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re-balance The long Await Flyer Re-balance is finally here, what are your thoughts on it?


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Figured I'd toss in my thoughts on this whole ordeal.


First off, the base speeds need to be returned to pre-nerf levels. Fliers as they stand are disturbingly slow.


Pteras: These guys should be for either scouting or getting from point A to point B quickly.

       Problem: Thanks to the roll and other factors, these guys can be buffed to insane levels and render most defenses and content pointless.

       Solution: Hard cap how much of a buff they can get from their speed and lower the damage put out by the roll. Maybe even increase how much stamina it uses.


Argens: Jack of all trades, master of none. Decent all arounder but doesn't really specialize. Good for early aerial combat.

        Problem: These guys didn't really have much pre-nerf. General stats were respectable but nothing really stood out in comparison. But that's the problem, in comparison to the other fliers, these guys didn't stand out and were more or less used as the poor man's quetzal.

       Solution: Maybe give them an equivalent to the roll if you want them to be more combat focused.


Quetzal: Heavy lifters of the skies. Need to move something, get materials, these are your guys!

      Problem: Stamina, Stamina Regen, insane weight...these all meant that a quetzal had very little to worry about in the air so long as it had decent defenses. Add in things like how far one can be to get these things to show up, it's not that hard to hide on one.

     Solution: In this regards, I think the devs are on the right track. A bit heavy handed to be sure, but they're on the right track I think.


Wyverns: Lord of the skies, not a whole lot to stand up to these guys in the air.

      Problems: As they were...not too much. As they are now? Way too slow, stamina drain is way too fast, just over all needs redone.

      Solution: I'd say they were almost fine pre-nerf. Fast but didn't turn very well, this made precision movements very difficult. Breath attacks hit hard, but the stamina drain kept you from really spamming it unless you had one with an insane amount of stamina. And they couldn't pick up all the dinos the quetzal can. 


Over all, I think the main focus should be on the speed and stamina as it seems that's where the bulk of the problem with fliers came from. Though I do feel this nerf bat swung way too hard at first. 

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Classic Flyers MOD 52 thousand downloads in 5 days. That's 10 thousand more than yesterday. Infact about 10 thousand subscriptions per day .

No more arguments from me now, this should be all the information WC needs about how much the majority absolutely despises this whole amateur shambles of a patch. 

More downloads of this MOD than there are players playing at this moment.

What an embarrassment.

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47 minutes ago, Robersdee said:


Classic Flyers MOD 52 thousand downloads in 5 days. That's 10 thousand more than yesterday. Infact about 10 thousand subscriptions per day .

No more arguments from me now, this should be all the information WC needs about how much the majority absolutely despises this whole amateur shambles of a patch. 

More downloads of this MOD than there are players playing at this moment.

What an embarrassment.

They are just a vocal minority! :P

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1 hour ago, Robersdee said:


Classic Flyers MOD 52 thousand downloads in 5 days. That's 10 thousand more than yesterday. Infact about 10 thousand subscriptions per day .

No more arguments from me now, this should be all the information WC needs about how much the majority absolutely despises this whole amateur shambles of a patch. 

More downloads of this MOD than there are players playing at this moment.

What an embarrassment.

That's great that the Mod is helping players find the means to continue playing, that's what's important.

Doesn't mean that Wildcard should revert the v256 Flyer nerf.

If they did, then that Mods sub list would drop back down to 0 and all that work would be gone.

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10 minutes ago, GamerPerfection said:

That's great that the Mod is helping players find the means to continue playing, that's what's important.

Doesn't mean that Wildcard should revert the v256 Flyer nerf.

If they did, then that Mods sub list would drop back down to 0 and all that work would be gone.

I actually spewed my drink all over my Monitor. I don't know what to say, this post is so senseless it defies logic. 

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That's great that the Mod is helping players find the means to continue playing, that's what's important.

Doesn't mean that Wildcard should revert the v256 Flyer nerf.

If they did, then that Mods sub list would drop back down to 0 and all that work would be gone.


I could not disagree more.  I think it is a clear indication that a big part of the community thinks the change to flyers is a very poor change to the game.  

The devs have already alluded to the fact they will make changes to land dinos as well.  If WC plans on reducing the speed/stamina/weight  of land dinos in the same fashion as flyers tell us now so I can find another game to play.  I don't have hours a night to play the game moving at a snails pace.  Stop making the game grindy.  I don't think people get done with a long day at work and think to themselves I can't wait to get home and log into Ark and farm materials for hours to work on my base.  We want to have fun and slowing everything down with changes like this is a poor choice in my eyes.



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First off, i want to thank WC for the anky/doed/beaver/mammoth resource weight rebalance. That was something that was urgently needed, especially about mammoth, that became useless after beaver come out.  About the flyers, i think i bit more of speed would be ok, something between 150-190 for PT, and a bit more on quetz and argy.

I think that the suggest about different saddles with stats boosts was a really incredible idea, and would be a great addiction to the game. Maybe a new structure that converts normal saddles into one of the customized ones, using artifacts + other resources on the process.

I would re-enable also the use of specials dishs on the dinos, perhaps with lowered duration (something like 300s). 

Looking back at old dinos, i remembered too of my frog, that is near useless for farming. He could get a increased harvesting amount and a water attack too, that would be amazing.

Parasaurs could be a bit more faster and with better weight. a speed increasing in 2 steps, like Bears (but not that fast).

And Again , i think that metal/obsidian/crystals needs to be more common, to be viable a ground farming. 

Also, Brontos/Paracers needs to be a bit more faster and unstopable (by trees and rocks). Also, with more weight. 


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Well, after actually testing the birds after the Nerf, my feedback.

I am satisfied with the Q's. Added the stamina back was very nice. I can accept the speed although maybe a tad more faster. *hints.

The Argie: No issues.

Ptera: I think of these like the Red Baron. I loved using them for attacks. Loved the rolls. Now I am unable to roll much due to stamina drain.


Better than the original Nerf. I still think allowing non-officials server admins to be able to adjust in the ini would be my vote. You make both sides happy. But...I understand some possible impacts that would have. Yesterday on a scale 0-10, 10 being "I'm done" was 8. Today: Thumbs up, a 5.

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They really go about the nerfing the wrong way.. Dragons should get to be buffed to 140 movement, Argy's 230 movement, Pterry 210, Pelegornis 210, Moth 230, Tapajara 220, Quetzal 300.... They should cap it so you can build it up to these points... Because the way the movement is getting changed make me feel like a turtle and the Argy was my main goto for getting around the map... Why not just remove air tames... Seems they dont want us flying any how... argy really feel like they move 20 mph when being base speed pelegornis too and quetzal feel like they only move aroun 25 mph.. They say nerf but there taking it away completely.. Thats pretty messed up...

Just make all dino's where you cant lvl them. :P why not


You should be able to put at least that many points into the flyers movement to get it up to them stat's

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2 hours ago, GamerPerfection said:

That's great that the Mod is helping players find the means to continue playing, that's what's important.

Doesn't mean that Wildcard should revert the v256 Flyer nerf.

If they did, then that Mods sub list would drop back down to 0 and all that work would be gone.

wha...I mean...erm..

This is by no means a diss or meant to sound malicious but that post just defies all logic and sensible reasoning, as you can tell by the replies to it.

I...I'm... lost for words.

Again no offence meant by this or anything but you could do with somebody official or the devs vetting some of these mod replies in order to damage control on how bizarre and truly baffling they are coming across.

Anyhoo, since my last post a mere few hours ago  2 thousand more people downloaded the classic flyers mod. That brings us up to "drumroll please"  54,272 Current Subscribers/downloads

Thats currently more than there are players ingame right now. 


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I thought I should give some feedback on the Pelagornis since I seem to be one of the few who actually use them. I took my Beel for a spin to see if he was still as awesome at collecting organic polymer as before patch 256. He's 100% imprinted and I had mostly pumped weight and some stamina on him. I had only put seven levels in speed so I didn't get many levels back. I decided to not level his stamina any since I don't know if more tweaks are coming, which means he had 518.2 in stamina when I did this.


My base is located at the Hidden Lake and I flew to the penguin paradise pretty much the same way I did before the nerf. He's never had awesome stamina or speed, so it always felt safer to follow the coastline to be able to rest on the water when needed. Pre-nerf I usually had to land two - three times, after the nerf I had to rest five times. I didn't check how long it took since I got distracted and had to check the levels on the rexes and ankys I flew by on the way, but it took longer than usual. His speed felt like the same speed his parents had after I had just tamed them, so nothing to write home about.


When killing the baby penguins, I got impatient with his slower walking speed as you often knock the penguins away and have to walk after them. This was always something I got a bit annoyed at pre-nerf and it didn't get better after. He never really ran out of stamina when hunting the penguins though, so nothing had changed there.


I don't really know if this is just me not remember thing correctly, but it felt like he had more weight than before. I got 1.4k organic polymer when he started to get encumbered, and I don't recall being able to carry that much before. This might just be me being senile though.


TL:DR My Pelagornis is still awesome at harvesting organic polymer, but it takes a longer time to do it. Pretty much the same thing that's happened to the other flyers. Oh, and WC, I want five years of my life back; I got attacked by a shark and got so scared I jumped off my bird on the way home. xD  I also learned that my Pela can't outswim sharks anymore (but his stamina regenerated very quickly after I jumped off)...

Forgot to add; I would love it if the flyer speed buff was increased on the Pela (and the Wyvern). I haven't tested any other fliers that much so I don't have much to say about those yet.

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They just need to stop offline raiding not nerfing things that much because the flyers is going to feel slower then granny... Troll can be stopped no matter if there PTerry has 500 movement bola's... Argy's is more work to bring down but still they had to work for them tames with Stego egg's they should be stronger.

But yes i use Pelagornis also it was amazing but now IDK xbox will soon be getting this horrible nerf update... They keep adding dino's and nerfing things. And not even trying to fix the lag on xbox... I see it posted they there doing performance increase  but it seems to lag out more and more.. After them.. That last xbox update i went form lagging out of my base to 2 to 3 times a day to lagging out about 20 times now


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11 minutes ago, AceVP said:

They just need to stop offline raiding not nerfing things that much because the flyers is going to feel slower then granny... Troll can be stopped no matter if there PTerry has 500 movement bola's... Argy's is more work to bring down but still they had to work for them tames with Stego egg's they should be stronger.

But yes i use Pelagornis also it was amazing but now IDK xbox will soon be getting this horrible nerf update... They keep adding dino's and nerfing things. And not even trying to fix the lag on xbox... I see it posted they there doing performance increase  but it seems to lag out more and more.. After them.. That last xbox update i went form lagging out of my base to 2 to 3 times a day to lagging out about 20 times now


How do you even know they are not trying? They could be trying and have not yet solved the problem thus no patch.

Some problems are not simple enough to get fixed overnight.

All flyers are getting nerfed not just the pelican with teeth. However I still say they should buff everything including the player lol.

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3 hours ago, GamerPerfection said:

That's great that the Mod is helping players find the means to continue playing, that's what's important.

Doesn't mean that Wildcard should revert the v256 Flyer nerf.

If they did, then that Mods sub list would drop back down to 0 and all that work would be gone.

I can understand towing the party line but the only response I have to this inane post is:


Wait what?

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1 hour ago, Robersdee said:

wha...I mean...erm..

This is by no means a diss or meant to sound malicious but that post just defies all logic and sensible reasoning, as you can tell by the replies to it.

I...I'm... lost for words.

Again no offence meant by this or anything but you could do with somebody official or the devs vetting some of these mod replies in order to damage control on how bizarre and truly baffling they are coming across.

Anyhoo, since my last post a mere few hours ago  2 thousand more people downloaded the classic flyers mod. That brings us up to "drumroll please"  54,272 Current Subscribers/downloads

Thats currently more than there are players ingame right now. 


Yeah have to say Mr. Gamerperfection isn't bringing the A game when it come to tact or logic with this nerf feedback. Just in general rubs me the wrong way. 

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I hope they keep the current flyers state. I think it's benefical for players who play on official.

I will say, I downloaded the mod. I did so because I wanted to try a new map on single player and wanted to do so fast. 

I think it's good this way, you have have the mod on single player or unofficial and play with current flyers on officials.

In most games, unofficial is easier then official anyway, I like for ark to be this way.

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Just now, Twin said:

I can understand towing the party line but the only response I have to this inane post is:


Wait what?

The last part was a bit of humour. When people are saying the Mod creator deserves recognition for making a mod that has gained 50k+ people in a few days and people are using that as their ammo to show the Devs that the nerf needs to be reverted, then that recognition turns into taking the Mods subscribers away if ARK reverted the nerf. Which is pretty poopy recognition. But as I say it's a bit of humour.

The fact is, the Devs have clearly stated the nerf will remain (in some shape or form) and won't be reverted. Therefore it doesn't matter how many subscribers there are on that Mod. The important thing here is to focus on how the Mk 3 changes should look.

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1 minute ago, GamerPerfection said:

The last part was a bit of humour. When people are saying the Mod creator deserves recognition for making a mod that has gained 50k+ people in a few days and people are using that as their ammo to show the Devs that the nerf needs to be reverted, then that recognition turns into taking the Mods subscribers away if ARK reverted the nerf. Which is pretty poopy recognition. But as I say it's a bit of humour.

The fact is, the Devs have clearly stated the nerf will remain (in some shape or form) and won't be reverted. Therefore it doesn't matter how many subscribers there are on that Mod. The important thing here is to focus on how the Mk 3 changes should look.

You seem to be forgetting that this mod wasn't created to add something to the game.  It was created to return something to the game so that players may still enjoy pre-nerf ark.  I totally agree with previous posters - this mod is a very valid indicator of players feelings about the nerf.  The argument that players "have" to subscribe to the mod if an admin adds it doesn't really hold water.  If I join a server and I don't like the mods I leave the server and unsubscribe to those mods. 

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I honestly feel that the best fix that has the most chance of making everyone happy is to enable admins to configure the individual dino types with the .ini file in non-official servers.  This way the players that want these changes can play officials and the players that want the freedom to choose how they play the game can play on non-officials.

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I think everything is about balance. Sure flyers lightspeed is something that break the game, but the actual state arent ok also. Speed dont needs to be a vilain, but sometimes u needs to do a fast trip to do something. The main survival challenge must be the dinos and weather, and not the distance. The way the main map is right now, everything is too far. We need somehow faster dinos. I vote 2 more buff-updates, and then enable dishs to dinos again plus specials saddles. (not tek stuff)

Something that i see as a problem the way it is now, is the breed stuff. With time, someone could make a dino that is game-breaker. That needs to have a limit or revamp on how stats works.

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