replies to me, everything. I wonder what she did to get nuked off of this sight, well besides trying to turn this place into her soapbox.
    2 points
  6. Hey good work on the update, just was thinking you should change the inventory/crafting maneuverability to r1/l1 again. Its really frustrating clicking so many more times. its pc friendly, not console friendly.
    2 points
  7. Hi Jat, i have an idea to do with the flyer nurf that i think could work well. if flyers had 2 modes, say a gliding/fast flying mode where once activated the fly keeps moving forward and is unable to attack or pick up players /dinos but uses less stamina and can fly at a faster speed, then you could change to a utility mode where you are only able to got the slow 100% base movement speed but you are able to attack and pick up players and dinos and use more stamina. i think it would be more balanced way of combating the pvp issues without making them almost useless. this way you can use them for scouting and traveling but if you want to haul dinos or fight you can only do so in the slow mode and use more of the stamina. you couls also have it that once the carry weight reaches a certain lvl hay 80 or 90% you can not use the fast mode and maybe have a 10second cooldown between mode swaping. just an idea if you haden already thought of something like this
    2 points
  8. So, I've submitted so many tickets nearly half OCTheCenter40 PS4 players have aswell. A user Tokadaddy is using exploits to cheat and duplicate items and then selling them on for real currency, he is constantly using a ddos application to send thousands of packets to the server to overload it to roll it back. The user tokadaddy has been doing this for almost 7 days making the gaming experience Unplayable. He is well known on forums such as reddit and the official Ark survival evolved forums. Seems like nothing is getting g done about it. I have sent countless tweets and requests to the Development team on Twitter and submitted images, he has items and bases on various servers such as OC38 and 347 and was originally from 790 from what my investigation has found. So please investigate him and his account he is clearly voiding the terms of service from both Sony and Wildcard I have contacted Sony directly and they suggested to block and report which I have done
    2 points
  9. Please look into request 351866 and 351666 known cheater and duper TokaDaddy
    2 points
  10. I have never ever abused anything about this game - not one glitch. I'm rewarded by having my imprinted dragons, 300+ pteras 14th gen and mutated rainbow argies taken away from me because they were in the ark. There's literally nothing I could do, how could I see 30 hours into the future? I can't get back the sleepless nights it took to raise those dragons and birds, the many many hours of breeding and feeding.. I know the game isn't fully released yet but I as a gamer paid full price and supported the game and this is how I'm repaid? If there's no way to fix this I want a refund.
    2 points
  11. Don't Deal with this guy, his steam names were rity38, then Alicran, now Scorpion, after he tried to scam, he then blocked and deleted me, i spoke to a few others he has tried to scam, anyone reading this has a right to make their own decisions, but if you trade with this scam artist, im sorry for your loss, you will get burnt.
    2 points
  12. Hey are you New ? Do you want to join my tribe ?
    2 points
  13. Browsing through the trading forum when suddenly sees a profile picture GIF... "What is love, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more..." Thanks, now I'm stuck with that song in my head
    2 points
  14. It isn't everyday that you get one of these is it?
    2 points
  15. Welcome to all of you who have joined so far! I really appreciate all of you that Join and expand on the rp aspect of this sever. All i ask is for you guys to use the radio more to stay in contact with everyone on the ark. That way more trading and help is more accessable to all. Thank You!
    2 points
  16. Hello LilPanda, I am new to this webpage and have been reading a few of the recent threads concerning xbox one server disappearances. I noticed you are very helpful and friendly and I would like to notify you of a recent Server Outage. The server is official NA 305. It went missing yesterday and it is unable to be found. Not under my bookmarks or in search. I had recently joined a tribe on 305 who has been fighting to increase server pop to 20-30 players so it will not get wiped upon full release. They have been doing a wonderful job. Please can you check into this missing server for us. It would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you guys do! Cheers, Logan
    2 points
  17. So stoked for the upcoming Survival of the Fittest updates!
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. I really love the idea of another monke creature in ark because you can nether have to much monke and it fits well with the lost islands forest areas and mountains overall it’s cool
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Jat I was playing ark on Xbox and my dinos were rendering to derpy to back to normal then derpy and back to normal is there gonna be any patch to fix this?
    1 point
  22. @Jat Through the past 2 years i have wasted thousands of hours in this game.... I love it and I love some of the recent changes however it would be amazing to get more communication... with the game this close to release and thousands of people furious due to lack of communication and so on so forth it would be amazing to know more about the bosses everytime you update them... I came on the forums today to look for patch notes concerning the recent update and when i saw "my rexes with 14k base health and 525 base melee were slaughtered by the boss after this recent update" it makes me terrified to know why you make them so impossible while giving us limited tools to do the bosses with... things were fine before... if you wanted to go farm element the minimum you would need is 450 melee 20k health on about 10-15 rexes and you could easily solo it... now its like if you dont have some god rexes able to kill brontos in one bite its like bringing your rexes into the slaughterhouse believe me i would love to give the brood a bit more challenge but she is meant to be the easiest boss and now you cant even fight her with rexes... Daedons are insane to raise because the food on them as a baby is ruined... they cant feed themselves because they eat more than you can give... and if you dont have 20 fridges of cooked meat ready then its like you cant even keep it alive... I love the game and i fear a wipe more than anything... the game is addictive and fun and thats why i stay... its fun... its challenging and some of the bugs and glitches make it one of my favorite games... but i dont like when you change something 50 times to the point where its impossible or not worth doing.... or if your gonna make it impossible make it worth doing... 10 element? not even worth the effort to go through those caves to get the artifact but now it seems like you guys dont care and only want alphas that have like 12 members to be able to do it... i have 1 active member and before i had difficulty getting the things like megalania venom and spino sails... because both of those things rarely spawn in map and are usually killed before you get the chance to hunt them... i havent seen a single megalania in the caves... but then you listened as rare as it is to your community and you made it easier to summon the bosses... so good call on that... however... i have encountered so many bugs and broken things going on with this game that as much as i love it... breeding lost its main charm, bossing is just a huge pain due to the amount of effort required and lack of reward recieved... when its like 20-40 element to craft armor and weapons for tek its just too much... I know you wont read my comment you probably wont even care usually with games like this i find that your player base means very little to you... your more focused on the money than anything and thats nearly proven... but when it comes to this, fears of being wiped, crashes, bugs, glitches, chinese and foreign players purposely blocking spawns because you guys chose to change pillar times.... you dont listen... and dont get me wrong i get that with everything going on you have so much on your plate and so much to worry about... but does that mean you ignore your main player base? everything from tickets to tweets to posts on important threads you NEED to listen... do you really want to upset the player base thats likely to be customers to your future dlcs? do you want to upset the people that work hard and invite their buddies and friends to play with them? do you want to upset the thousands of fans that have spent years working and grinding on a game... we are your fanbase you need to listen to all of us even if its hard take a few days out of the week to fully go through all the comments and listen to us... because the good comments arent the only ones you need to be reading...
    1 point
  23. when are they coming out with patch im hoping soon lost alot if not fixed soon our server is good but alot of people talking about how bad the guy messed up prime plus
    1 point
  24. Asia official server is down again for 24 hours. Can you tell me that whether it is a short term issue or long term issue. And unless give me 6 hours for transfer the things to the other server.
    1 point
  25. PS4 NA-PS4OfficialServer477 down again due to overnight dupers
    1 point
  26. Please help us.... There is 3 servers down now. It has been down for 4 days, and it's been happening for over a month now. Cluster 587-588-589 on pc. We are missing all the events. Missed the week long evo event. Missed the double breeding event. We losing gear and dino because of the constant rollbacks. We losing babies cause when we try to breed and we feed them then the server rollback before they got fed. And we just cant play at all... If the server isn't going down for 24 hours at a time. it's laggy and going down all the time and having 30 mins rollbacks. We have all been patient, been filling the server outage page daily. But our server is not even on the list... Can anyone acknowledge that there is a problem and you are working on it? Cause we dont know where to writte anymore and who to ask for help. This perpetual silence when we have issues like that is really making everyone feel like nobody at WC cares and it's making a lot of peoples angry. Help us please.
    1 point
  27. I am interested in what you have to offer. My brother and I run the server but I work full time and don't have time to build for events nor does he. I would like to chat with you more and see about getting you to help admin our server. It is going up today and will be a PvE PvP RPG style server so there will be a lot of building needed. We are a little particular on what materials are used to be. We don't only want it to be fun but we want it to look good. We are going to try and host a couple of events a week and possible spawn in random Dino's for other maps to keep it fun. We will have to admin the saddles Since not all can be made. Message me on here or Xbox chief1186.
    1 point
  28. @Jat I should have just asked the question about my dedicated server transfer situation here. I have the disable option off so it IS enabled but, I am still unable to download ANYTHING I upload. Is PS4 not enabled to do this function yet? I've looked through the forums as best I could but found no results except speculation.
    1 point
  29. why cant i send any private messages i have an issue that i cant say publically
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Can I please show you this game breaking exploit... it costed me nearly 200 turrets and 100 of them had 1200 bullets.... i'd very much appreciate it if you'd take the time to hear me out so no one else has to lose what I lost in the way I lost it.
    1 point
  32. Anyone else willing to join, PM ME and we will make arrangements
    1 point
  33. My dinos keep vanishing in CENTER PvE NA 602
    1 point
  34. Hey sorry about that. I have to say I wasn't aware that was a rule. And yes I'm guilty of not reading the rules. It won't happen again! ?
    1 point
  35. Hey thank you for keeping my thread alive i believe that if there is any way to for the problem to go away we as mac community have to keep post about our problems so that it is seen more often
    1 point
  36. I am requesting a favour of PC player/s. We have/had a running joke on the xbox forums about the something big being Jaywall's Rock. A giant tprock that said either Jaywall's Rock or Jaywall Was Here. A moment a ago, @thoraklease had a revelation regarding this and the Rock Elementals. So my request is that someone on PC paint either of those two messages on a rock golem, take a picture and send it to me. You can then remove the graffiti afterwards. I would do it myself but xbox doesn't having painting only dyeing the colour regions.
    1 point
  37. Finally, Hide Armour! I was really freezing my rear off in that fiber stuff.
    1 point
  38. Anyone interested in a new server message me on Xbox, it's fresh! TheUnloyalMinon
    1 point
  39. Can you help me with a problem in server 815 just to know why none of the members can join?
    1 point
  40. Mate, wanna join my tribe?
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Me and my bf now have been together for 1 year and this one year, have been the best year ever in my life. So happy to have found someone who understand and care about me. he have helped me forget my hard past and for first time ever have I become truely happy.
    1 point
  43. Thanks for your help. Your advice combined with moving the game to internal storage has solved the problem. Everything is now working fine
    1 point
  44. AAARRRGGGGHHHHHH, waiting for 732 update is killing me. I NEED MY BEER & GREENHOUSE!!! lol must build while i wait.
    1 point
  45. Sorry to message you on the wall like this but I really do believe that the new nerf has partially hurt the game. Sure, the fact that there won't be a dinosaur so op that it ruins everything and the fact that I now fear going out to face off any dino and must use my wits to take down larger animals is great, (in my opinion) but the new stats bestowed upon tamed dinos is quite ridiculous. I can't seem to tame any dinosaur without if dying straight after its conscious. I try to take it back to base but never reach it without having to completely clear out the way. Also it's really ridiculous that you can't even take out a dino of the same species that is a lower level! I hate to be a whiner but along with me an entire community seems to be outraged, maybe a buff back to tamed dinos is due. I'm not saying everything but please, at least give the health a buff. Without it it is impossible to reap any real rewards from the countless hours put into taming a dino.
    1 point
  46. Hey jat,I am currently in a lava cave, in the middle of it. My game crashed so I reloaded. And now everytime I log in, I'm in the middle still, and if I move about 10 feet in any direction, it crashes again. Over and over again. I literally can't do anything.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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