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  1. cant say i didnt see it coming. i can, however, say that i HOPE this means you are really taking your time and want to give the fans the true ark experience it was meant to be. not like it affects me anymore since im not upgrading but its fun to watch lol
  2. ...they really are playing the 'ignore it and hope it goes away' card, aren't they? that works for children and ostriches at least, dunno about a multi-million dollar company. i was just waiting to see if they were going to come to a compromise with the servers. apparently theyre not. so today im going to demo all my vaults/cryofridges and just let my base decay. all the servers are dead at this point. ive said it before and i'll say it again; there is NO way that ASA is going to be 'better than ASE', we have a few months until release, have seen nothing, there are STILL no warnings on ASE that the official servers are coming to a close, theyre trying to positive-review bomb the steam page with free copies handed out, it feels like they arent even confident in it, and looking at all that and at the state that ASE is going to be abandoned in doesnt inspire confidence for ASA.
  3. ive already paid for ark and its DLCs once, and if this is the best they have to offer, then i will not be paying for it a second time. scorched only JUST got its ending, after how many years? some maps not even meshed correctly to this day, i can walk right into it and fall out the map without realizing. instead of fixing the issues they add more dlc and more creatures. some of the genesis missions are basically impossible.. ill be here all day if i continue. if you want to spend money on it, fine, waste it how you like - thats the joy of having disposable income. dont insult the people who would rather not pay into all of this crap a second time. and dont pretend like they wont just recycle as much of ASE's code as they can and stitch it all together with hope and a prayer, UE5 was designed to make upgrading as smooth as possible. they are not making a new game and it is not as difficult as making a whole new one from scratch. edit: oh yeah. we are only 4 months away from ASA release with nothing to show for it. expected to pay for something we have no proof even exists at the moment. you know what else had a promised release date, and we never got any gameplay footage or assets, and then was pushed back a whole year? do forgive me for not having faith in our wonderful wildcard developers.
  4. been waiting to see if any word on this but still radio silence i see. ive been thinking, that i seriously do not trust that ASA will even be released on time. as others have said, where is the gameplay? where are the teasers? do we even have any evidence at all? i hope they put out something next crunch. hopefully something that isnt more empty promises. so what, are the servers going to shut down and then, oops! sorry everyone. you have to wait until december for ASA when conveniently sales will be higher? i dont trust it at all.
  5. It is literally the same damn thing. It's not NEW. It's updated graphics and all the bugs and glitches they SHOULD have fixed years and years ago in the base game. And you have to pay $90 for that, and only get it for a year before the next game? No thanks. Cash grab plain and simple. If YOU can't see that, I don't know what to tell you.
  6. Welp. Guess I won't play ark anymore then. Peace out yall ✌️
  7. this thing sound fun as hell, hopefully the taming process is worth it, and i imagine its probably going to be just as much of a pain to breed as giga.
  8. so im guessing thats a skin we can get from defeating the map's boss/es? cool. also , not to sound like an echo here but can we get some info on the easter event soon, please? id like to plan ahead of time so that i can actually enjoy the last time ill get to experience my favorite event on official servers.
  9. you can appreciate the community crunch and still criticize it. these days CCs are nothing that you could not get from a twitter post or two. i appreciate what it originally tried to do but it seems a little pointless to me now and ive long stopped looking forward to the weekly crunches. it IS great that they updated us weekly, i totally agree, but now they dont really have anything to update us on, since they're moving onto ark 2. it should be bi-weekly or even monthly crunches going forward. that way 80% of the post isnt just images and videos from the fanbase to pack the blank space and promises of future content 'soon'.
  10. Yeah cosmetics are nice and all but one of the main reasons I play is for the event colorations, and I know that i'm not the only one. I get that everything ends and while some prior warning would have been nice, I can deal with no more event. But please figure out a way to still allow us to get these event colors on official? Breeding them, while quite do-able, is such a time consuming ambition with server settings. I'm assuming evo events will still be a thing so perhaps you can tack it onto one of those every so often? Otherwise I see little reason to keep playing on official servers. Thats probably what you're aiming for though.
  11. Color me curious with this sanguine elixir. Does it work like biotoxin in keeping a creature unconscious or does it play a more active role in actually taming the creature? Or am I off the mark here completely haha. The stealth mode sounds like it'll be something similar to the rockdrake ability as well? Unfortunately sounds like I wont get to use the carry ability as I play PvE but overall, interesting creature! Looking forward to it and the new map being added.
  12. Its great that you showcase other people's hard work to give them the attention they deserve, it would be even better if you actually had anything at all to say about it instead of simply using images and videos it to bulk up a practically empty, meaningless post? I thought the point of community crunch was to talk about the game itself, let the community in on whats happening. The community corner should be exactly that; one corner of the post. Not the entire thing. If you dont have anything to say then why bother? Skip a week, in that case. Or post to ARKs twitter, dont worry about the word count, if its anything like the last two posts it wont be an issue 👍
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