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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2018 in Posts

  1. I did a lot of breed to get my best stats on my Tek Rex : -> 12.900 HP -> 431.6% attack -> 2300 stam (kinda badd I know) AND to got theses color on it I just love him, he's my new favorite Dino ❤️ But my old friend the spinosaur is now alone, I'll never forget you ;_;
    3 points
  2. Aimed for raising some wyverns tonight. Started off by taming up a pair of parasaurs for the kibble farm while I waited for daytime. Then it was off to the wyvern trench to farm up some wyvern milk. Knocking out the wyverns was a bit more sketchy than I would have liked. There seemed to be a bit of a wyvern shortage so I had to resort to targeting female lightning wyverns which I prefer to avoid and also the wyverns were higher levels than I would have liked. I usually aim for fires and poisons with a preference of low level fire wyverns as they are the least likely to kill you with a well aimed shot. There was one dodgey moment when I was trying to knock out a 180 female fire wyvern (I was desperate) in the trap, where I didnt clock a straggler poison wyvern which was still aggroed on me from the last egg I nicked, nearly killed me. Destroyed most of my armour and I have no idea how the poison shot didnt kill me. Apart from the knocking out shenanigans, I got a 175 fire egg so was pretty happy with that and got 5 wyverns worth of milk, more than enough with spares. Flew back to base and hatched up the 175 fire as well as the 180 lightning and 190 poison. Was pleased with the fire colour (Spitfire) love the red, but I wasnt sold on the other two. The lightning (named it Zekrom) is a bit dark for my liking, I prefer vibrant blue colours. I dont think its an event colour although maybe it is. The posions (as of yet unnamed) is definatly an event colour and while it is cool being what looks pure black, it was kinda ruined by that stunning black and white posion I saw in the trench about 30 minutes earlier. So I let them grow up and 100% imprinted them before logging of for the night. Fun times not even a single dashboard tonight, well done xbox !
    2 points
  3. Yesterday we spent our play time looking for 2 things, a male allo and a tek rex. We started off on the island in search of the allo. There were a few spots near eachother that we new allos spawned so we would kill everything in one section and move to the next, and keep going back and forth. We were just about to give up when my wife spotted a pack on the edge of the snow, and the leader was a 202 male. So I fly over and manage to kite it to our pen and loose his pack in the process. Tranq it and prime tame it. Next we decided to head over to SE to look for tek rex. Theres a spot that guarentees 2 or 3 rex spawns at a time. I craft up enough scorp kibble for 2 max lvl and we hop on the megasloths and we head to the spot. We end up killing a good 30 or 40 rex before a tek rex finally spawns. It was only lvl 37, but I didnt care. We tamed it and got it to then island. Our finaly thing for yesterday was to breed the allos and megasloths (me on the island . My wife with the allos, my wife on SE with the sloth. I get twin allos abd my wife gets a female sloth. The allos finish with a 100% imprint. We had to log with the sloth at 70%, I thought a sloth had more then enough hp/food to finish out growing but I was wrong. Logged in this morning and it had starved Next time we will stay afk on a chair This morning we decided to hop over to aberration to farm some metal. I forgot how good aberration was for metal, ended up with enough metal for 5600 ingots in maybe 20 minutes time. Threw them in the indy forge to process headed back to se to log. We will pick them up tomorrow. So tonight we will breed allos and megasloths again, Ill have enough time to fully raise the sloth. We go on vacation for 5 days starting Saturday so I think we are just going to spend the week farming and stockpiling mats so when we get back we can focus on taming and building
    2 points
  4. Yes, that all black Allo is awesome! I've always wanted one myself. So last night I was flying around the map looking for my 2nd ever Tek Rex. After not having any luck, I farmed some beaver dams, and ground out some resources to make 3 shark saddles, using the new MC saddle BP i got. I needed 3, because a 135 female spawned near my water pen, and I decided to tame it, when it got stuck in the shallows. Then while swimming it back to the water pen, I noticed we were being followed by another shark. I wasn't worried, as I figured I would kite it to the pen, and let my other sharks and 150 pre-tame Mosa have a snack. Well it wasn't until I had already open the pen gates, that the red glow around the shark appeared! I don't know how I didn't notice the alpha glow earlier, but now I had a fight on my hands. Thankfully Quintessa was able to finish it off. But then I had some healing to do, so I took Ghost Pepper my fire wyvern out to farm up some meat to feed the pig, while he healed everyone. Well, I was nearly full with meat, when I decided to check over the next hill, to grab just a bit more meat. and there I saw it ....... a Tek Rex.... and a level 180! I did not know anything could get above 150 (besides Wyverns, and cave baddies) Luckily this Rex was very close to a base of mine, so I flew over, crafted up some dino gates, and built a trap. I then kited the Tek Rex right to the trap..... or so I thought. At the last second, the Rex veered off, and went around the trap, and started chomping on my Wyvern who was on passive. After about 5 shots, the Rex, turned around, and looked at me, just then a Gallimimus ran between us, and the rex went after it. I ran over to my Wyvern, and flew him to safety. Then I ran back and started shooting the rex again, as he was eating something. This time he came right at me, and I swear he was faster than a normal rex, but I managed to get him in the trap, with him only getting 1 bite into me. From there it was easy street. He stood up at level 269, and I named him Miracle. He has yellow tek highlights, so I made a black with yellow highlights saddle, and rode him to my closest gated base. I then flew back on a Ptera, and grabbed my wyvern, while the Ptera followed. then I called it a night. Saturday I played some more, and had some close calls, but I'll leave that to another posting.
    2 points
  5. Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! Extinction Chronicles II Tomorrow there will be a client and server side update that will bring Extinction Chronicles II to survivors on PC, Xbox, and PS4. Leading up to the release of Extinction there will be monthly drops of Extinction-related Explorer Notes on The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. Once collected these notes will unlock new Extinction-related skins! There will also be the appearance of more powerful Tek-themed Dinosaur variants within the ARKs each month. These Tek Dinos are permanent additions (meaning they will continue to spawn even after the event is over), with a new one beginning to appear each month. In Extinction Chronicles I we released three Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Helmet and the Tek Rex. Tomorrow we're excited to bring you three new Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Boots and a new Tek creature, the Tek Stego! In addition, special colored dinos will be populating the ARKs. You'll be able to find creatures sporting purple, black, grey, and dark blue for the next week beginning tomorrow. Be sure to take advantage of these special colors before they're extinct! Patch Notes! Here are the full fixes and notes coming in tomorrows Extinction Chronicles update. You can read the console-specific notes in their respective patch notes thread below: Upcoming Server Maintenance! At 2am Eastern on July 18th we will be taking down some of our EU servers for maintenance on PS4 and Xbox. Check the post below to see which servers will be affected: Community Livestream Update Last week we announced there would be a community stream this week, however this weeks stream has been postponed. We'll resume the community streams on August the 2nd. See you then! We are still accepting any type of ARK related fanart to be featured in the Showcase section of the stream and entries are always open. This can be drawings, videos, builds, ANSEL screenshots, handmade crafts, anything ARK related! You can submit your ARKwork to our streaming email address: arkfans@studiowildcard.com Be sure to follow us on our Twitch page so you don't miss a stream! twitch.tv/survivetheark ARKaeology Event Ends Tomorrow! There is currently an event going on in the world of ARK: ARKaeology! The event will end on Official Servers on July 17th. Collect bones from fossil mounds and craft them into 4 new skins and returning skeleton costumes. During this event all wild dinos have a chance to spawn with additional mutation colors: White, Yellow, Grey, and Black. There is also the mighty Tek Rex which you can find and tame, if you can handle it! Be sure to take advantage of the last day of this event before it's over! ARK: Evolution Event! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 20th of July at 1 PM EST until Monday the 23rd of July at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 2x Harvesting Rates 2x Taming Rates 2x EXP Rates That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share you can find us at: Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark All the best, Studio Wildcard View full article
    1 point
  6. I was trying to steal a wyvern egg on SE for the first time (I have around 700 hours on Ark but have never really gotten around to this) on classic flyers singleplayer, on and Argy that I had tamed at level 8 and gotten up to level 80 using explorer notes. 200%+ movement speed, around 1800 stamina, 900 HP... it was not enough. I got 4 wyverns (two poison, one lightning and one fire) to chase me out of the scar because there were like 40 in one spot. Then I flew over a small ruin in the Dunes to try to get them stuck and aggro the Arthropleura, Titanoboa, etc. And then, just because Ark hates me and the universe is all against me, an explorer note pops up in my face. I frantically try to press the X in the top right, but too late. The lightning wyvern shreds half the health off my Argy and the stupid dumb idiotic fire wyvern burns me. At this point I am squealing and my little brother is looking over while he's playing Fortnite. I must have been making quite a racket. My argent has a sliver of health when the 'Enflamed' HUD icon in the top right disappears. But then, just for lols, the burning just ticks once more and my argent falls to the floor, dead. I fall also and die of the fall damage. FML! I respawn at my base (at around 67, 50) and run into my house to check what I need for a kangaroo saddle. I had just tamed one but was desperate for a wyvern so i didn't get around to making a saddle. I needed 9 pelt and 500 hide. Hide is annoying to get around my base so I groaned. (Oh yeah for some reason I can get between 50 - 120 hide from a single Jerboa and around 60 - 80 hide from a Parasaur or Morellatops. Like, what?!) I went on a killing spree with my Raptor and eventually got enough hide for the kangaroo saddle. After an intense journey through the mountains and across the Dunes, I arrived at my dead Argy who died for me. I am twelve years old, and that almost makes me cry.
    1 point
  7. This weekend i wanted to start taming my first water dino's. Decided ichthy would be best, but these things kept swimming away.. So i build a raft with a stone trap under it. That worked great, tamed 4 dolphins and 3 of them al already dead Oh and my raft got eaten by a leed.. Also trapped and tamed my first 2 argents, the second one was lvl 179 after taming
    1 point
  8. Reached my metal gathering quota, finally, and started on the base upgrades. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’m gonna need more metal XD. I ended up gathering about 6 thousand metal ingots worth of metal, but I think I’m gonna run out before I even finish upgrading the body of my base, let alone the hardware inside of it. All I did tonight is upgrade the bottom floor’s foundations to metal as well as a few walls. By the time my base is done I will have my living quarters on the bottom floor, my work stations on the second floor and my aviary/hangar and storage room on the third floor.
    1 point
  9. Boss summoning, it’s time now to let people use a Tek Transmitter to summon the boss. On official server all the obelisk are crowded / maxes out of Dino’s all over the place. It’s hard to even use them for normal transfer stuff sometimes. If we could use Tek Transmitter to summon the boss this would help to solve this issue.
    1 point
  10. Since I’ve defeated the Gamma Center Arena it’s time to get to get to phase 2 of Ark. that basically means I’ll be upgrading my base a poopton. It’s gonna require tons of metal and just as much stone. I started gathering metal today. Gonna have about two thousand ingots once I’m finished smelting what I have thus far, but I’m not done yet. I’m confident that by the time I’m finished I’ll have over four thousand metal ingots to work with. I dunno how far it’ll get me in terms of my upgrades to my base, but we’ll just have to wait and see.
    1 point
  11. Had a busy day today. Jumped to the island right off to do some taming. Started out looking for a male megasloth in the snow biome and tamed 2 wolves in the process, a 142 male and 195 female. Continued searching and tamed a 180 male mammoth as well. We soon gave up on looking for sloths in the snow and headed to the redwoods. After about 20 minutes my wife spotted a 180 male. I had the trap so i caught up to her, we trapped it and tranqed it, then surrounded it with dino gates. On the way to it I spotted a 217 thylo on the shoreline. Went back to grab it and it was dead, it somehow drowned :(. So we left the megasloth to starve and we headed back to base to grab honey when we spotted a sheep on the way. Killed it for mutton instead. Got back to the sloth at dark and tamed it on mutton. Noticed a green drop nearby so we headed to it to upload the sloth. Got the the beacon which was in shallow water, took the saddle off the sloth and all heck broke loose. A carno comes up and starts chomping me. At the same time a pack of pirahnas starts attaking the sloth who was not on neutral. My wife was on her argent with mine following trying to help without hitting the water. I get to where I could stand and pump the carno full of lead. Then i run to the sloth, pop the saddle back on and kill the piranahs. Finally get him uploaded just as the drop finishes. Next I run to shore to hop on my bird and get attacked by dilos and troodons. Its pitch black, Im blinded so I start spinning around blasting my shotgun at everything while trying not to hit our argents and finally kill everything and somehow not get knocked out, hop on my bird and head home, lol We get back to base, i fix my armor, make more shells and we relax for a few minutes. Daylight breaks and we go on another hunt and come across a pack of allos, 1 being an all black 195 female. So we throw together a quick taming pen, kite them all in, snipe her 2 mates from afar and tranq her. Run back to base and had just enough diplo eggs to tame her. Get her tamed, bring her back to base. Then tame an event turtle before uploading the wolves and heading back to SE with the sloth too The rest of today we plan on breeding the wolves and sloths. Tomorrow we plan on hunting for more things to tame, my #1 goal is to find a high level male to breed with that all black allo, it looks so sweet.
    1 point
  12. Bred these two, Hulk Kong & She-Hulk Kong. They are being removed from the breeding pool and kept around because they look awesome, their stats are only so so. Might give them each a good helmet with Bone Trike skins and post them up outside my house as guards. (Apologies if their purple fur is hard to see)
    1 point
  13. trying to survive after stealing rock drakes eggs xd
    1 point
  14. Today we started by doing a meat run to prepare for breeding our sabres tonight. Then we continued work on the wall on the cliff above us and got it about 75% complete. While working on it we noticed a lvl 90 argent nearby and decided to tame it. While the argent starved we did a little metal run. We are working towards building a chemistry bench and indy forge. After the argent tamed up I noticed our s+ plant x had finally finished growing. Took 2 or 3 real life days and that was with 300% greenhouse effect with s+ glass ceilings, i forgot crops take forever to grow on SE. So I removed the glass and set them to only target wild argents, wyvrens and vultures. Then I did a test run by kiting an argent over. They took it out fairly quick but I think a wyvren may get an attack or 2 in before getting taken out, so we planted 4 more s+ plant x. Before logging we did a crystal/obsidian run in the nearby crystal cave. So tonight we are going to breed the sabres and tomorrow we will work on the wall and continue gathering for the forge and chemistry bench. I think we are going to spend some time on the island this weekend taming event dinos and doing some housekeeping and maybe taming some thezios to slowly start getting ready for the dragon fight. I also really want to tame a few whales and start doing more ocean exploration
    1 point
  15. Not much today. Gathered up some metal and tamed up a 150 morelatops for the fun of it. Thought it would make berry farming a bit more enjoyable, been a while since I tamed one. Did another trench run and lucked out on a 170 poison and a 180 lightning. All I need to do now is hatch the things and imprint fully on them. Still missing out on the high level fire egg to imprint on, I like having a high level fully imprinted fire and lightning to chose from and rotate between. The poison shall be a good weight hauler as I am not a big fan of them. Need to work on getting an ice one too but I am not too fussed.
    1 point
  16. Lets see... fed two servers, went to Island, to get some stones and make some walls . Neon Deo called Neo, got under ground, got bugged, disappeared under map and died. Got on SE, downloaded dinos, since i wanted an imprinted giga to me, there was a reroll, lost a cyan Giga to a reroll . Lost a pink therazino, mutated , to the same reroll. And an event therazino , neon - red level 150 to the same reroll. All in all. .It has been a productive day. XD Maybe the game is telling me something..
    0 points
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