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So what did you do in ARK today?


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today i stole my first wyvern egg on valguero official. ive been playing for a long while and i definitely should have already reached this milestone before, but i always got bored and lost all my progress before this could happen.

id done it plenty of times with the crystal wyvern nest by now, and felt confident enough to upload one of the high levels i stole to attempt to steal some deino eggs to start making kibble ready for easter event. i didnt find any good levels and when i did find some they spoiled instantly. so i wasnt really in high spirits. on the way back i was picking up red and gold drops hoping for a saddle bp in the hopes that i could breed deinos for boss fights eventually, i realised id made my way up to the wyvern trench.

i decided just to take a peek, on my single player test worlds it had looked pretty sparse so i wasnt expecting to see tons of them flapping around blasting local wildlife. it made me a little nervous since even though c.wyverns are much faster i know that the ice breath slows stuff, and if i get caught in a tight spot i dont have the imprint buff to protect me.

nevertheless, i flew around and looked at some of the traps to see if i could lure a couple away and get into the trench, still not really with the intention of stealing an egg at this point, i wanted to test the waters. i didnt really know how the traps worked i guess because they just kept escaping or flying under it. i gave up and sat down to observe them. over time they kinda make their way out on their own and attack the wildlife, i saw an opening and decided, why not, and flew down to investigate the nests. if i found a decent one maybe id grab it..

the best egg i managed to find in the trench was a 155, which i settled for because getting any closer to the opening of the fire trench was flirting with death. either they were all too far away and the cave ones got stuck, or i got very lucky, as none of them chased me and i got away free. it was.. a little anti-climactic tbh? in my mind i expected to have them chase me across snow back to blue ob and it would be this big dangerous thing, fraught with lag spikes and massive freezes for up to a minute like on crystal isles. those have almost cost me my wyverns on many, many multiple occasions.

when i got it back home though i was super excited for my first 'proper' wyvern! hatched it and named him Blizzard. stats arent amazing but they arent horrible either. i gotta go back for milk at some point which im not looking forward to honestly. and im going to build my own wyvern trap this time or look up how the ones around the trench work

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(Official, Valguero) First of all, today was great in the way the game performed. Not sure if the server was feeling unusually great, or my PC doing the same, or both, but there was no lag except on server saves and it was all SMOOTH, like "take a griffin, fly out of render distance of everything, then dive down full-speed, and even when buildings and dinos are rendering in at the speed of a diving griffin it's still smooth as hell" kinda smooth. Awesome.

So, of course it couldn't be a just "feed the dinos and that's all" kinda day.

So I unpodded the wyverns, bred gigas and sinos (no eggs are staying), moved the now-grown ankylo and podded his father (the one I finished raising has mother's melee, which is the better one of the two), and bred the ankylos (egg stays, clean female).

I gathered berries, put them into the maewing and unpodded the dodo.

Harvested stone, wood, and flint and made gunpowder. Lots. Vault mostly full now.

Made some cementing paste, as well.

Took my wyvern and went to the trench to get milk, and had no problem with trapping the wyvern, as well as with killing other wyverns for existing while I happen to be there - not a single stutter, and without that to help them they had no chance.

I returned home and fed the wyverns.

The only bad thing about today was that I lost my sino. AGAIN. He got knocked off my shoulder by deinon's bleed effect, and then I searched with owl, and I searched just by looking, and I searched by whistling "follow all" with a group to which sinos as a class where added, but he's just gone. Which means next time I get sino breedjects, I'll raise one or two to use as spares, because right now I only have the one I'm wearing now as a sino to wear - the rest are breeders, which I can't afford to lose.

Podded wyverns, and that's all for today.

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i went back to the valguero trench today to get milk for my first wyvern, and it didnt end in a disaster

built one of captain fatdog's traps away from the trench and lead a female out of the scar. i did get hit with the breath a few times and was panicking but luckily it got stuck in the trap so i got to safety. while i was peppering it with tranqs another wyvern broke out of the trees in defense of its mate (im assuming?) and i had to lead it in a wide circle around the trap until it aggro'd on some mammoths so that the female in the trap didnt despawn.

i stood way farther back this time and knocked it out, struggled a little with opening the inventory from below the trap, but eventually i got the milk. decided to have a wander around the trench again for eggs, tho someone had dropped an egg above the trench so most of the nests were empty.

and when all the wyverns had flown away from scar, i managed to find a 180 egg! and not far away at a red drop, i got an apprentice deino saddle bp! and the small cave at green ob was unclaimed so i now have a base on valguero.

so, a good and productive day on ark - a little bit scary - but thats the fun of it.

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(Official, Valguero) Unodded the wyverns. Dodo and anky adult now - moved them to the appropriate places. Killed the previous dodo male, bred dodos. Bred ankylos, argents, yuties, tropeos, wyverns and sinos.

All sino eggs (three, two females still were on cooldown) stay, two because spare usable sinos, one because weight mut male with stam inherited.

Once tropeo egg stays, mutated male.

One argent egg stays because all stats, good colors, and I've been using Sapphire since FOREVER - time to pod her and use something new just to change things a bit. So, I'll raise that with full imprint to use as my new argent.

No other eggs stay, nothing good in them.

Took the ankylo for a metal run. He's not as good as Thundertail, because barely leveled yet, but he'll get there. Got an okay amount of metal anyway.

Harvested stone with a magma, made some cementing paste... And found the lost sino. He was sitting in a bush on my base, which is absolutely NOT where I would look for a dino lost outside the base, so of course I didn't find him when I was intentionally looking. Spare sinos still going to happen, though.

Fed dinos, repodded wyverns, and that's all.

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(Official, Valguero) Unpodded wyverns, hatched eggs and put three of the sinos+ an argy and a tropeo with the maewings to grow. The ankylo I left with the mae the last time starved because turns out I didn't have enough berries in the maewing (whatever. wasn't an important ankylo).

Bred gigas and allos, no eggs kept.

Podded rhino and the owl (the one I ride), because I don't use them much anyway.

Harvested some stone and made cementing paste.

The game continues to run weirdly well and there's no connection problems whatsoever neither on my, nor on the server's side, so I gathered all my bravery (not much of it. It's me we're talking about) and went to another server - a Lost Island one - to get Genesis engrams, because having to craft things on a sidebase is annoying (plus, sidebase character isn't even level 100 yet, and has no extra levels. Main is 109. So, more engrams for the main).

I spawned within someone's base (base on a spawn point? Seriously, people. What are we, cavemen?), but there was an unlocked transmitter (okay. Not a complete caveman. At least enough understanding to realize that if people are going to end up there, it's good to provide them some convenience), so once I was done getting my engrams (everything except for Jar of Pitch, Ocean Platforms (too many of them without me adding more. Especially since, you know, Valguero? No ocean, just a big lake, that's getting kinda cramped with all the platforms? Yeah. And Loadout Mannequin because I have one, I don't need to make more), I was able to jump back to Valg right away.

Back home I made a tek canteen (it's nice! But having two free slots now that I don't need to carry three canteens feels weird), hunted some scorpions with my megatherium for the growing sinos (plenty of chitin in the vault, but I wanted to hunt).

Fed dinos (no hunting, just took meat and berries out of the tek troughs in the raising corner and put them into the regular ones in other parts of the base, since I won't need tek troughs for tonight), took a tropeo and went beacon-hunting (nothing good), even went into the loot cave (nothing good there, either. Grabbed the artifact just because), saw a wild giga (level 20, ugly green).

Returned home, podded wyverns tropeo and argent.

(Official, Lost Island) Since I no longer want amargas, and there's pretty much nothing else for me to do there, moved everything worth keeping into my inventory from boxes and crafting stations, so that next time I'm on it'll all be ready for uploading right away. Fed the rex, the argent, and the ptera to the wyvern.

(Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed the base.

(Official, Extinction) Fed the dinos. Heard a drop, went to check, but found nothing.

And that's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Filled a maewing with meat, unpodded argent and tropeo. Unpodded wyverns.

Sinos adult, podded spares, moved new breeder to the coop, podded old one, bred sinos.

Bred allos, argents, wyverns, ankylos, and gigas (only one female was ready).

Everything was bad... Except for the giga egg! The color is not the kind I could ever like on a giga (too bright), but it's male with a melee mutation! MELEE. MUTATION!

Wyverns got hungry enough to eat, so took my milk run wyvern and a rifle+some darts, went to the trench, got milk. Also got a 185 egg, but cracked that - no good, highest stat oxygen. Fed the wyverns, imprinted the younger one.

Harvested stone, made cementing paste.

Podded wyverns, argent and tropeo, and that's all for today.

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(Yesterday, on Official, Valguero) Raised wyverns for a bit, wanted to breed magmas, server turned out to be very disconnect-y. Nearly lost my male magma (a disconnect happened while I was positioning the female in the lava, and I didn't unpod the male yet. Stupid, I know), but managed to get him back. So I brought the magmas back and decided to not try that again until I'm absolutely sure everything would be fine.

And today, also on (Official, Valguero) the giga egg is ready and I hatched it. Only after filling the maewing with meat, of course, because today's not any better (probably because of the Evo).

I unpodded tropeo, argent, and wyverns. I also bred yuties, ankylos, sinos and wyverns. An ankylo egg stays - male, melee mutation.

Since it's not a great day for anything - even aimless flying - I kept my activity mostly within the base, only going outside with my giga, to get meat, and once to refill the trough in the waterpen. I fed the dinos, harvested every single rock on my base and made a ton of cementing paste (running low on chitin. Will have to do a run some time soon), repodded giga, argent, tropeo and the wyverns and, well, that's all. Not for today - I'll refresh the sidebases at some later point, but for now.


(Official, Lost Island) Fed the stego to the wyvern. Still didn't upload the items from my inventory, because I think I'll keep the base for a while longer, with just the wyvern. Just in case I change my mind about not wanting anything else from LI. I mean, who knows. Might see a nice griffin some day, or something.

(Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed the base.

(Official, Extinction) Fed the dinos. Thought about checking for the drops, but meteor shower started, and I REALLY don't feel like that's a good weather for a long walk in the wasteland.

(Official, Valguero) Yes, again. It's just that after I forgot to write about podding the babies I became a bit unsure about whether or not it's just writing about that I forgot. So, checked. Nope, just writing. Actual podding was done. Which is good.

And that's all for today.

Edited by AllOfTheAllos
Forgot to write about repodding the babies. Which may not sound like a big deal, but, considering that two are right color wyverns and one is my first ever melee mut giga... Yeah, repodding them IS a big deal, actually.
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(The Island, SP) Finally found a decent pteranodon.  Took said pteranodon out to catch an argentavis.  I was very lucky and found a level 145 argentavis in the first place I looked!  I built the trap and lured the Argent I to it.  I also picked up a low-level carno, but the Argent made quick work of it.  Tamed the Argent and named her Aerith.

Went back to base and built Aerith a saddle.  We went on a metal run and did some thylacoleo sniping.  No high-level thylacoleos found... but we got probably 600 metal.

Oh, and I caught a monkey.  Named her Shifu as a nod to a certain monkey-loving Ark playing YouTuber (a play on She-Phoo).  If she were male I would have named her Jacques!  (As in "Jacques the monkey," a misheard lyrics to a Peter Gabriel song.)

I did some other stuff too, but I can't remember what.  I've been bouncing between playing Ark, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, and Cat Quest. (A weird assortment of games, to be sure.)  I've been keeping my Ark sessions short (an hour max), and the game has yet to crash!

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(Official, Valguero) Filled the maewing with meat and berries, lots of them because I wanted to do a long day.

Gave bees more flowers.

Unpodded giga, argent, tropeo, and wyvern, hatched the ankylo.

Bred argents, sinos and dodos, dodo egg stays (new mutation).

And... Repodded babies after only 0.1% of giga's growth because I realized that I'm rather tired already, so a long day of ARKing isn't happening after all.

So that's all for today.

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PVE Official

After a much needed break following our Island Tek Cave victory I transferred over to Scorched Earth and had a blast running through the desert, wind in my hair, and sun in my eyes.  lol.  I didn't really have a plan other than spend some time on the server and test the stability.  No tames or armor.  Just me and my underwear.

Over the course of about 3 hours I recorded over 30+ deaths. 🤣 I tried most of the starting zones and after some time I could tell this was not the server for us.  I experienced several crashes in that time and often the terrain details were very slow to develop or load in.

After work tonight I will visit a different server that my tribemate is saying is a little better.

Nonetheless, it is always fun to get back to the basic game of survival. To that place where raptors, sabrecats, and terror birds are deadly again.  Good times.  

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(Official, Valguero) Now today I planned for a long day and HAD a long day (well, long-ish)! I refilled the maewing, unpodded babies, bred allos, argents, yuties and sinos (nothing stays). I hatched the dodo egg from the last time.

I took my megatherium and went on a nice big chitin run.

I went to the trench for milk, got it AND two eggs (165 and 175), and the better one was actually better, so it stays.

I imprinted the wyvern.

I took my velona and killed a rock elemental just because I can.

Took griffin and spent some time flying around and killing small dinos. Also because I can.

By the time I decided that's enough for today, the giga was already 1.7% grown (was 0.5 when I unpodded him). I filled the tek trough with meat and berries and turned the generator on - dodo and tropeo are staying out. Podded the rest, and that's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Big day today again. Filled maewing, unpodded babies. Moved the now-grown dodo to the others, killed his father, bred the new one (eggs not staying, no new mutations). Hatched the wyvern and left it with other two to grow.

Went to the trench, not for milk (too early) but for eggs. Nothing good, though - not even worth checking with the incubator. Ate the eggs.

Took ankylo, went on a big metal run, on my way back saw a female tek quetzal.

Deposited all metal into the forge, took rifle, darts narcotics, kibble and griffin, went for the quetz. Tranqed, tamed, brought home, unpodded my old, male, one and bred them. Egg doesn't stay - male, I'm not going to keep males until I have 2-3 females in addition to the wild-tame one.

Wyverns were a bit hungrier by then, so went to the trench again. Got milk... And a 180 egg! It'll hatch into a female. Stats okay, colors seem to be okay too.

Ankylo is juvi now, so stays out. Tropeo, of course, also stays. Podded argent (he had his first imprint today, by the way), wyverns, and the giga.

And that's all for today.

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(Official, Lost Island) Fed the wyvern, uploaded the things I had prepared for uploading. Keeping the base still, just decided to do it before I forget again.

(Official, Extinction) Fed dinos, wandered around (no drops).

(Official, Crystal Isles) Decided I maybe want an aberrant spino. Since I decided that while on CI, I started preparing there, instead of logging off it, onto Valg, uploading stuff, and then going back to CI and getting it. Been a while since I've really done anything on CI anyway. Tamed a trike for narcoberries, hunted things for meat to spoil, went to emberfalls for charcoal, smelted some metal. Made gunpowder, darts... And realized that it all took so long that I don't feel like doing more there today. Gave the trike some berries to eat, and meant to go to

(Official, Valguero), except t was down and stayed that for five hours. So I only really went there just now and even then didn't do much other than getting all the uploaded stuff, feeding dinos, moving new tropeo to the others and podding his predecessor, and breeding wyverns, tropeos, sinos, and yuties (yuty egg stays, mutation). Two reasons for why I didn't much: 1. It's evening, so no long ARKing is going to happen. I'm already feeling a bit tired. And 2. So. Much. Ruberbanding.

So, that's all for today.

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i wanted to prepare for mass taming boss creatures during easter event today so i was on valguero building up my small base inside the green ob cave. needed to claim an oil vein, get a generator down, and some fridges for when i transport kibble.

didnt really want to learn the oil pump engram because they turn up so frequently in drops. i set out on my crystal wyvern, Ovilord (because hes my egg stealing mount), and was passing over redwoods when i saw a strange shape moving below me. id never seen a quadruped creature swagger around like that so i carefully flew in and took out my spy glass.

to my complete surprise, it was a dinopithecus! no idea they spawned on this map! and lucky me, it was a 150.

so i rushed to dododex to see how to tame this poop-slinging war monkey and found out its a passive tame. good thing i didnt have my tranqs on me. finding all the members of its pack was pretty damn annoying cause they spread out and would run into the bushes, but i managed to clear them out and made a beeline for chalk hills where id seen some ovis earlier.

when i came back i fed it mutton and hopped back onto my wyvern to stay safe while i wait for the feed timer, but all of the taming was lost immediately for some reason? when i started to feed it again though it reset the taming percent so i didnt loose effectiveness. its eyes look super scary in the dark btw. im not sure what to name it yet but im going to transfer him over to my main base on the island.

i was going to start up a character on lost island for these guys and sinos, which i desperately want, but i only managed to tame a measly lvl 15. now it looks like i wont need to put so much effort into establishing myself there. not interested in the elemental diplos so ill spend a day or so during the event there and tame some high levels if i can and port the character over to a gen2 server to start doing missions for loot and some of the engrams. PLUS. i really, really want a void wyvern.

hoping the event will push me closer to my first boss fight on the island. im going to try gamma broodmother first, it seems like it might be the easiest because the megas have bug buff.

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(Official, Crystal Isles) As you remember, my last visit to CI was for the purpose of getting an aberrant spino, and ended with nothing because I spent so long preparing, that I just had no energy left to actually do it.

Well, today I finished the last preparations (made a bit more darts, more narcotic, two cryopods), and went to get myself some glowing sail lizards!

Also, while I was flying to the desert for some chitin (needed to make paste) I saw a beautiful wvern. level 15, but REALLY nice. So tamed her, and uploaded.

The first I saw was a beautiful black female, 145. In a river. With lots of karkinos. No good.

Second was nearly identical male, also 145. In a river. With karkinos. No good, but I tried. Gave up.

Tried the female. Had her kinda stuck, had high hopes for that attempt.

Server crashed.

Took a break, couple hours. Not sure how long the server was down for - maybe minutes. But if I have to take a break, might as well have a proper one, not 15 minutes or something.

Then started playing again, the server rolled back a bit, before the stuck spino (aw), but at least I was STANDING on my wyvern, not beneath it in the river with karkinos, piranhas, and the spino!

I decided to see if there's any other spinos, and found a level 50 male. Ugly colors, but hey! I'll take what I can get!

No karkinos there, and he already ate all the distractions, so I had no problem luring him away. Tranqed, tamed (prime meat, + some regular raw just to plug the pauses between the prime). Podded.

And then I found the female. Easy to lure away! 140! Ugly colors, but I had a male, so colors are fixable, just going to take time.

So I tranqed her and... An ichthyornis stole one of my narcotic stacks. Had to mix narcotic with ascerbic mushrooms.

Tamed, again, mix or prime and regular raw meat. Somewhere in the middle of hunting found a beacon and uploaded the male.

Podded, uploaded.

Returned home, gave the wyvern that was with me more crystals (previous I had to throw out - my sidebase wyverns don't have the weight to haul a stack of crystals along with all the taming supplies).

(Official, Valguero) Retrieved the dinos, and that's all. Did too much on CI, don't feel like doing anything else today. Ankylo adult now, alive.

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PVE Official Scorched Earth.

Found a server that is ok to call home for now.  Not great, but good enough for the short time we are there.

My tribe mate and I spent two days getting  a base put together and then ran all three caves yesterday.  We are in a good position now to relax and enjoy the event.  Will likely head to the trench and spend some time collecting eggs.  My mate has never experienced the trench so this will be a fun few days 😀👍.  Maybe we can come away with a few good event keepers.  If not, then we will at least collect the talons we need to fight the manticore.

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(Official, Valguero) Fed dinos, bred aberrant spinos, tek quetzals, dodos, sinos, wyverns, allos, argents, ankylos, tropeos, and yuties.

Quetz egg stays - clean female. Sino stays (already hatched and growing with a mae) - good stats inherited, +a mut (health. But stays anyway because I say so. My sinos, my rules). Had two muts on dodos, but one was on a female, and other didn't have previous colors inherited, so cracked anyway.

Filled a maewing and unpodded babies.

Took a crossbow and some hooks, whip and sleeping bags, podded two of my three magmas and went to the cave to breed them.

Nothing happened, arrived there just fine. Also, turns out that last time I forgot my wyvern just above the cave.

Placed bags, positioned and bred magmas... And the position was so good, that I didn't need grapples and bags! The top of the egg was peeking out of lava, so I was able to get it with a whip while standing on my magma's back.

Picked the bags up, podded magmas, looted crates (well, if I'm in the cave anyway...), whistled the wyvern to follow and returned home.

Magma egg female, good. Unpodded adults, podded the wyvern.

Podded some dinos I don't use: Squeaking-Squealing Pink (yuty), Frostbite (mana. I go everywhere either on a giga, a wyvern, or a tropeo anyway), and Big Rat (megalo. Sure, she looks cute as she sleeps, but I don't use her for anything). Also two owls on Generous' side - I keep him following Felicia specifically so that he doesn't pick up anything (I'm only using Felicia now anyway, as she's the dust gacha), so not sure why I even kept owls on his side for so long.

Made, like, 20 pieces of element form the dust I got.

Podded giga, wyverns and argent, hatched the magma and podded her, and that's all for today.

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Island-single player, PVE -This was technically yesterday, but it was an interesting enough experience to mention. So, my day starts on herbivores Island, where I'm working on a big industrial style base to smelt all the metal I get. I have a few ankys stationed permanently there, and I'm pretty sure the base is far enough away that the rich nodes still spawn. My tribemate mined metal as I worked, and I got distracted grinding for keratin for cementing paste on my direwolf (grab one and kill ankys with it, you get 80+ keratin, it's awesome). We made a pump shottie (our first craft didn't save). And then, I had a brilliant idea. Even with the anky's weight reduction, the metal was super hard to haul back to our not so little raft base. So, I decided to tame a bronto. There was a lvl 95, pretty nice colors as well. So, I dropped my stuff off, and got on my Moschops to tame it. Why Moschops? The thing has 13k health and does 2k damage. I have no idea how that happened, but I'll take it. So, with 11 darts in a Mastercraft rifle, and 34 tranq arrows in a regular crossbow, I got to work. Moschops easily tanked the damage, about 94. I thought those tranqs would be enough, since dododex said 42 darts for a lvl 150 (tried to tame lvl 150 once before with the same rifle -bronto ended up meshing through cliffs). And as I'm tranquing, I fall asleep. Turns out my meat was placed on the one buggy slot in my hotbar that I can't get to, and I was starving. Bronto smacks me, Moschops runs, and I die. I respawn at the raft base, climb on my direwolf and run over to grab my stuff back. I shoot the bronto with the crossbow (I'd run out of darts), and it starts running. I excitedly chase after it, only to run out of arrows. I dejectedly give up, and run back and decide to make a compost bin. Start taming two Phiomia, one lvl 15, other lvl 70. Got the level 15 in no time flat, and he started his pooping. Filled up the compost bin, and put the rest of the poop directly in the crop plots, citronal and rockarrot both have 25k fertilizer. Meanwhile, my tribemate's been going out on the anky and gathering metal, and we have 3k+ coming along, although we only have one regular forge-all this is basically just for the industrial forge. Find two loot drops, one drops a pretty good sickle, although I already have one. Have to compare the two. Another drops a pair of decent ghillie gauntlets, and the tribemate gets these. Craft up our first two cryos as well. Find an anky egg, and my weird breeding op drops another (just three ankys...not the best setup, but whatevs-not breeding for muts anyway). And, just as I'm finishing up, I find a lvl 135 PT with amazing colors (event creatures still on, haven't played for a while now). KO it, leave it to starve for a bit as I go get prime meat. Come back with a crap ton of prime meat, but it still takes about 5 minutes to tame up all the way, with 99.9% taming effectiveness. Saddle it up with an apprentice saddle I got off a loot drop, and make a regular saddle for Flapjack the Third, my tribemate's general use PT (Flapjack the first and second both died, I believe). Honestly, I hardly use the pts enough to justify taming one, but this one is rather interesting. Might paint up the saddle to match the colors. It was a very productive day. I'm pretty sure I missed some more things-actually, wait-I did some work on the base. Might post some pictures next time. Added a dino gate to the base so that ankys can get in easily, as well as the stego or other utility dinos like the doedic I really need to get. Anyway, that's it! Happy ARKing!

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(Official, Valguero) Fed dinos, bred same things as yesterday (except for dodos. Forgot about them). Also, unpodded best of my three tropical wyvern males to try and combine the low-level female's colors with some actually usable stats (first try failed - main color from male, all stats except for food and oxygen from female. Cracked).

Refilled maewing, unpodded babies, hatched the quetz and put her with the maewing.

Today's spino egg resulted in twin females with most good stats inherited, so I put them with the mae, too.

Rest of today was mostly spent on egg runs - and I got my best-so-far ie wyvern health (33 points), stam (28), and... Melee! The egg I grabbed on my last run has FORTY ONE POINT MELEE. Forty. One. It's unpleasantly pink, but I'll just breed that melee onto something less eye-destroyingly bright.

Also, my egg/milk runs were awesome, two times I didn't even lead wyverns away - just led them into the nest spots or those corridors on the sides of the trench and killed them with my wyvern, because a wyvern leveled to 500-something % is a terrifying thing even if it can only bite. That's why I decided to try and get some good eggs and breed the ultimate ice wyvern by the way - if a leveled wild--egg can do that, imagine what something actually good could do!

Also, giga is juvi now, spinos almost juvi, so the three of them are staying out for the night with meat in the mae (for the spinos) and in two tek troughs. Magma also stays out, she has plenty of sulfur in the maewing.

Podded the rest of the babies, and that's all for today.

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(Official, Valguero) Bred dodos (two new muts, but on females, so cracked), yuties (and forgot to pick the eggs up. AGAIN), argents (nothing good), sinos (same), wyverns, tropeos and allos (also same).

Imprinted the giga, he's growing nice. I named him Cobalt. Not exactly the color he is, but "So Blue My Eyes Are About To Explode ARRRGH, why did you have to get a mut so long needed with a color so ugly!" would be a bit long, no? Found a skeleton costume in one of my boxes and painted it, mimicking my proper giga colors(black-brown-dark red), he'll wear it from the moment he reaches adulthood to the day when a new melee mut on top of his stat will happen that will replace him.

Unpodded wyverns, and hatched the new one (so ugly... But that melee!). Also unpodded quetz and argent.

Went to the trench to try for eggs, nearly lost my wyvern because three 150+ at the same time is a bit much. Had to lead them away instead.

Egg-wise there was nothing good, not on that run and not on two or three others I did today.

Got milk, fed the wyverns. Used a maewing to distribute milk - I have, like, 6 growing at the same time, hand-feeding would be a bit annoying at this point.

Later got milk again.

When I was about to end my day, cooldown on the spino and the crystal wyvern finally ended. bred them, eggs aren't staying - spino got bad melee and the wyvern got everything good... Except for stam. Which is, like, most important thing. 4 stam is unacceptable. Also only got one of the colors I wanted.

Podded the wyverns (some of them fully imprinted at this point!) and the quetz, refilled the tek trough, and that's all for today.

Edited by AllOfTheAllos
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(Official, Crystal Isles) Refreshed base, fed trike, made and uploaded a cryopod.

(Official, Extinction) Retrieved the pod, took two hatchets, went to try for a male dust gacha. No such luck. And yes, I understand that finding not just a second dust gacha, but a male one specifically means that my chances are not great. Still gonna keep trying, though. On my way home saw a blue drop and started defending. Waves 0 and 1 were fine, but as I was waiting for the 2 sparks appeared, so I had to abandon it. Long walks under (meteorite) rain are SO not my thing!

(Official, Valguero) Imprinted Cobalt and the magma.

Unpodded quetz and the wyverns.

Moved the now-adult spinos to their parents and bred them all, took off Sapphire's saddle, podded her and recolored the saddle to match Sugar Rush's colors. Bred wyverns, tropeos and argents. No good eggs. Bred quetzals - clean female, stays.

Filled my dust gacha with thatch doors and waited for crystals.

After she ate all the doors I put the element into the vault and went to get milk for the wyverns. Tried to see if there's any good eggs, but nope, highest was 60.

Fed the wyverns (through the maewing).

Went on a chitin run, now my vault is only four stacks away from being full.

Imprinted everything that needed imprints (and tomorrow is Cobalt's last one!), podded wyverns and magma (otherwise she'll probably grow up before her last imprint).

Bred ankylos and sinos, but nothing good there (two new muts on sinos, but neither are on anything good and both are with good stam not inherited).

Cobalt and the quetz (named Mohawk Birb. Look, it's event. Lots of breeding. My imagination is at its limit at this point) are staying out.

(Official, Lost Island) Fed the wyvern.

And that's all for today.


And that wasn't all for today after all, because since I'm still awake I decided to log back on to (Official, Valguero) to give Cobalt his last imprint and add a bit more meat to the trough.

And good thing I did that!

No, the trough was fine. But it turned out I forgot to pod one of the wyverns. It was an older one, with plenty of food, so still alive, but seriously. What was I thinking?

Podded the wyvern, and also noticed that I forgot to turn mating off on allos.

Fixed that, too.

And now, that imprinting, podding, and ensuring there's no unplanned eggs is done, THAT'S all for today.

Edited by AllOfTheAllos
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