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When turn one pet aggressive all go ape'snot?


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3 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:

If one is aggressive and attacks or is attacked by something. All the other on neutral will join in.

^This. I once had my whole base (which granted at the time was like 4 dodos, 2 turtles, a stego and a trike or some such) charge at a stego because back when this happened tames would tame out automatically aggressive. The stupid dodo would yell "CHARGE!!!" and all his idiot friends ran right along with him 🤣 thankfully I had a fence up lol. What I like to do to keep my dinos on neutral but also not attacking is to weigh them down with stone or wood.

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5 minutes ago, Cowgirl said:

^This. I once had my whole base (which granted at the time was like 4 dodos, 2 turtles, a stego and a trike or some such) charge at a stego because back when this happened tames would tame out automatically aggressive. The stupid dodo would yell "CHARGE!!!" and all his idiot friends ran right along with him 🤣 thankfully I had a fence up lol. What I like to do to keep my dinos on neutral but also not attacking is to weigh them down with stone or wood.

Oh boy did I find this out the hard way a few months into the game. A base full of egg layers (50 or so) on neutral because I didn't know any better. 

Next few hours spent putting them all back in place. All for a single dillo that spawned in. 

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4 hours ago, SarahMonette said:

Glitch, oversight, or intended?  

The important thing to remember about the Neutral setting, is they will always jump into the fight as soon as anything else nearby is in a fight. Neutral animals will not start a fight, but if your or your other dino's get into a fight they will join.

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It can come in handy sometimes. I once had a chalico break into my massive camp/base thing (a bunch of spike fences surrounding a huge open area with a handful of foundations in the center and tames surrounding it). It attacked one of my dilos I think, and all my tames (at the time, one stego, one diplo, three dilos, three phiomias, two raptors, one pachycephalosaurus, a moschops or two, and two direwolves). Everything was in a huge clump by the time the whole mess had been over with (I was out at sea on a raft, because chalico rock throw be scary-I was taking potshots at it with my simple pistol). It was sort of a mess, but at least nothing died.

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