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So what did you do in ARK today?


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Raised the giga another 0.1%, raised the tek rex a bit too, checked on the loot cave (50-something bary saddle BP. Guess I'll have to tame some baries). Made the shotgun from that awesome BP I got not long ago, it's probably awesome, haven't tested it yet since I don't have any unwanted rex babies right now and they're what I needed the better gun for (my old 140-something just wasn't cutting it anymore). Killed a level 80-something alpha rex, using Wildfire, because he's great at it, needed a bit more EXP, and, unlike my other alpha-killer Nightshade the tek rex, can easily be used to escape the alpha if it's too strong.

Still today from my point of view. Some hours ago I had to pick up the giga egg with less than three hours left on it because my connection was acting like crap again and I wasn't sure I'll be able to get to the giga before it hatches and dies. Now it's okay, so I'll log back in and put it back into the hatchery. Also, while picking it up earlier I bred the gigas again and managed (not from the first try) get the new egg to the hatchery, so that'll be three eggs - surely one of them will hatch into a black-brown-brown giga with dad's 125% melee!

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Took a dinner break after the bronto last night.  When I logged back in I thought about walking the Bronto to my main base.  Jumped on and took a few steps and laughed.  Not gonna happen.  Wow, brontos are slow.  Will come back later with cryopod I think.  Anyway, I took the Therizinos back to my main base,  took the long road to gain a few extra levels.  Found a couple alpha carnos to help the process.

  Jumped on my argy with taming supplies and headed out to find a Yuty.  Spent close to 3 hours flying and killing lesser, unwanted ones. Eventually, fell asleep at the controls.  Woke up to my argy flying forward and dragging his beak through the grass and bushes.  Went to bed.

Woke up this morning to a game update. Waiting to log in.

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Didn't accomplish much, reorganized some stuff, played with my new furry, climbing mount. Killed a 145 carno, a bit tougher with the new bleed.


I DID IT HAHAHAHA! YEAH! FINALLY GOT A 145 FEMALE REX! I'LL STOP WITH THE ALL CAPS! I went around clearing the spawn up by the snow on the beach, looked for rexes and allos, went into the snow itself to look for yuties and megatheirium. Found nothing, I did kill an alpha raptor up there, and for some reason I always save every rex bone helmet skin (even though I think they're really ugly to actually wear), but for once I just tossed it. I was flying to the black sand area, since that's a good rex spawn, plus megatheirium spawn nearby.

As I past the volcano, a pair of rexes caught my eye. A level 10 male, and a 145 female. I have never gasped louder. Killed the level 10, promising her that I could find her a much better mate than that loser, and landed my bird safely, risking his life by putting him on passive. I tossed out my pocket thyla, mounted, and opened fire. She hit way too hard to risk face-tanking, so I kept running around, getting her stuck, shooting, and running again when she got unstuck. The climbing really helped on the steep terrain. She got a bit bloody, due to my mastercraft crossbow, so I let her eat a dead scorpion to heal. Also, rex AI is so weird. She kept running, then coming back for more, until she actually began fleeing. She began to wander into the forest and I kept having to heard her up the open hill. And that's when my crossbow breaks. I switch to my engram-grade longneck, and finish her off.

I brought cooked lamb chops, but while it may be better for bonus levels and prioritized, raw prime is quicker, at the expense of losing two or three levels. I bounced between raw prime, lamb chops, and regular meat, although she thankfully never actually ate any regular, so there would always be something in her inventory, as I hunted down more prime. I never let her get hit once. She tamed up with 7k health, and 359% melee. I'm pretty sure that's a keeper. She looks really cool too, she has a green body and a white backstripe. I'm not leveling her at all, she's a breeder. Now I need a male, and a good saddle blueprint.

Nineteen imprinted, leveled up babies, from her and a male of similar stats, should be able to take the broodmother and megapithicus. A yutyrannus will help with the alpha forms, plus I want at least apprentice saddles for both on alpha. I also want to wait on gamma and beta until I get a good BP, since metal is always a problem for me and I don't want to waste any. I have an anky and some forges on Red Peak, but due to the bug with SP respawns, there's less and less each time. It took forever to farm up enough for a cooker, and nineteen good saddles will take a similar amount, more if anything. I also don't know where to look for good blueprints. If I wasn't restricting myself to the Island, I could get easy loot from the front area of the iceworm cave on Rag.

When I actually beat every story map (which might take forever), I want to make saves of everything, and then start naked again, this time playing in whatever order I feel like, all with the same character. Of course by then, the rumored Ark 2 might be out. I don't know. I'm coming for you, Overseer! One step at a time.

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Added two troughs to the corner of base that I use for raising dinos. Now I'm truly prepared to raise a giga.


Second giga egg hatched, mother's colors+father's stats inherited, great. It's a female. I'll raise her, unless the next one hatches a giga with same stats and colors, except male, as I'm better at naming male dinos.

Third egg hatched, dad's melee and weight (which is all that matters, really. The rest of their stats aren't all that different), mom's colors, MALE! That's the one I'll raise, and imprint, and name something cool once he's old enough for me to be completely sure of his survival.


Aaand I got disconnected. He'll probably die.


He died. Starved to death. Other two eggs still are far from hatching. Couldn't that tiny disconnect happen when I had something less important unfrozen, like the one with perfect colors but wrong stats?


Checked on the loot cave (everything but the blue crate was already taken, in the blue crate was a 156 shotgun, which I ground for resources because the one I made from blueprint is better anyway), added some more rows to the extended part of wall, put a few fence foundations in the gaps between cliffs, will put railings there later.

Gave the rex a stack of kibble to munch on, with that and, at the very least, 120 stacks of cooked meat in the troughs, he'll be fine on his own for quite a while. Logged off.

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Went searching for Yutis.  No luck.  Only found a few and all low level.  Took the anky out of cryopod and grabbed metal before heading back to base.  I've learned to keep the anky with me now when I go Yuti searching so I can get something from travelling so far north.  I hate coming back empty handed.  

Spent some time near base gathering other resources for saddles.  Made a couple theri saddles.  Hatched a couple more eggs.  Imprinted and started levelling new Therizinos.  Now have 15.  And I can see light at the end of the tunnel.  My dragon army is almost there.... just need a dang Yuti.

Went Yuti searching again.  Only found two this time.  Too small to keep again.  Killed them both.  Getting frustrated that Yutes are not respawning like they should.  Found a red drop with a flak armor chestpiece with armor rating of 969.  Good find.  And just before I pulled out the anky I saw a 140 Megatherium.  I dismissed the anky and metal and flew back to base for superior kibble.  Returned to find her right where I left her.  So I kited her to a taming pen I had previously built awhile ago (fairly close) and got the job done.  She has average stats in health, stamina, and weight, but ranked very high in Damage according to Dododex calculator.  I already beat the Brood Mother with rexes but still very happy to get a high level sloth.  Something else to play with later in the swamp cave.

Returned to base, re-organized the gear and went out for honey and sap.  Started making veggie cakes for the dragon fight.

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24 minutes ago, DodoRaptor said:


Didn't accomplish much, reorganized some stuff, played with my new furry, climbing mount. Killed a 145 carno, a bit tougher with the new bleed.


I DID IT HAHAHAHA! YEAH! FINALLY GOT A 145 FEMALE REX! I'LL STOP WITH THE ALL CAPS! I went around clearing the spawn up by the snow on the beach, looked for rexes and allos, went into the snow itself to look for yuties and megatheirium. Found nothing, I did kill an alpha raptor up there, and for some reason I always save every rex bone helmet skin (even though I think they're really ugly to actually wear), but for once I just tossed it. I was flying to the black sand area, since that's a good rex spawn, plus megatheirium spawn nearby.

As I past the volcano, a pair of rexes caught my eye. A level 10 male, and a 145 female. I have never gasped louder. Killed the level 10, promising her that I could find her a much better mate than that loser, and landed my bird safely, risking his life by putting him on passive. I tossed out my pocket thyla, mounted, and opened fire. She hit way too hard to risk face-tanking, so I kept running around, getting her stuck, shooting, and running again when she got unstuck. The climbing really helped on the steep terrain. She got a bit bloody, due to my mastercraft crossbow, so I let her eat a dead scorpion to heal. Also, rex AI is so weird. She kept running, then coming back for more, until she actually began fleeing. She began to wander into the forest and I kept having to heard her up the open hill. And that's when my crossbow breaks. I switch to my engram-grade longneck, and finish her off.

I brought cooked lamb chops, but while it may be better for bonus levels and prioritized, raw prime is quicker, at the expense of losing two or three levels. I bounced between raw prime, lamb chops, and regular meat, although she thankfully never actually ate any regular, so there would always be something in her inventory, as I hunted down more prime. I never let her get hit once. She tamed up with 7k health, and 359% melee. I'm pretty sure that's a keeper. She looks really cool too, she has a green body and a white backstripe. I'm not leveling her at all, she's a breeder. Now I need a male, and a good saddle blueprint.

Nineteen imprinted, leveled up babies, from her and a male of similar stats, should be able to take the broodmother and megapithicus. A yutyrannus will help with the alpha forms, plus I want at least apprentice saddles for both on alpha. I also want to wait on gamma and beta until I get a good BP, since metal is always a problem for me and I don't want to waste any. I have an anky and some forges on Red Peak, but due to the bug with SP respawns, there's less and less each time. It took forever to farm up enough for a cooker, and nineteen good saddles will take a similar amount, more if anything. I also don't know where to look for good blueprints. If I wasn't restricting myself to the Island, I could get easy loot from the front area of the iceworm cave on Rag.

When I actually beat every story map (which might take forever), I want to make saves of everything, and then start naked again, this time playing in whatever order I feel like, all with the same character. Of course by then, the rumored Ark 2 might be out. I don't know. I'm coming for you, Overseer! One step at a time.

Nice job, DodoRaptor!  Congrats on the Rex.  The only place I have found a Rex BP is the swamp cave in the Redwoods.  If you have not done that one yet, be sure to go prepared with probably 3 sets of scuba or gask masks.  I had to do the cave probably 15-20 times before getting the BP.  Wouldn't hurt to watch some videos on that one too.  Pretty tough especially if you go in blind.  I have heard some people say the underwater caves have rex BP as well.  But don't expect to find any in regular surface drops. Never happens as far as I know. 

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Today I finished building the wall of the expanded part of my base and taking down the old part. Also, one of the giga eggs is 9 hours from hatching. Won't make the mistake of trying to raise it in the evening again: when it hatches, I'll pod it and only unpod at some time when there isn't as much risk of disconnect.

Just checked on the loot cave again and! Finally! Good loot! A rex saddle BP. 71.8. Far as I know, that's a boss-grade kinda saddle. I'm not planning to ever do bosses, but I DO plan to get my tek rexes somewhere close to boss-killer stats, so it's great that by the time that happens I'll already have what to put on them. Also, just have to get at-least-a-bit-better-than-basic giga BP now that I no longer have to look for a good rex one.

Finally done with the elevator! I've been building it for a long time. Not because it's all that hard, I'm just lazy. But now it's done (well, functionally done. The aesthetic thingies like railings and stuff remain to be added, but at least I can now get to and from my workshop without using a flyer).

New giga hatched, mother's colors except for belly, mother's melee, female. Froze her. I decided to just freeze all the gigas I hatch. Once I run out of space in the baby fridge, I'll pick the best one/s for raising and make the rest into some meat and EXP.


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I'm being entertained by this since I can't play....

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.19041.1 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Logs\Dump-1572159040.dmp]
User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is: 
Windows 10 Version 18362 MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS Personal
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Sun Aug  2 14:59:58.000 2020 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: not available
Process Uptime: 0 days 0:11:55.000
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(2bfc.18dc): Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)
For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
00007fff`e46dde04 c3              ret
0:080> !analyze -v
*                                                                             *
*                        Exception Analysis                                   *
*                                                                             *


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.Sec
    Value: 1

    Key  : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP
    Value: Create: 8007007e on CUBE-PC

    Key  : Analysis.DebugData
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.DebugModel
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec
    Value: 7

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 304

    Key  : Analysis.System
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Timeline.Process.Start.DeltaSec
    Value: 715

CONTEXT:  (.ecxr)
rax=736e696b6e654a32 rbx=00000196be443d00 rcx=5c656e69676e455c
rdx=525c656372756f53 rsi=000000328267ec28 rdi=00007ff76101e0f0
rip=00007fffe19ba799 rsp=000000328267c5b0 rbp=000000328267e830
 r8=00007fffe19a1e3b  r9=3032203a656e694c r10=00007fffe4693550
r11=0000c95ccbdeeac5 r12=00000196f54deda0 r13=0000000000000000
r14=00007ff7607ba480 r15=00007ff7605b952c
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000202
00007fff`e19ba799 0f1f440000      nop     dword ptr [rax+rax]
Resetting default scope

ExceptionAddress: 00007fffe19ba799 (KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x0000000000000069)
   ExceptionCode: 00000001
  ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 0

PROCESS_NAME:  ShooterGame.exe



00000032`8267c5b0 00007ff7`5e8511e5 : 00000196`be443d00 00000032`8267ec28 43e10000`4447ffff 3f800000`80000000 : KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69
00000032`8267c690 00007ff7`5ec286a0 : 00000000`887a0005 00000017`00000017 00007ff7`607c2400 00000000`887a0006 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x62c4d5
00000032`8267e6f0 00007ff7`5ec288ac : 00000196`f54deda0 00000000`00000000 00007ff7`605b952c 00000195`90e70de0 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0xa03990
00000032`8267e730 00007ff7`5ec18193 : 00000000`887a0005 00007ff7`5fe28801 00000195`aec20070 00000032`8267eb38 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0xa03b9c
00000032`8267ea20 00007ff7`5ec17f37 : 00000065`a5f849f2 00000000`000013ab 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x9f3483
00000032`8267eae0 00007ff7`5fe44c2e : 00000000`000013ab 00000000`00000000 00000032`8267ec30 00000195`b5640000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x9f3227
00000032`8267eb30 00007ff7`5fe20e34 : 00000196`becccd20 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000196`becccd20 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x1c1ff1e
00000032`8267eda0 00007ff7`5fe21213 : 00000195`aec204f8 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`0879b801 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x1bfc124
00000032`8267f310 00007ff7`5fe270ba : 00007ff7`60fc3b48 00000195`b5640000 00000196`beccc000 00007ff7`5e86fc00 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x1bfc503
00000032`8267f3a0 00007ff7`5fe27e8b : 00000196`b12a6e40 00007ff7`60fc3b48 00000196`b12a6e01 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x1c023aa
00000032`8267f490 00007ff7`5fd39235 : 00000032`8267f630 00000196`c8d4a200 00007ff7`00000003 00000196`b12a6e40 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x1c0317b
00000032`8267f530 00007ff7`5fe1ee5f : 00000196`b12a6e40 00007ff7`5cb98bbc 00000196`b12a6e40 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x1b14525
00000032`8267f740 00007ff7`5fe36972 : 00000000`00000000 00000195`96c31000 00000196`c8d4a200 00000195`96c31000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x1bfa14f
00000032`8267f7e0 00007ff7`5e7bf698 : 00000195`bcd41b00 00000000`00000000 00000196`c8d4a200 00000195`96c31000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x1c11c62
00000032`8267f810 00007ff7`5e7be84d : 00000195`96c31000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 ffffffff`fffffff8 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x59a988
00000032`8267f8a0 00007ff7`5ec960b9 : 00000195`abc70380 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x599b3d
00000032`8267f8d0 00007ff7`5ec964b0 : 00000000`00000000 00007fff`e19e306d 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0xa713a9
00000032`8267f900 00007ff7`5e8a2086 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0xa717a0
00000032`8267f940 00007ff7`5e8a1f48 : 00000195`9f931110 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x67d376
00000032`8267f970 00007fff`e2eb7bd4 : 00000195`9f931110 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ShooterGame!opus_repacketizer_init+0x67d238
00000032`8267f9b0 00007fff`e46ace51 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14
00000032`8267f9e0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21

SYMBOL_NAME:  shootergame!opus_repacketizer_init+62c4d5

MODULE_NAME: ShooterGame

IMAGE_NAME:  ShooterGame.exe

STACK_COMMAND:  ~80s ; .ecxr ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  APPLICATION_FAULT_1_ShooterGame.exe!opus_repacketizer_init

OS_VERSION:  10.0.18362.1

BUILDLAB_STR:  19h1_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {efb5faf9-f92a-a2df-41ae-b8c235d6d0fd}

Followup:     MachineOwner


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Today I accomplished hardly anything. I traveled the whole island looking for a baryonyx, since I'm ready to get into the underwater areas. I planned to use the baryonyx to help me find and tame a high-level basi, with one of those and SCUBA, finding one and being able to kill the mantas is practically a guarantee by Herbivore Island. I also kept an eye out for sarcos and megalodon, those could also work. I ALSO kept an eye out for a good male rex, megatheirium, and yutyrannus. I found three 90 and one 100 megatheirium, not pure crap, but not boss quality. I did find a 145 megalodon, and a 120, but my thyla wasn't much help for KOing them, since he's not a great swimmer, and we kept needing to go to land for stamina. Megalodons, for some reason, spontaneously run away when you get too shallow, not just lose aggro, they literally RUN the other way. It was just too hard. Best bary out there is level 75. There is a 110 sarco floating around somewhere. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow. Maybe try the upper south cave with Strawberry. Any suggestions for how to obtain a basi? Level is no object, I'm already 96 (yes you read that right, 96 and no boss kills), and I can scrape together enough of pretty much any resource.

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23 minutes ago, AllOfTheAllos said:

Is it considered weird? I'm 102 on my main character and haven't even though about doing the bosses myself.

Not that weird, but I'm trying to do the story maps in order, which means beating the bosses is a big priority for me. Everyone plays differently, but since I've been trying to get there for a long time it's a bit more concerning.

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Today I unfroze and killed five tek rexes: Beast, Strongjaw (male), Tilla, Ella and Hope (female). I no longer have use for them since Beast is an old breeder with only one mutation (health) and I won't be using that anymore as the one I have half-grown right now has more (3 health, 1 melee), and the females and Strongjaw were only needed to combine the mutations on a same male, so won't be using them anymore either. Froze Draco (current but almost former male breeding rex), will kill him at some point too, but not now. That left me with a nice amount of scrap metal, 4 freshly emptied cryopods, and no regrets because even though I named them, I didn't get attached. Now the only rex in the fridge for adult dinos is Jotunn - he's tamed so clean by default, which is why he stays, in case some female rex in the future is born with a useful mutation.

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It could have been an amazing day. It could have. While looking for high-level baryonyx, I found a 130 yuty and a 150 megatheirium. I un-cryoed Strawberry, not believing my luck. I went for the sloth. The yuty was far enough away to not be a concern. I laid into it with my crossbow. When it started running, it kept going into the water, swimming around for ages, and finally coming back out. Where did the Overseer find it, a ceral box? It got pretty bloody, so I switched to longneck, but when I ran out of tranq darts I had to switch back. I used my magnifying glass to check its health. Finally I got to the point where I had to wait for it to heal for each shot. Its torpor went down too fast for this to be viable. From what I've seen, megatheirium have slow torpor drop, does it go down faster while awake? Many a survivor in my position would just go back to CI after an incident like that. Not me. I will return, this time with more longneck ammo! I swear it! 

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Hello guys,
I'm a beginner... sort of. It's the first time I'm playing ARK and after some local gaming I've decided to move to a dedicated server (which is still running locally) and found that improves stability. Still got my share of crashes, but most of the time I can get back to the game at the same spot that I left. I've mostly tamed herbivores like Trikes and Stegos so far. Haven't got any of the more useful or more powerful (in terms of fighting power) Dinos yet, and such progress is slow. Despite running on my own server, I find I still need to revert to some saved game every now and then when misfortune strikes. Most often in terms of lost dinos. Yes, lost... not killed, but just lost. Today, after I had a failed attempt at luring / kiting a therazino into my first taming pen, I noticed that one of my oldest (earliest) tames and much beloved trike is missing. I scouted the area, first my base (where I was sure he had to be) and then the surroundings, but it's nowhere to be found. Another victim of bad path-finding, I suppose. It's really beyond my understanding how a creature that can knock over trees with ease can get stuck on a tree. And then, if it is, it has to be found somewhere... unless it died, of course. But that would be visible in the tribe-summary.
It's only a few days ago when I had taken out my unicorn for a spin (yeah, really got one of these rare creatures. So proud of it.) and when I dismounted and went a few steps away, it ran off into nowhere land. I spent an hour or two scouting the area without finding it. Another case of where I resorted to a saved game (previous server state). A bit later it happened again, but that time I was able to find it. The second time I saw the creature zooming over the plains (yes, I deliberately didn't say running, because it didn't move it's legs. It was just "zooming" over the place in impossible speed).

Well, I guess I won't revert the server because of my trike. Although it really hurts, since he was among my first tames I ever did. And ever means ever, since this is the first time I'm playing ark at all. Once I get electronics, I'll put transponders on all my mains... Unfortunately that'll be awhile.

For now, have fun guys ;)



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Tamed a gallimimus. Wild level 130, tamed as perfectly as possible on kibble. Named him Oswald. Natural colors are kinda meh, so I painted him full white, then drew red stripes on his legs starting at the knee and a black (well, what passes for black in ARK) raccoon-like mask across his eyes, which I then extended to the tip of upper jaw. Looks cooler that way.

Also, today's visit to the loot cave rewarded me with an ascendant phiomia 86 armor saddle BP. Guess God of Crops will be wearing better stuff than my main rex does.

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And today's events:

Yet another giga hatched as a female and with mother's 70% melee. Froze her. Decided to raise my first one instead (or unless a perfect one hatches next), he also has mom's stats, but at least he's male.

Tough is almost adult, in a few hours he'll take his place among my tek rex breeders. 3 troughs in the "raising corner" instead of just one really made raising him a lot easier, I barely ever had to add new meat, mostly just restacked what was already in there. Not sure why I haven't added them before.

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14 hours ago, Eleusius said:

Hello guys,
I'm a beginner... sort of. It's the first time I'm playing ARK and after some local gaming I've decided to move to a dedicated server (which is still running locally) and found that improves stability. Still got my share of crashes, but most of the time I can get back to the game at the same spot that I left. I've mostly tamed herbivores like Trikes and Stegos so far. Haven't got any of the more useful or more powerful (in terms of fighting power) Dinos yet, and such progress is slow. Despite running on my own server, I find I still need to revert to some saved game every now and then when misfortune strikes. Most often in terms of lost dinos. Yes, lost... not killed, but just lost. Today, after I had a failed attempt at luring / kiting a therazino into my first taming pen, I noticed that one of my oldest (earliest) tames and much beloved trike is missing. I scouted the area, first my base (where I was sure he had to be) and then the surroundings, but it's nowhere to be found. Another victim of bad path-finding, I suppose. It's really beyond my understanding how a creature that can knock over trees with ease can get stuck on a tree. And then, if it is, it has to be found somewhere... unless it died, of course. But that would be visible in the tribe-summary.
It's only a few days ago when I had taken out my unicorn for a spin (yeah, really got one of these rare creatures. So proud of it.) and when I dismounted and went a few steps away, it ran off into nowhere land. I spent an hour or two scouting the area without finding it. Another case of where I resorted to a saved game (previous server state). A bit later it happened again, but that time I was able to find it. The second time I saw the creature zooming over the plains (yes, I deliberately didn't say running, because it didn't move it's legs. It was just "zooming" over the place in impossible speed).

Well, I guess I won't revert the server because of my trike. Although it really hurts, since he was among my first tames I ever did. And ever means ever, since this is the first time I'm playing ark at all. Once I get electronics, I'll put transponders on all my mains... Unfortunately that'll be awhile.

For now, have fun guys ;)



Eleusius, I'm not sure exactly what is causing your dinos to run away.  But one thing to check when you find them... make sure you don't accidentally have them set to "follow" one of your other tames.  If so, they will seek out the other dino after you dismount.

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Today was...odd. I tamed the 150, with help from Dododex. I used a pen and darts, and safely kocked her out. Unfortunately, her health is miserable. 3.7k, yikes! She does have high melee, 325%. If I can find a male with good health, I can try to get her melee and his health on a male and female, and breed those. I still am glad I tamed her.

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Today I forgot about the giga egg and it hatched without me. Well, considering my luck, it was probably yet another female with mom's melee, so no big loss.

Visited the loot cave, got a 198.2 simple pistol mastercraft BP, the rest was unremarkable.

Led Tough to the tek rex females he'll be banging until a male with another health or melee mutation hatches.

Found that Wildfire wasn't sitting in my base, luckily he didn't fly too far, just chilled on the beach on the shore opposite of me, so retrieving him was easy.

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Last time I logged in, I was in a bit of a rush because I had to go back to work and ended up dying and losing my best ptera in a series of unfortunate events in the snow Biome. When I went back with my least favourite argy, I had to fight off a kapro, purlovia and alpha carno. I quickly hopped off the argy and grabbed the stuff from my corpse, and landed on a tall iceberg to recharge stam and let me lower my heart rate from all the excitement. 

i guess I was out of practice, or just not paying attention, but I ended up dumping all my fur armour into the water instead of equipping it (pressing the wrong Xbox button). 

So today I spent my time repenting for my sins by hunting down pelt-dropping dinos and making the armour again. 

I need a pelt farm, that’s my next task. 

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Didn't get to play much the last couple of days. Life got in the way. Anyway, I played some this morning and now have 17 Therizinos imprinted and dressed with a 207 armor saddle.  They are leveled to a minimum of 35k health and 2000 melee.  Some are 50k+ health and 3000+ melee.  I will hatch, saddle, and level one more (perhaps tonight) to make an army of 18.  

My efforts to find a high level Yuty has been disappointing.  Today, I lowered my expectations and grabbed a wild 75. It tamed up to a 112.  It is the highest one I have found in a couple weeks. She is my plan B if nothing else better comes along before I dance with the dragon.  I really just need her to scream her heart out and keep those Therizinos moving forward.  However, I will still pump those stats before the fight. The only Yuty saddle BP I have requires 4300 silica pearls on top of everything else.  So I am heading to the beach next to start gathering.  I also have a few beds in some small water caves where they spawn and will be visiting those too.

I found a 145 female rex in the black sand, just outside my base and couldn't look away.  When compared to my breeding Rex pair, She has same Health, with better Stamina and Weight... but the Melee is worse. I will toss her into the mix later.

Industrial Grinder is also on my list of things to do.  I am tired of tossing good gear because I no longer have sufficient storage.  I might as well get something back for the 'yet another frog saddle that I will never use'.   Seriously, three or four cabinets of SPARE saddles and five cabinets of SPARE armor is enough I think.

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@Penguin73 Thanks for bothering. I know why it happens - I set some of them to flee, because I want them to stay out of a fight. However if they just "vanish", it's no use to set them to flee. Same problem with wandering. If you don't keep an eye on a wandering dino (or have them wandering only in a fenced area), they will wander off and never be seen again. However, all this is not true with the trike I lost during my last episode. I suppose he just got stuck on something during the last expedition I did with him. This theme, however, happened quite often when I went out with an expedition party and when I turn around half of them guys is missing. Then I scout back and collect whatever I can find of the team.


Yesterdays report is late, because the servers were down. Well, let me start with a question. All of you guys seem sort of advanced, while I'm like the new kid on the block telling you tales which you probably already know. So - do you actually want to read this?

Ok. now what happened last? I found a relatively high-level trike (for my standards at least) and decided I'd take that instead of my lost one. Well - I should have planned that one better. The taming attempt was so badly set up that I failed miserably, fleeing back into my base where the trike was immediately slaughtered (I couldn't close the gates in time) and caused so much havoc that I spent about half an hour sorting things out afterwards. During that sorting I did make another tour around the base to pick up the scattered dodos and other dinos and to my very very surprise I found my old and beloved trike sitting just two stories below my base. Now, don't tell me he's always been there. I've made that round a dozen times before and he never was there. Just for some unknown reason the game had decided to spawn him in at that place again. So despite failing to get a better trike, I got what I wanted and I'm happy.

Other than that, I harvested some resources (still have to do most by hand except berries). Nothing spectecular (well, I had had my spectaculum with the failed taming).

I really need to learn to kite those dinos into the pen before messing with them.

Anyways... heads up guys. Have fun.

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