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About StoneyDiagram2008

  • Birthday 12/03/1990

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Cloth Armor

Cloth Armor (2/5)



  1. Quote


    Looking to buy a Lightning Wyvern, do you have any for sale currently?

  2. Stoney do you do kibble trades?


  3. Hi I'm looking to trade for asc rod bps but I'm being penalised( I can't access trading forums) because I haven't been using the forums long enough. Do u have any for trade pls respond. Thank-you 

  4. If you are willing to sell wyverns here's my tribe mates gamer tag cos his the one that would be supplying you the material his gamer tag is ace can't clutch and he has a second account which is called ace36

  5. If so how many wyverns are you selling and how many pearls per wyvern

  6. Mate are you selling any wyverns right now

  7. Hello LilPanda, 

    I am new to this webpage and have been reading a few of the recent threads concerning xbox one server disappearances.  I noticed you are very helpful and friendly and I would like to notify you of a recent Server Outage. 

    The server is official NA 305.  It went missing yesterday and it is unable to be found.  Not under my bookmarks or in search. 

    I had recently joined a tribe on 305 who has been fighting to increase server pop to 20-30 players so it will not get wiped upon full release. They have been doing a wonderful job. 

    Please can you check into this missing server for us.  It would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. 

    Thank you for all you guys do! 

    Cheers,  Logan

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