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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2024 in all areas

  1. Guys, this is plum ridiculous.... Yall have got to tone this thing down, I can't even type items that are IN GAME into filter boxes to make quick inventory adjustments.... I cant type "the" or LOL... even "Code of Conduct" is censored... Cant type COOKED MEAT or even capitalize vault names like "Fiber" or "Thatch" and most other common and completely PG and PC words... We need a way to disable it per player, make it default at log in... IDC, but allow us to disable it completely, once in game... Something has got to give on this...
    1 point
  2. Also the cryos are an issue. People pillar spam with cryo fridges now. Just looks tacky. But that's more of a personal opinion.
    1 point
  3. Found an Ark 2 easter egg in a hidden cave on Scorched Earth that contains a lot of cave wall paintings seen in the Ark 2 trailer and the Ark 2 logo image.
    1 point
  4. Lightning is certainly strongest for damage of special ability however fire is faster and the main thing in pvp will be picking so fire can pick someone and move around quicker so I would say fire is best.
    1 point
  5. Lightening is the strongest of all of them. I have no luck with poison wyvern, somehow manage to kill myself when using its poison attack, bounces off a rock and kills me. The fire wyvern is okay but definitely would breed Lightenings for their power.
    1 point
  6. stop demonizing me wanting to get an option for us working players. No kid left behind.... Im not saying get rid of farming and the "grind" im just saying please take my money so i can have a little more than the people on benefits playing all dang day. Only people it would hurt are the black market dealers. Im guessing you have a RMT discord and its a threat lmao! For real, explain to me how its going to negatively affect the casual player? The only people that are feeling the grippy sock are the people trying to create an illegal third party discord marketplace! Its my opinion that you are a greedy discord seller and don't want to have your prices go down cause more people would be buying! PvP will get a huge boost cause nobody will have the full control of servers, so WC and Snail wont be wasting money on a one person server cause they spammed the hell out of it. PvE players will get the option to explore more tek with a new way to get the end game materials. There currently is a lack of available resources to farm in game cause benefit players are hogging all the spawns and timing the re spawn out to keep it locked. Guessing thats you! The extra money from real micro transactions will help get Ark 2 going and keep ASA up and running instead of closing it. Its common sense that a money making platform wouldn't be thrown away. p2w is a word flung around to scare people. unknown low tier games that went down did for unknown reasons and using them as your argument is a bad filler broskii. so far all the MAJOR titles ive seen that have battle passes and in game RMT stores are all up and running in this inflated world so they are doing it right. WC/Snail would do well to tap into that market and start hitting us with some phat surprise goodies. We will show our support! Im waiting to see that reply from ya! Please don't disappoint me with senseless nu uh spam.
    1 point
  7. I knew Xiph would be the one to join cerato, as it's the only one out of all the 10 that's going to be a 1:1 conversion (safe for the variant which is not coming to base game ). Anyway, happy to see what to expect next week (assuming it doesn't get delayed).
    1 point
  8. People with benefits??? So youre suggesting only poor people want an environment in game that rewards putting in the work to build up a base or breeding lines legit? What a horrible, arrogant statement. I make a comfortable living and I wouldn't dream of paying a dime to buy something that can be earned in-game. It's the principle, not the price. Struggle builds character. Failure is a learning experience that makes you better. When you can bypass all that by plunking down a few bucks, it takes all the reward out of any accomplishment you have in the game. P2W is never healthy for a game. Look at the massive backlash Tarkov has received for their abhorrent recent practices with that ridiculous 250$ p2w edition. My god I hope no one like you ever gets put in charge of this game. What a distorted outlook. Want to wipe someone's base? No problem just pay us 50 bucks for some c4 and soakers! What a joke.
    1 point
  9. This is slow and if you think fights are "fast" I don't think we are playing the same game.
    0 points
  10. Really because everything I run from catches me as soon as I'm out of my 400 stamina unless I got lucky uneough to run through a small hole. Did you play the old one, Movement speed was a must and yes fights were crazy. That was ark. What is weight gonna do, I can be empty and still have the same issue. Their aggro is a long distance and almost all creatures are right behind you while you are running away. Idk what you are talking about at all.
    0 points
  11. I don't understand why Wildcard completely ignore people complaining about optimizations in this game, here but also in Steam, the only PC platform where they sell the game, the reviews page is a blood bath. Not even a Twitter/X post to say that they heard players and will address those issues. I bought ASA in EA day one to actually support the studio, not played much because of immersion breaking perfs issues and when we bring feedback we're getting ignored. Don't count on me to buy any DLC nor Ark 2 if things don't change. I love this game, so sad things turned that way....
    0 points
  12. you are already faster than most creatures! the speed should be reduced it makes no sense that a human is faster than a carnotaur or an allosaurus, not to mention the damage to pvp if the speed were increased already now the melee fights are ridiculous, if you want to lose most of the creatures you just need to upgrade their vigor and weight
    0 points
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