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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2023 in all areas

  1. You must always see the bright side in any misfortune. Wiping official servers can be liberating people from the Ark addiction. Somehow, I've always had a strange bond with the Ark with what I collected on the official PVE. Now I'm faced with a choice... to continue my addiction or quit for good. Wildcard's risky approach.
    2 points
  2. This. Scummy as it is they're technically legally in the right as other features and modes work. Morally however I find it repugnant that they haven't at least put up an in game notice seeing as most of their players likely don't follow them on twitter or use StA to see these updates
    2 points
  3. I hope so. Especially have them buy it and find themselves still banned after buying would be satisfying.
    2 points
  4. Also what was the point in bringing out LDL servers when your just going to wipe everything?
    1 point
  5. I never thought I'd actually get to watch a dumpster fire quite like Studio Wildcard, I'm both quite entertained by the dramatic amount of backlash from the community that you people are fu**ing over, but also very sad and depressed over all that will be lost from my hard work over the years I been playing. And I'm sure next crunch will be just as much of a let down as these last 3, though for all we know, somebody may eventually pull their head out their rear end and actually listen to the feedback...
    1 point
  6. It really does suck doesn't it? Why are they leaving it to the players to do this for them? Is the few quick bucks really worth it? Worst part is I can totally see snail getting them to say "well we did tell people! You just had to look out our websites and social media that most of you never cared about!"
    1 point
  7. and have that invalidate the refund policy so they are stuck with a worthless product they cant return.
    1 point
  8. "Oh you are waiting for our answers to previous community crunches backlash? here is a bug. please forget what happen and give us your money" -Studio WIld Card
    1 point
  9. So no way you save a portion of official? Servers amount were never a problem since 2019 last partial legacy shutdown.. What about poor console players, will they able to download and play the official server saves? No other words about concerns regarding overwolf, multiplatform issues (Sony/Microsoft bits for undedicated)... all concerning unofficial? 😕 Nothing else... nothing? 😕 Any change to get code of ASE on github on Epic Unreal Engine like way?
    1 point
  10. (Official PVE, Lost Island), (Official PVE, Fjordur), (Official PVE, Crystal Isles) - fed dinos. Servers are running better due to bases decaying. Never thought I'd be sad about getting better FPS than usual. (Official PVE, Valguero) Fed dinos even though there was still enough meat in the trough. Checked generator - still fine. Probably would last a month at minimum without refills. Bred wyverns, raptors and velonas. Velona stays - black on one of the regions, want to see it. Didn't breed carchars, turns out I forgot to disable mating on them the last time so none were ready. That's all for today.
    1 point
  11. Lmao, you don't get it: price is the last and minor issue. Getting paid for work is legit thing (if price is legit too!). The main issues are others. Official shutdown Total official shutdown is like forcing users to buy the game, despite ASE still selling good and getting new players activation daily. This also kills owners of old gen consoles that cannot even download and keep the server saves. You NEVER cared about server status: never a server review after 2019 with the partial shutdown of legacy. You opened always new servers even for unplayed maps. And now you are telling those resources are all needed for a game that still doesn't exists even on preorder and that will face 1-2 maps only at begin? This is a mockery. FIX: Keep Official alive until it is played. Do a server review, do it seriously, say what server have to close for being un-played, allowing people to move giving a decent amount of time. Do this review every 6-9-12 months until really those servers are all unpopulated and you decide to shutdown ASE. And please note that a lot of official players quitted now for your previous disastrous community crunch. Overwolf Overwolf is a piece of crapware slowing down system, eating resources. Paid mods will kill unofficial with players having to pay both slots and mods. Instead, mod.io initial choice was far better choice. FIX: Toss off overwolf and go back to mod.io. Multiplatform Multiplatform is just a sex toy for monkey streamers to get more viewers: it will only add tons of issues about cheating, account login issues, patch deployment issues (pc vs consoles certification process). This also put a dark shadows against unofficial and dedicated server runtimes: microsoft and sony don't like non-nda users dealing with their account and login platforms. You tried it with SOTF and didn't work (pad vs mouse&keyboard). FIX: Toss off multiplatform. It didn’t work with SOTF (mouse vs keyboard) and brings only deployment issues. Nobody really cares nor asked about this. Or if you really wanna do it, don't put it as default choice and on official servers. Your behaviour toward community You totally lack of any real sign of respect towards your community: lies, mocking, total silence hoping people will forget Now you say you changed again idea about your future econmical income? All these are proofs you aren't serious on your work and intentions. You are even able to sincerely ask sorry for those that will lose years of supporting your game. All this "we al learning" agile poop paradigm is just the iceberg peak of your total fail on this. ARK Survival Evolved is sold as an mmo, at least on Steam. In a mmo there are 2 really important aspect a developer must consider: servers review and community respect. For 7 years you clearly totally showed you do not care about these 2 things. FIX: Ask sorry. Really and sincerely. And stop using players as beta tester. Provide beta releases and servers for that.
    1 point
  12. i got betrayed in ark yesterday my tribe killed me and kill all my favorite tames wich i had on me and forced me to watch saying i dont know disapile when i was the one who got all the tames we had
    0 points
  13. I am interested to know, will globally bans from ARK 1 and SoTF stay in Ark Survival Ascended?
    0 points
  14. Think this would burn less if we were allowed to download our dinosaurs off official into single player. There is no reason why this couldn't be allowed. If you say it's because cheaters might abuse it, who cares what the cheaters do now there will be no official servers soon. Reworded, we don't want to buy the upgraded version of Ark because you, Wildcard, will just do this again to us in five to ten years. We on pve want to save our dinosaurs. If we cannot trust you to help us save our dinos we invested time in and see the pve'er's viewpoint, which is to save our work not destroy it, how can we trust you wont do this to us yet again? There is no point in playing a game that does not let you save your work. I played official not because I liked official. I played it to keep my dinos safe. That is why I endured five years of stinky rates I hated. I'm happy you are making an upgrade. But you just don't care about my past work so I cannot trust you in the future. If I don't buy the upgrade it isn't because I wasn't willing to spend money on Ark. It will be because you don't respect my pve mindset. There is no point in pve if Wildcard pvp's you. You killed my dinosaurs. You, Wildcard.
    0 points
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